The Irish Growers Thread!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
quite fasinateing how itall works really..

i couldn`t be a "stoner" type, how people can sit about all day..... and i don`t mean like for a quick chillout , i mean all day..

sure i do be on here alot in a day, but always scurrying about between posts, alot of the time just posting as i pass the lappy on my daily chores (thats why there so rubbish)...................

speaking of which i think its time i had a cuppa and a joint, its dinner time after all.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
You cant give a women a perfect life or she will pack her bags after a few months cause they need something to complane about and a few things to bitch about, some women are only truely happy when they are giving out and trying to find faults, this is also a fact lol

so true


Well-Known Member
What if Cannabis Cured Cancer.JPGi have a video and its top doctors talking about how it can help cure cancer and like you say smoking it does stop lung cancer
the video is called What if Cannabis Cured Cancer its just 300odd mb if anyone wants it i think i could problay send it over msn


Well-Known Member
afternoon fellers, hows all the grows going.? alls well i hope,

this sunday is going to be the last water my flowering plant is going to get and going to be harvested around the 20th, now the plant is scheduled for nutrients this week but should i or shouldnt i feed since its the last watering.? also im not doing a flush.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
i`ll be feeding up till the end if thats any help to you smiffy, all be it a weaker nutes feed they`ll still be getting some....

whats your nutes? canna, westland etc?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
just off top of your heads... how many people you guys know that have been smokeing weed for a long ass time, for me its prob about 4 people and there all healty as horse`s...


Well-Known Member
because the last grow when i tryed upping from 1/4 strenght it burned the fuck outta my plant so i was abit spectical about upping them

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
well then keep them at the 1/4 until the end its not alot really, or maybe drop it a little if you wanted too, but i`d say your fine..

what percentages is it giveing in the phousphourous etc on the bottle out of curiosity?

and as for only feeding them as they burned the last time well i think you were right, its not as simple as following the instructions, you have to give them what they need not what it says on a tin.....

dave gilmour

Well-Known Member
last week the coco just would not dry out for me, today ive given them three litres of water and upped the nutes and not a bit of runoff!!

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
did you nute without the banna tea and stuff? not to patronise you but intrested to find out why they only took up a quarter strenght...


Well-Known Member
no lad i started out just nuting with the banana and then threw in the westland just for the craic,

also the last plant that only took up to 1/4 was my 1st proper grow auto under cfls so there was probly loads of other shit going wrong too not just the nutes


Well-Known Member
no, no runoff at all. do you think thats such a bad thing?. i gave them a flush nearly two weeks ago. i think kang said he flushed his at the weekend if im not mistaken. i fuckin hate pikeys, have you seen this shit, only in ireland
Haha If if's and and's could fix pots and pans there would be no need for tinkers!

i flushed yesterday but dont see any change of yet