Theowl's nest

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Well-Known Member
Ya man. She's young yet and im really liking what I see. Tomorrow eve, they shall feast!! Mmmwwaaahggaaahaaa!
Ok. Enough shenanigans...

Dizzle, I tried to get the last pic I took in growth before chop, but couldnt. She was a beaut.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, that actually means a lot to me.

Im about to step it up for the summer/fall grows/harvests.
Not neccesarily in numbers, but quality and size of individuals.
Lots a clonin' ! But its all on the rounds coming up, have yet to get my cabs in a organized manner.
But soon!

Haha, just felt like stewie.. :)


Well-Known Member
DO it do it do it!\\


haze99 r lookin good, shuld fil out soon.
hope sun is staying out for you


Well-Known Member
It tastes beautiful, and gets ya stoneder the longer it cures:)
hard to say about flavor. None on inhale, but then you start to taste it as you hold. Flower fuel, with the florals coming out on exhale, very good, thick smoke, not too thick but great.


Well-Known Member
I want to start more seeds, only have the one Lush. I should start more of them to make sure I get girlies.

The Lush x BC bx1 is a super stretchy bitch. It was one of the pics I couldn't load.


Well-Known Member
you know what, I wasnt gun do it , but you wanna do me a favor, eagle orowlya some basket kase to test? If ya need the beanage to germ I wasnt gonna let anyone dig into em til f2 really but I can really use the help in getting threw a few dozen of em before I start making selections for f2's and the way you grow plants I can use someone with different conditions and geographic orientation (your outoor right?)

im glad you enjoyed the NYCD, Sad but i will never get to try it i lost hope in my buddy to be able to grow, he never listens and is starting to piss me off so i gave up on him and stopped helpin, shoulda never gave him my last 10 nycd's btw I mighta missed it but how old r the Sparkles?


Well-Known Member
Ya man, I'd love to do that for ya on the basketcase. I was unable to reveg my nycd, but I really want to have it As a continuous runner, was planning on putting the rest in and take some cuts to hopefully make more seed for it. Once that happens ill get em back to ya.

As for the sparkle, I'll have to look back in the thread for how old it is and such. Hope it didn't get lost in the hack, or update(s), or domain re-up.


Well-Known Member
Seems like4/6 I knew sex, and within a few days the male spluffed the girls.
By the 28th, I had pulled the male and let them do their thing.

Got my cabs in order to get my plans in action. Two cabs, and a small closet size room, that I'll divide in half.
Starting to get real hot though, and if it's anything like last year, I may have to do all my veg outdoors, and flower in the cabs with a nighttime schedule.

BB, I do both, outdoors and indoors. I like diversity and experimentation.
Like flowering under different light times, and seeing how it changes the little nuances of the plants.

Oh hey man, been meaning to ask, and only ecause it's where my mind goes-- does your screen name stand for "BlueBerry Yum Yum"? Like the ludacris song?


Well-Known Member
the bsb clones were wilting in the soil cups I had them in, so 2 days ago I put em in the bubble cloner. This morning one of em showed roots! Not the other yet, but I'm confident. Now I feel comfortable letting the big one flower out. How many weeks IS the BSB?


Well-Known Member
yes BBYY , on another forum i was blueberryymuymu but i was sick of login in and typing that long ass name so for this site i did BBYY


Well-Known Member
I still got the NYCD seeds you sent me BBYY and to be honest, I don't see myself getting to them anytime soon. I've still got to narrow down the roms, and the c99 x haze. Afraid I screwed the pooch with the c99 x haze, throwing up pics now. Anyways, if you want the NYCD I can get them back to you.

Yeah well I'd rather be a rat than a pig, ha


Well-Known Member
ah man you keep em lol thanks thou Ive got enough to grow n i can get my hands on nycd clones if i tried hard enough ty again man

theowl I think i still got the addy ill dispatch my owl soon


Well-Known Member
Cool, if not just hit me up.

Potted up the bsb that I had taken cuts from. Going into full on flower mode now, can't wait to try it out.


Well-Known Member
Ok guys, I have a question.
A cut worm ate off my lush seedling today, I put it in water, rooting hormone and bubble cloner. Think it'll come out of it and shot roots?!
What a shitty situation. I kinda think because I caught it so soon I may be able to bring her back. The "her" is a hopefulness.


Well-Known Member
How much room do you have? I'm likely to have to chop plants as my timing and space aren't coinciding. I've got to get my box out of my second location to get work crews around


Well-Known Member
[FONT=Tahoma, Calibri, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif]I've got plenty of room. I just reopened my special grow room. Got my hid in there now, and within the week I'll have supplemental lighting set up. Also needs Mylar, but got that covered.
The new room is about 2.5ft x 10ft. Going to break it down into two stalls, as the room has a door on each side of the center.
In here, I'll be able to quadruple production, while slimming the numbers of plants down.

Im really upset about this, as I dropped four beans, only to have this one be the only one to make it and then it gets ate off..
Only a few left of the lush, and I have to be über careful with the rest.

Which brings me to beans, and what to do next. I can't figure on what to do next.
I want to run em all, of course, but I need to do some serious work too. [/FONT]
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