Growing tree's in a tree


Well-Known Member
Although sativas(developed in the tropics), do well in temperate zones, indicas(developed in temperate climates), don't do well in the tropics. It involves the photoperiods/day length. Indicas get confused due to the different day length patterns in the tropics. There are exceptions, but it looks like your current plants aren't among them. In the future, look to quality sativas for best results.
This is what I was trying to explain above, but I wish I had a sativa to test out, found this seed in some kush, and we rarely get sativa where I live (and even more rare that the bud has seeds) so I'd have to order it on the internet, which I'm not to comfortable with. Although I kind of like the fact they flower right away, means yea you get less but your smoking sooner bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
**Weekly Update**
(5 weeks old 3 weeks flowered)
They're both doing really well, the hermie's clones below where I super cropped are shooting out like crazy, and it seems like it's starting to grow less male balls and more hair's. The females doing good as well, I read somewhere that if you cut the fan leaves that it will put more growth to the buds, but also read that you shouldn't cut them unless they're dying because your plant needs them to photosynthesize, can anyone clear this up for me??


Well-Known Member
distorted leaves growing out of the buds, not pretty
Ok from what I've found online, it will start growing new leave set's (only one leave per set). Do mine look like it?? I don't think so, but I've never seen a re-vegged plant in real life before.


Well-Known Member
To me the last 3 pictures look like it is re-vegging. I thought that before I read you ask what a reveg looks like. Not sure how to explain it exactly but the bud leaves grow out with all the trichs on it and thats what it looks like is happening.


Well-Known Member
To me the last 3 pictures look like it is re-vegging. I thought that before I read you ask what a reveg looks like. Not sure how to explain it exactly but the bud leaves grow out with all the trichs on it and thats what it looks like is happening.
Ok, now im confused, you think that because the bud leaves have trichomes on them??


Well-Known Member
Anyone else have a say on this?? From what I've researched, the signs of re-vegging are new single leave set's, and the buds stop growing and start looking funny, but each day the buds are definitely growing and the leaves are coming out in sets still, not single. Opinions anyone??


looks awesome! i grow outdoors in the Caribbean but i just plant outdoors on the ground but on a tree is really cool, stealthy. i can understand how the light cycle would work great.

:weed: Toke Up!


Well-Known Member
looks awesome! i grow outdoors in the Caribbean but i just plant outdoors on the ground but on a tree is really cool, stealthy. i can understand how the light cycle would work great.

:weed: Toke Up!
Thanks man, wish I could just put a bunch in the ground, that would be dope.


Well-Known Member
**Side note** plant is 7 weeks old, still only 3 flowered, Re-read first post and realized they were two weeks old on the 5th of april not one week.


Active Member
Yeah I wonder how viable this is, I suspect after a month or two the wind will either pull them away or it maintenance will be too difficult.

Edit: or maybe not. :P


Well-Known Member
Yeah I wonder how viable this is, I suspect after a month or two the wind will either pull them away or it maintenance will be too difficult.

Edit: or maybe not. :P
If its anything, it would be the bugs. Maintenance is easy enough, there is a branch that you can stand on right below it (still tricky when the wind starts shaking it) and its solidly secured, although your making me want to secure it more haha


Active Member
mine will go in the tree this friday. its going to make it a bit more difficult to love them but ill be fine.


Well-Known Member
mine will go in the tree this friday. its going to make it a bit more difficult to love them but ill be fine.
Cant wait to see them up there!! Yea you cant admire them nearly as much as an indoor plant or even one that's ground level, but I think it makes seeing them (the new growth) more special.


Well-Known Member
**Weekly Update**
8 weeks old 4 weeks flowered
So this week I decided to super-crop the hermie again because it was looking real thin towards the top-middle. The female is getting fatter and fatter everyday, and not really showing lots of signs of re-vegging, although there are 2 or 3 single blade leaves, but the buds still seem to be progressing so I'm not to worried. I also reinforced both pots with 20lb fishing line (6-8 times wrapped) thanks to eksellent's concerns :-P. Lots of pictures this update.