WARNING : 3mg picnic (michiganmedicalmarijuanagrowers)

DUDE You sure are willing to go to great lengths to air YOUR DIRTY LAUNDRY. You kept pushing people at the site, so eventually you got banned. Note: you are the first person to ever get banned from there. Is attempting to spoil everyone's fun really going to satisfy you. I'll guess that you are suffering and somewhat mental. Although I do hope you feel better soon and get beyond your personal gripe. Life is too short... stop spreading BS and move on.
Personally, I like 3MG. A lot of good peeps and skilled growers over there.
I have trust and faith in the folks that run the site.

Oh, by the way, I did a little checking, "Mindless" is not banned, what are you talking about being banned?
DUDE You sure are willing to go to great lengths to air YOUR DIRTY LAUNDRY. You kept pushing people at the site, so eventually you got banned. Note: you are the first person to ever get banned from there. Is attempting to spoil everyone's fun really going to satisfy you. I'll guess that you are suffering and somewhat mental. Although I do hope you feel better soon and get beyond your personal gripe. Life is too short... stop spreading BS and move on.

I made 1 post That pointed out a RAT that was being allowed to Threaten members, This site should be shamed for this . Sorry you can make up all the stuff you want but go check . 1 post on the whole forum EVER besides my gallery. I had 150$ in paypal about to purchase 2 camping spots and 10 raffle tickets. I saw what was being alowed and figured i would bring it up to see if that was the norm around their. Apparently it is . If banning me is your solution... What a sad bunch you must be to see that as perfectly logical.3m.JPG

You have been warned :/

"Life is too short... stop spreading BS and move on"
EVERYONE i know will be warned. Every forum that has members i give a shit about will be warned. But hay. Maybe you and "pepper" can get my ip from comcast and rat me out.
Looks like no soup for you. What group is that? Obviously the OP will be a little bias, but is this from one of the super groups or is this just grow forum with no agendas?
I was under the impression it was the latter for a while .
But i must admit I'm not sure what a supergroup is tho :/
no politics (agendas) or drama on said site, just growers. i believe that the threat was aimed more at kickin yer butt for being a nuisance. the "rat" idea is yer invention. nobody should be bullied (I agree w that much), but why be a persistent twit when you had been warned. your one post statement is a lie. that only happened after u were already banned once.

i have nothing to do w the admin for site and do not speak on their behalf. i am a bystander and this has been my observation.
sorry your feelings are hurt, but you are dreaming thinking that you are protecting ppl from the boogeyman.
I was under the impression it was the latter for a while .
But i must admit I'm not sure what a supergroup is tho :/

From the sounds of it, a supergroup is a few people that smoke a bowl together and claim to represent all medical marijuana patients in the whole state.
I do not want to hire an attorney to sort through fine print to see if I am being mislead or not. lol.
What could anyone possibly "nark" me out for, I'm legal all the way around..
Unless I am breaking the law there is nothing anyone can do..

no politics (agendas) or drama on said site, just growers. i believe that the threat was aimed more at kickin yer butt for being a nuisance. the "rat" idea is yer invention. nobody should be bullied (I agree w that much), but why be a persistent twit when you had been warned. your one post statement is a lie. that only happened after u were already banned once.

i have nothing to do w the admin for site and do not speak on their behalf. i am a bystander and this has been my observation.
sorry your feelings are hurt, but you are dreaming thinking that you are protecting ppl from the boogeyman.

WTF are you talking about? I am not the guy that was threatened. I was never warned for anything there EVER.
I am the guy that made the comment about the guy being threatened. I WAS NEVER BANNED BEFORE. You sure seem to keep talking from a position of authority for someone with no connection at all to the site/admins!
I made 1 sing post on the forum. No matter what you say . That is a fact. Anyone can go check my post count apparently. So why make shit up?
why make up additional... email accounts... to get your one post. perhaps you're simply backing up your friend n need to 'vent' I can respect only that much. excuse me for my harsh words. it's clear that everyone can learn to better celebrate life more and play nice, even ME. man, the back forty is a lot o' land to roam and be free from confrontation. ppl need to exam the whole, not sum microcosm... lettin' er rest. peace
why make up additional... email accounts... to get your one post. perhaps you're simply backing up your friend n need to 'vent' I can respect only that much. excuse me for my harsh words. it's clear that everyone can learn to better celebrate life more and play nice, even ME. man, the back forty is a lot o' land to roam and be free from confrontation. ppl need to exam the whole, not sum microcosm... lettin' er rest. peace

Your making no sense. I was a member there for a while. I didn't just sign up . These things are confirm-able. I have NO CONNECTION to the guy that was threatened. I was banned for saying "Wow glad i didn't grab those tickets/picnic spots if you guys really are going to just let a member get threatened like that. I don't need people like that in my life" Para-phrasing of course.
I returned to see if they were gonna atleast warn the guy about how shady that is. Cause unlike alot of people that have just got into this game. I have done this for 15 years. I was a contributing member of overgrow under the same name as i have now.(And i was banned) I didnt just sign up to their site under an assumed alias to start shit then jump on with my name i have used for 15 year in the community to defend some asshat for being an asshat. I got to live in fear of some asshat ratting me out for 10+ years while the laws didn't reflect the will of the people.
Being legal does not fully protect you me or anyone else. It gives us some leeway sure. But 1 clone or cutting gets a little to big and your over . So is your job house family kids. EVERYTHING.
So sorry if i take something like that personally.
I know m1ndless IRL and I will vouch for his legitimacy. He is a great friend/person/grower. He doesn't just go making shit up. NO he didn't ask me to come to this thread, I actually stumbled upon it. I'm not taking any sides here, but I've known m1ndless for almost 20 years now. He would never lie about something like this. Hell he wouldn't lie period. He would tell you he slept with your daughter and ejaculated on her face if thats what he did. Hes honest no matter how bad it hurts.

To the fella arguing with him, saying he is someone else, and that he is just upset over something, let it go man. I'm telling you, if this is how he says shit went down, then it's how shit went down.

Take it or leave it. IDGAF either way. Don't believe me? K, bye.
everyone better understands mindless now! he has been in harms way before, and possibly had an emotional reaction to someone else's dialogue and went on the attack here... and the "rat" issue was misinterpreted by him. will he take responsibility for it? Who Cares now everybody can play nice.... anything else lost in translation is practically irrelevant. go on a smear/offense xpect the same in return. believe it or not, i do not support bullies. That was only Ever the issue... and being an 'alarmist' about pressin' ppl's popo button, mindless.. peace
Yet again, another post where the poster doesn't not listen to previous posts whatsoever. Seriously, are you even reading the posts? HE IS NOT THE PERSON YOU THINK HE IS! He told you that 3 times. And actually, like I said, I've known the guy for almost 20 years and I don't think I have ever seen emotions out of him. I think he would ignore and move along if he had an emotional reaction. All he was doing is trying to warn people. If you think hes just starting trouble, then move along and ignore him. All he did was try to save people from jail time.

and i will stay away from this website... seems shits following it here.
I'm the one who they banned for no reason.. That picnic isn't a set-up... Just kinda shows you how the people on that site are... The Admins went into my profile and changed everything. even posting things under my name.. They made it so i cant go into my own acct and change things.. I'm on several websites and that site your talking about ended up being a big joke.. The Admin gave my IP address out and his friend said he had a buddy who works at comcast and that he's gonna get my addy.. Then he started threatening to show up on my porch and teach me internet etiquette.. lol Then Mindless posted and they think he's me.. I'm glad you posted and exposed the idiots on that site... They also have frozen my friends acct and changed his profile also.. They like to put gay slurs in people profiles... Cat=pu$$y!