The Seed Collectors Thread

ha ! what sounds more stupid than saying you got cuts nobody ever sees?

you want me to pull the post in this thread, in turn making you look stupid, noting you have lemon g, sour d, and more?

keeping with the what you can/cant say theme : maybe the fagnetics photo contest winner should let mr. shapeshifter know from where he got that shoreline cut?

would you have to give back that prize or would you get banned?
maybe we should find out?

people are entitled to their opinion... & if you love cannetics so much why post here?

& what is this a little FAGnettics thread?

i thought this was RIU?

wait... wait... wait... why dont a bunch of fucking babbies cry about loosing auctions, getting outbid, and dropping $200+ on some shit that may/may not crack?

^ know why you have to CRY here right?

------------> cause you cant complain anywhere else !

===============> oooops... mr. fagnetics with NO control over at RIU.

& it looks like i can say whatever the fuck i want.

& beans still fly to my door.
dont be fooled gear is everywhere.
ha ! what sounds more stupid than saying you got cuts nobody ever sees?

you want me to pull the post in this thread, in turn making you look stupid, noting you have lemon g, sour d, and more?

keeping with the what you can/cant say theme : maybe the fagnetics photo contest winner should let mr. shapeshifter know from where he got that shoreline cut?

would you have to give back that prize or would you get banned?
maybe we should find out?

people are entitled to their opinion... & if you love cannetics so much why post here?

& what is this a little FAGnettics thread?

i thought this was RIU?

wait... wait... wait... why dont a bunch of fucking babbies cry about loosing auctions, getting outbid, and dropping $200+ on some shit that may/may not crack?

^ know why you have to CRY here right?

------------> cause you cant complain anywhere else !

===============> oooops... mr. fagnetics with NO control over at RIU.

& it looks like i can say whatever the fuck i want.

& beans still fly to my door.
dont be fooled gear is everywhere.

huh?....not too sure what caused that rant but i'm pretty sure you were whining when you lost the BCS auction at Seurbidz...
Damn last night I was going from bright moments to g6 to biodiesel over and over trying to decide. The g6 looks super frosty but I like the bio diesels genetics, but I do have the headband bx and no gage gear so was thinkin bright moments? ......and that's only if the bodhi gear doesn't drop soon cuz I may grab somethin from him instead.
doesnt to me sound like Gud is so much talkin shit about anyone or anything specific..unless his point being that u can't log on that site and post about a bad experience or problem.. and have the freedom to post say and share anything u want there like u can here at this place. and i get that. the forums represent the storefront and like Skunkmunkie said.. any post depicting a test of another breeders gear or advertising another site is considered like spam. the reality factor is. canna forums and websites are not run like a democracy. there is no free speech.. its someone elses server. their private property. to be a member is a privilege. whether its appreciated or worth anything.. that privledge, is a whole other matter. some of these sites are better than others. i buy at attitude, seurbidz aka breedbay, and that's it. alot of u folks buy at CZ. thats fine. everyones got their own personal preference. gud obv had a bad experience.. it happens. as far as posting riot gear on CZ goes.. thats just asking for shit. most respected breeders/growers really dont care for Riot. its his reputation and disrespectful actions that cause most people who know better to not even consider trying Riot strains. It was not only a month ago I got Riot booted from Breedbay for posting disrespectful images/words about Tga in a public forum using a fake account. Thats how mature and respectful Riot is. if u wanna support him go ahead.. but its only going to be expected that ull get flamed and booted trying to promote him on someone elses server.
very accurate batman.

i respect a man who can easily read between the lines.


========> very very purposefully , cmt, i bid those seeds up just so you wouldnt get the chance to put them in your fridge!

how's that 100% truth?

you = keep for you
me = give to e$ko to make seed for all and remove the "bcs" value by making it free!

ultra factoid #1 : you put that fag post up asking me about outbidding you why?

cause you thought those bcs were yours?
waaaaaaaaaa says what?

like i couldnt have those beans?
like i dont have access this second?

please. i quit that acution once i found out its not an auction. on principal. same way i left fagnettics. on pricipal.
your boy PJ do any tissue culture yet? i mean, similar pricipals, he did talk all that professional level shit.

& buying seeds aint barret jackson homie. auctions ends on time... not keep going to drive up the $ w/ every late bid.

& hazey grapes aside, why is it cool for people to be called stupid cause they dont agree with you?
mods acting like fags when they're supposed to keep the playing field level. right?

like any of you know shit better... why? simply cause you spent more on beans?

hahahhahaha, i say, show me whats in your tent/grow space not the fridge!

so show me.
i'll be back to see.
make it an all visual response. no words.

no small minority, i think 1/4 of people who post here aren't very friendly with mr. shapeshifter... so let new dude have his fair say.

and if you dont like it... imma put bullzeyes on your every comment & turn up the roaster.

fair is fair.
play fair.

this aint fagnettics.
ok gud, i don't understand half of what you're saying. didn't whine at fact, i told you not to spend so much cuz more were coming...remember? yeah, was tryin to help you out. i've said it before, go ahead and bid on auctions i'm bidding on, if ya got more money, then spend it.

more online auctions are extending the time when someone bids close to the end, sucks, but thats how it is....but yet there ya go, complaining again.

and i definitely don't have to prove my grows man, i've done that many times over.

and why do you keep calling pj my boy? havent been on nettics or cz in well over a month...

so basically, you can go fuck yourself, mr high and mighty....and how about coming back down to Earth?

  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to gudkarma again.

I have said it before and i'll say it again. Gud can be an asshole but that mother fucker seems to be on point 9 out of 10 times.

I don't know any of the facts on most of this shit, i aint on nettics BUT

i like your style man, i just hope you roll like this in real life too
heres my girls tent grow space first time grower , first cycle

just trying to lighten the mood . . .whatever floats your boat rigth . . . . . .

integrity is important . . . . . if you got it you got it . . not everyone agrees with you and you cant make em . . .so enjoy your differnces . . . i just live life with zero expectations that i cant make happen myself . . .i expect and assume nothing
I ordered some of SoCal Seed Co's Dawg-Goo (afgooey x chem d ) and vgh og (tahoe x chem d). Hopefully they'll be some goodies. Anyone ever run Afgooey? All the descriptions I find of it sound dank.
that's alright cmt... you can fag away & fuck yourself too!

all day.
every day.

no bcs for you?
too fucking bad!

what $200 piddly & no more $ for you?

i was into it for nealry $450.
not that hardcore?

me = bcs 4 everybody
you = for you

^ on point

hey why dont you ever list those e$ko beans i gifted on that seeedlist of yours , fucker?
too high & mighty yourself?

or dont want the gudkarma "he seed jizzed on your lips too" connexion?

& ask pistles, farmboy, if i told him to "fuck off & delete my account"
go ask!

whine. never. even when they had me on lock pussy.

high & mighty... LOL!
than you ^ of course... my ego permits nothing less ;-)

& just cause i dont have to kiss dicks to keep my account , get fat gear, or whatever else doesnt give you the right to crack on me.


& seriously ask your boy about his tissue culture happenings. he was so nettics faux garden fierce that day.

ooops no mr. fagnettics to silence me?
guess not.

you guys turned this into a pussy fart thread where the best is the one who buys the most & most often.

i say => do the samwell and show it! dont tell me about lemon g, dannyboy, or whatever.

================================> stash it, grow it, & show it.

best reccent on this thread... higher meds , dude is pumping out strains not stashing them in his panty-less vajajay.
I'll have to look for bcs, if I find I'll share it.
Got some friends who owe me an have insane connect an collections...
Well gud im for the people, only reason im still here! Although i wont show pics here anymore, those of you that know me gud
you to know how i role! And i give it to you for providing to esko more props to yah! We all do our part. As a mod i try to keep
thing fair! One of my main plans for why im collecting so much is to get into breeding and gifting no proffit envolved!
lol ok gud, i don't even know where to start on that're way far gone dude.

anything i grow has been posted here, there's no denying that.

they're listed, check my list again bro.

how do i kiss dicks?

what buddy, the science teacher? he's not on cannetics....thats the only buddy i remember talkin about in response to tissue culture....i'm pretty sure you're confusing me with somebody else judging on the amount of shit you're saying that doesn't mean a dam to me...don't know what you're talkin about.

lol $200...didn't stop cuz i couldn't afford it so don't act like you know me man, i just don't think any beans are worth that much.