I think you got it rong! Its a revolving circle co2 machine provides co2 that plant uptake, then discharge oxygen!
with good air movment and co2 you should never do a air sxchange!
is this how you truely feel? disregarding comment you where commenting on. i like to refresh with fresh air 5x a day and all night, for several reasons but the key ones being a night fresh air will lower temps and prevent a build up of co2 overnight that might go out of optimum range with my morning injection(i dont have a montor/ controler i used to seal 100% and do leak test with the little glass tester, depending on the size of the room and amount of plants would change the times that co2 that was injected) the other reason is because of the high humidity, even with fresh air exchange i still use a dehu and my fan for my lights get tons of condensation(i actually put a plant with perlite underneath, DIY drip lol) my3rd and most important reason is it makes the plants harier making for denser faster maturing bud(?Etheline? gas(hormone) will build up without the exchange of air slowing down ripening time but increasing yeild, in addition to the effects of co2)
so ever rethink air exchange? i had some deep thoughts on 100% sealed when i had the money to buy a controller, so i ran my room 80% sealed since thenwith better results.(well maybe not better but differ in ways that i like, such as faster harvest times, not havint to tube my airpumps out of the tent, not worring about co2 overdose, well a lot of things envormentally, but if i was going for straight Yeild, like big ass pop can stalk plants, i would do 100% sealed but it takes SOOOOOOO long to ripen when they get that big and are in a 100% sealed room. just my exp and input on that..
back to dealing with humidity. i run my fan to cool my lights from a source of cold air this builds up condensation on the ducting and has a dehumidifying effect.
Damp rid works but has a short lived life, best for those corners where you are worried about mold.
putting the wall of your tent up against another wall outside of the tent it will cause condensation to build up on the wall and it can be wiped off.