The real reason why you dont trim ur fan leafs

Rascality Afoot

Well-Known Member
Leave it to a guy called "titycaca" with a towlie avatar to drag our heads out of the gutter. THATS irony. Props man.

I trim all lower leaves for better circulation on my sog grows and above for a nice smooth bowl shaped canopy around the light. If you have a bunch of plants, why not trim a bit? If you have a bunch of space, don't.


Active Member
I love these guys, there are twenty+ threads that are just like this and in other areas where each side steps up to their soapbox to troll, yell at each other about which way is better and why.

You know what, both sides do it for a reason because it works the them.

Let's try to search first, maybe you can chime in on one of the many threads that many blowtards like yourself are spouting off why people should do this or that, really without anything but maybe you heard it "from a guy who lived next to a guy who pumped his gas while his wife ran into the store for Zimas that used to grow this way?"

I trim and I will gladly compare any of my "engorged trimmed leaf buds" to yours anytime, and now I am not saying this is the right way I am saying I thought outside the box and tried all kinds of things when growing, you know what some worked, some didn't. This works well for me, I trim fan leaves at day 24 then again around day 43 not all of them I do use common sense, but I have been known to cut a fan leaf just for looking at me wrong. You need to show them who is boss, a grower that my grand pappa told me that. Hmmm.. soapbox?

Here is a nice box of SLH that has weighed in at 4.5oz from 2.5 gallon dwc.. with almost 70% of fan leaves off in stages throughout flower. Now again not saying this is correct way to do it people, you do what you want to.. for me this is the way. See where I am going with this? I am not the only one, maybe we are just gods with plants (I doubt it) but you cannot start threads ranting on a subject that is to inconclusive to even compose a sound statement to back up your theory. Besides that people lie just to belong to a cause or a side anyway, so you cannot really take anyone's word for anything. /thread
notice i said "this is WHY I DONT TRIM my leafs"....not "THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULD TRIM UR LEAFS" far from a troll bud...i use this site for info....not to show off or tell anyone how to grow...i might give a little info back like this thread...but thats to be a active member. ..


Active Member
Leave it to a guy called "titycaca" with a towlie avatar to drag our heads out of the gutter. THATS irony. Props man.

I trim all lower leaves for better circulation on my sog grows and above for a nice smooth bowl shaped canopy around the light. If you have a bunch of plants, why not trim a bit? If you have a bunch of space, don't.
trimming lower growth on a sog is perfectly normal an the right thing to do.