Micro Bubbleponics Cab, 69w's of 2700k CFL's (re-started thread)

doesn't necessarily half to be "CalMag". Just try and find something if you can that is straight calcium magnesium concentration. I would also pick powder if they have multiple kinds.
Here is a link to my current grow- https://www.rollitup.org/stealth-micro-cab-growing/524613-dwc-156watt-15-600-lumens.html

There is pics on there of whats in her diet...peace and fire


Active Member
I wasn't tryin to sound like an ass my bad Dj. I used the MG African Violet for the entire bubbleponics part of this grow, added like 1/3rd a tablespoon of bonemeal to try to get some secondary nutes in there.. the MG AV doesn't have ANY secondary nutes, only primary nutes and trace minerals, I was thinking the green bottle of liquid MG might have them in it and it would be a pretty simple way of adding all nutes in a 2 piece package >.< I've gotten super use to 20 drops every rez change.. I think the plants can handle like 25-30 drops every 2-3 days if they've been slowly introduced to it

I'll go to Lowes and Walmart and see if they have any CalMag - Walmart has cloning gel, and the product CalMag sounds really familiar, do you care if I ask for a pic of the bottle Deftoned? Also is it an option for hydroponics?
yah i have my plants in 5 gallon buckets. i have 2 buckets now with 3 plants in each. and 2 air pumps, 5 gallons is 13 litters so if you do the math thats alot of african i gotta add. im probly just gonna drop a cap full in the rez every time i change


Active Member
read the back of the mg bottle.. I think it's 7-12 drops per quart? 4 quarts in 1 gallon so.. you'd need like 200 drops every rez change? That'd suck to repeat lol >.>


Well-Known Member
so i went out and bought a few small things for the cab. im going to try and grab some mylar from my buddy. ive ordered 2 clones 1 MOD and 1 agent orange. need to put in my Super Lemon Haze orders in for my outdoor gig. might keep one for the cab. i have a buddy that lives about a half hour away from me willing to give me 2 mothers 1 SLH and 1 bubba that have been vegging for 9 months, but i dont think i have the place for them unless i throw them outdoors..idk yet thou.

IHAOQ hows the grow going?! hows that aero set up also?! going to need it pretty soon. :) fuckin amp'd for this year. hoping to have a piz at the end of all of it.


Active Member
I been good.. 45+ days in flowering.. the plants been fine, I try not to fiddle with it to much >.< it accepted the bonemeal, haven't seen any problems or anything lately so yup

I'm stoked for you dude! I wish I had planned out a mother >.< what kinda lighting are you planning on using in your cab? Venting and whatnot? I love to follow a build bro


Well-Known Member
thats good. i plan on using a 150w hps and about 100w in cfls. cab's 1.44 sq ft, i plan on have a passive intake and a pc fan for exhaust. soil and aero for mediums.. ill have a link for all to follow


Active Member
Hey man good to hear the bonemeal is working for ya :) look forward to see the outcome!
Keep it up man!

I've just about finished mine, its going into 24-48hrs darkness now in an effort to boost resin (from what I've read, can't hurt to try) then out she comes!
Hopefully get me clones this weekend, gunna do one in the case, one in the other cab and another I'm going to attempt a "bonsai mother " found out about it here http://forum.grasscity.com/advanced-growing-techniques/291687-bonsai-mums-guide.html
Looks pretty cool and I have a nice box it can live in :-D


Active Member
nah no reveg. too late now anyways, chopped er down last night. its on the drying rack now. 52 grams wet and smells very nice. few seeds throughout too, it turned hermie like its mother....


Well-Known Member
LoL funny guys. well i finally get started tomorrow. i cannot fucking wait. ill have MOD and agent orange clones vegging out under some cfls until i get my 150w. i put in my order from my buddy for 12 SLH clones that ill be getting 2 weeks from now. ill keep y'all posted


Active Member
Hell yeah Glock, perfect timing dude it's the begining of summer! I'm gonna build a cab and grow strictly scrog'd autos haha. Here's some pictures nillas


blue = day 37 vs. green = day 49

Trimming in flowering = bad idea.. The plant has gotten a lot of bulk on it tho