I had the scariest fucking dream of my life last night


Well-Known Member
This is the first dream i've had in like two years and it scared the shit out of me(it seemed so real). Alright so the cops were not knocking on my door and b4 i could stop her my mom let them in. They started searching the house and i knew they were going to find my grow room. I just kept thinking to myself "My life is over. You ruined the rest of your entire life you fucking idiot." ( I got about 30 plants so idk but i think that's some pretty serious jail time) Then they started to walk towards my grow room and i was getting ready to bail out the front door when i woke up. it was scary as shitttttttttt. Sorry if nobody gives a fuck but i had to tell somebody about especially now that i can't fall asleep again.
since i have had to stop partaking in my favourite pastime for about four weeks,due to piss tests,i have noticed i have been dreaming like crazy.
nothing about the filth knocking on my door yet,but weird never the less.
its like free movies in my head .
since i have had to stop partaking in my favourite pastime for about four weeks,due to piss tests,i have noticed i have been dreaming like crazy.
nothing about the filth knocking on my door yet,but weird never the less.
its like free movies in my head .
thats the same with me, i quit a week and a half ago and this is first dream i remember having in a long time, thats pretty weird
I practice lucid dreaming so it's easy for me to remember dreams...
Try doing a google search, it's actually fucking wicked... I can do anything I want inside a dream. Go ahead google search it
I know what you mean, I was having horrible night mares....Stephen King would have loved them....lol

since i have had to stop partaking in my favourite pastime for about four weeks,due to piss tests,i have noticed i have been dreaming like crazy.
nothing about the filth knocking on my door yet,but weird never the less.
its like free movies in my head .[/quote]
I practice lucid dreaming so it's easy for me to remember dreams...
Try doing a google search, it's actually fucking wicked... I can do anything I want inside a dream. Go ahead google search it
is this a technique that takes time to perfect?...or something u can learn overnight (excuse the pun lol)
I practice lucid dreaming so it's easy for me to remember dreams...
Try doing a google search, it's actually fucking wicked... I can do anything I want inside a dream. Go ahead google search it

that's some good stuff. i got into it a few years back. for some reason i used to get really scared when i realized i was in a dream. maybe because i knew there could be monsters. but i had pretty good control for awhile. i've since lost it but now that you bring it up i think it's time to get back into it. :peace: :joint: :joint:
yes one thing smoking weed will take from u is ur dreams. when u fall asleep normally and u start to dream ur eyes jolt around in all different directions, when u smoke and go to sleep ur eyes stay motionless.
Those dreams hit me everytime my girls go into flowering..it's usually the local rent-a-cops dropping from their helicopters and me running around in my granny flannel nightgown trying to pull them up :) this too shall pass.

good luck and sweet dreams

if ganja took my dreams, i would stop smoking. that chemical in my brain that causes me to have crazy ass dreams is 10x stronger anyway haha.
dreams are bad ass.. but scary to think about.. iv had like all night dreams of just fighting all night random ppl attacking but im woopin ass.. and then theres the dream where i cant walk its like i can only jump real high into the sky then come and hit the ground but dont die just shake it off.. and jump again sore high..and runing from the cops but i have like super abilities to jump and climb and shit..
its crazy how your mind fabricates a whole nother world with all those details?
how does one get into lucid dreaming? Theres a bunch of chicks I need to have sex with hahahahahahahah.
This is the first dream i've had in like two years and it scared the shit out of me(it seemed so real). Alright so the cops were not knocking on my door and b4 i could stop her my mom let them in. They started searching the house and i knew they were going to find my grow room. I just kept thinking to myself "My life is over. You ruined the rest of your entire life you fucking idiot." ( I got about 30 plants so idk but i think that's some pretty serious jail time) Then they started to walk towards my grow room and i was getting ready to bail out the front door when i woke up. it was scary as shitttttttttt. Sorry if nobody gives a fuck but i had to tell somebody about especially now that i can't fall asleep again.

ahhaha.. Once youve had a dream regarding ur plants you know ur a true grower ;)
shit Iblaze..... I thought you were growing and posting again.... then i looked at the date..... come on folks
Dreams have a lot to do with the sub-conscious mind ..

If your operation is safe, you shouldn't worry ..

p.s - do you actually live with your parents or was that just a part of the dream ? ( sorry if its a dumb question)
that's some good stuff. i got into it a few years back. for some reason i used to get really scared when i realized i was in a dream. maybe because i knew there could be monsters. but i had pretty good control for awhile. i've since lost it but now that you bring it up i think it's time to get back into it. :peace: :joint: :joint:

OMG me too LOL!!!!!!

I would realise i was asleep, and do something cool (theres a gun in my hand, theres a gun in my hand) and sure enough there it is...then i would think one bad thought and something evil would appear..then i would get scared, go to shoot the gun. in my head i would doubt it would fire..then it wouldnt fire lol...

Flying is cool if you can remember to try it..
I dreamed I could fly once and within the dream felt some sort of false reality, I would jump from an edge and end up hitting the ground and get back up lol, trippy dream ..
Wasn't into pot back then ..