Is this site run by a gang of school children?

Kyle Keen Green

Active Member
Sick of not being to access the webpage or see my profile or see my posts, Seriously is it really that hard to keep a FORUM running? I am part of many other forums but none quite as bad as this. I wish someone would teach these guys how to run a forum!

The first month I joined was the month I lost all data from some attack, now it seems to have happened again. POS (Piece OF shit).
Sick of not being to access the webpage or see my profile or see my posts, Seriously is it really that hard to keep a FORUM running? I am part of many other forums but none quite as bad as this. I wish someone would teach these guys how to run a forum!

The first month I joined was the month I lost all data from some attack, now it seems to have happened again. POS (Piece OF shit).

and they removed the like button when we need it!
My husband used to run forums, and he is flabbergasted by most of these messages, and the fact that the site only encrypts a fourth of their stuff...he says they could do better if they had someone who knew how...I don't know anything about any of this stuff, but he does, and he pretty much just says it isn't right...or terribly safe. It is my fave site though out of the main what do you do?
And also people keep saying that a lot of v-bulletin sites got hacked...yes they did, the ones that don't encrypt their data properly...there were more that didn't go down during all that...I love this site, but it really does seem to be having a lot of issues either hang in there, or let me know your GC name...that way when I switch I can already know someone...I know lots of people here have alternates there, but it doesn't help if you don't know their screen name...I keep the same one for ease of
Eff the like button...I think we should make ourselves unique by utilizing a don't like button...everywhere else has a like button, but nowhere has a don't like button...
I just hate it when I am trying to build a quality background using posts and blogs and the site cant even protect my hard work! I needed to look back at a post from a few weeks ago and it's gone! But I cant delete? I have been on site's with less than 500 members and I have never had a single problem with access or accessing my information stored on that website!

Come on kids get your website in order!
The inability to delete posts myself, has often worried me...If I put a pic up, I should be able to delete reason for RIU to drag it
Really? The Like button? It's a fucking placebo get over it.

As for the site and it's admins. Yes, it is a joke. They keep saying this and saying that but the fact remains that what they are doing is simple and they shouldn't be having these problems. What really bums me out is that i really like this site. More than any other MJ forum. I'm really trying to roll with the blows but there is only so much I/We will take before moving on.

maybe I'll go reserve "" right now...
now it seems to have happened again. POS (Piece OF shit).

It hasn't happened again, the posts are still there. Just been lost from the 'my recent posts' and 'my started threads' links in your profile... yeah it sucks... but this is the best designed most usable site I've found. I don't like the visual appeal of the other sites, they're generally quite poorly laid out and the typography and all that is crap.

The inability to delete posts myself, has often worried me...If I put a pic up, I should be able to delete reason for RIU to drag it

You have to pay for that privelidge and become a premium member lol the audacity to make you pay for an unsecure site.
Yeah not to assed about the like button, just run the site, I also like this site but I am looking for one that has the same characteristics and it wont be long until I find one, FED up with this half assed attempt.

Rant of the day over and out!
It hasn't happened again, the posts are still there. Just been lost from the 'my recent posts' and 'my started threads' links in your profile... yeah it sucks... but this is the best designed most usable site I've found. I don't like the visual appeal of the other sites, they're generally quite poorly laid out and the typography and all that is crap.

Yeah my point exactly, The posts I need have "Just been lost" can you explain how this is possible if the people that run the site run it correctly?
well i have built and run forums,
firstly,the like buttons are way fucking heavy on the server ~+ database and general server load,its a fucking like button get over it and use the rep ,
the error earlier in the yr was unfortunate but shit happens and i think the admins have leart from it,
recently i think sum1's been trying to ddos the site for ther own personal hating reasons,haters gunna hate rite?,its not hard and very sumpe to do,hence the sites been all fcuked up of late,
yes sites of less that 500 members lmao ther easy to run this is a huge fucking site so occasionally the db can get clogged up,its just how it rolls,mysql is a frikin pain they should use sumthing else but again thats down to site owners and ther choices,
just gota de al wi th it or leave riu is on e of the best growing forums about,,u dont like?easy.......FUK OFF,rrther th an posting threads of what u kn ow f uk all about,

: )
Really? The Like button? It's a fucking placebo get over it.

As for the site and it's admins. Yes, it is a joke. They keep saying this and saying that but the fact remains that what they are doing is simple and they shouldn't be having these problems. What really bums me out is that i really like this site. More than any other MJ forum. I'm really trying to roll with the blows but there is only so much I/We will take before moving on.

maybe I'll go reserve "" right now...

and all the other shit thats going on.. get over it like you told me... if you can do a better job on a site yourself then have at it bro.
Yeah my point exactly, The posts I need have "Just been lost" can you explain how this is possible if the people that run the site run it correctly?

It seems they just try to rush things out because people bitch at them about downtime. So when they upgrade the site they do it as fast as they can to prevent down time, personally I'd rather them take a day or 2 over it and fix all of the problems and do it properly... but there are so many more that would disagree and bitch :/
well i have built and run forums,
firstly,the lke buttons are way f ucking heavy on the serv database and general server load,its a f ucking like b utton get over it and use the rep ,
the error earlier in the yr was unfortunate but shit happens and i think the admins have leart from it,
recently i think sum1's been trying to ddos the site for ther own personall hatig reasons,haters gunna hate rite,its not hard and very sumpe to do,hence the sites been all fcuked up of late,
yes sites of less that 500 members lmao ther easy to run this is a huge fucking site so occasionally the db can get clogged up,its just how it rolls,mysql is a frikin pain they should use sumthing else but again thats down to site owners and ther choices,
just gotaa de al wi th it or leave riu is on e of the best growin g forums ab out,,u dont like?easy./ ......FUK OFF

: )

when they had the like button, nothing went wrong... at least since i joined.. ever since they got rid of it its gone to hell. and rep is pointless when they got a thread for people to give you free rep...might aswell get rid of that too.
I like this site don't get me wrong that's why I am so pissed off! End of there is a lot of hard work that we all put into the site that makes it so popular, if it carries on like this I can guarantee it will crash and burn! It's already far more quite since the "attack".

Riu working on a update:

Totally agree with the OP. The owners of this site need to turn it over to someone or some people who actually know what they're doing.
No, the key is if you don't like the site or don't agree with what there doing fuck off. plain and simple. do you pay for the site? no. so fuck off make your own site or don't use this one....