The UK Growers Thread!

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
cheds lol hahaha lol hahaha. city did ya didnt they? haha who was it said they that confident off united winning prem( this was wen u had a big point lead) that if city won u wood eat ya hat?
haha i need ya addy dude to send the bottle tommy k to cover that bitter taste u will get hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhahahahahahahaha
wot a joyful day hahaha


Well-Known Member
:-( drowning sorrows in botzle of rum mdb tbf they nearly fluffed it lol ;-)A new era is born and we ll soon fuck them off were they belong i see us winning it at a canta not to worry fergie will see em right

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
less excuses more hat eating matey hahahahaha.
na city was crazy match u see wot j barton did? the twat he is.
city will dominate for a while now. u need ditch the oldies and build for future. i see united over hauling cmids and oldies and spending alot money now.


Well-Known Member
i acttually thought barton had changed, but today's little temper tantrum was pathetic.....I had mixed emotions with City winning.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
hmmm one stinky dog i woodnt mind in the house haha.
hope u well dst. how u have mixed emotions on city winning. united didnt at least. city play great footy , have injected loads cash in to lower clubs for there players and made the prem exciting again. nice see isnt united controlling the transfer market in prem like they have ten odd years plus. made league closer and means more cash in prem. gotta b win win.
dont wann hear the united fans moan bout teams buying league as been good few years u got all top staars, like florlan, bertez, veron, rud van nist, anderson, nani,rooney, rio( most over priced player in prem history if ask me for wot he is and was, a mistake prone poor postioning skilled ball playing cb who had odd step over trick), bout ten other failed goalies and other endless flops.


Well-Known Member
I didn't know about cash for lower clubs, fair play to them. I def didn't want Utd winning (no offence...well plenty actually, haha). The Dutch TV showed the Utd fans doing the City celebration at the end, then all of a sudden looking like hat sandwiches ahoy, lol. Then promptly went onto Van Persie all his goals, the Duchies do love a Duchie.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
i ment by city paying over price for likes off milner and johnson and lescot it gave lower prem teams alot cash get better players and improve prem by that way. i like it wen teams spank alot cash it means all teams who sold players r better off for newcastle and carroll. they got alot cheap players and prob doing better then if they had kept carroll and not cashed in at right price.
the dutch league is good viewing also tho dst u ever watch any that? some cracking players in holland


Well-Known Member
don't watch the dutch tv, you got to subscribe to another channel for that. don't watch enough as it is.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
What an expensive day. £50 on food for some soup, £75 at the restaurant for dinner and lost me bloody phone to top it all off. Bah!


Well-Known Member
I think CC are handy, as long as you pay them off. In The NL you will generally only get a CC that allows you to pay off what you spend each month. It's only after a while you get offered any credit. The major supermarket chain in the Netherlands doesn't even accept CC's, lol.
I dont have credit cards,i'm no fool. Was my whole weeks living money, hence the expensive comment :D

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I think CC are handy, as long as you pay them off. In The NL you will generally only get a CC that allows you to pay off what you spend each month. It's only after a while you get offered any credit. The major supermarket chain in the Netherlands doesn't even accept CC's, lol.
Haha, i don't use em for the very reason that i generally can't pay off my debts :D i'd be filing for bankrupcy before you knew it. Foooooooooooooood! :) A few years ago i opened a second bank account for bills with a £100 overdraft, i hit that overdraft limit within a week or so :D not sure when i'll get around to getting it back to £0.00, i just pay in a few pennies every few months to make sure that the interest doesn't send me into the red and as such one of those lovely letters from the bank explaianing the administration costs involved in a computer printing out a letter telling me i've been a bad bad boy :D bastards!