• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Is Death the End?


Well-Known Member
well it also helps to understand that "life" (which btw why i put quotations around it) can be classified as both "organic" like us, and inorganic like rocks elemental material and then of course "energy"...

so we... like all "forms" of life... are all energy... but that is simply NATURAL, and doesnt have anything to do with anything "mystical" etc... ;)

so technically... we really will "live" on "forever" through the transfer of energy... ;)
So like this:


Well-Known Member
think about this tho, if the universe expands and contracts, starting over with the big bang again infinate times, , then your atoms and your life will be reassembled infinate times.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of life after death I had written this today in response to one of my threads on reddit.

"Life is an information wave."
It's not really about atheism per se but is my definition of the phenomena we commonly refer to as "life". It is the propagation of information about how to create copies of itself. This information is encoded in molecular form, DNA nowadays of course. What gets passed on from generation to generation for billions of years isn't molecules or energy, it's information.

The idea certainly isn't new with me, but I've never seen it phrased this way. Would love comments.

My response:
I really enjoy this quote, I am a strong believer in this idea. The universe is data... This is just a thought but what if your conscious upon death is merged back into the universe. You "upload" back into the source... You aren't part of a single thought you are that thought.
I think humans aspire and evolve towards this knowledge... that's what makes us different. Society just falls pray to the easy way out and declares "god" the creature when in all honest you yourself are this "god". We are all part of one design...
You have been given individuality upon life which benefits the type of environment you are birthed into... survive and multiply everything else upon this physical design is just cognition's.


Well-Known Member
I was just thinking about this subject sitting on my porch after a nice bowl of WW.
I came to the concussion...when your gone , your gone..finished.
Just like when you turn off your TV...blank screen.:wall:


Active Member

life could just be a simulation... so death would be nothing, black nothingness

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
think about this tho, if the universe expands and contracts, starting over with the big bang again infinate times, , then your atoms and your life will be reassembled infinate times.
Ive thought of this too, i don't like this idea... but it doesnt matter if i like it or not, it is possible.


Well-Known Member
are you kidding me... when we die we go to a more pristine place? it gets better? us dying unlocks some sort of alternate universe?.... I know it may sound weird but we're nothing but animals that evolved to the point where we could use tools and it just took off.... do u feel the bug u squished or the chicken u ate went to heaven? not tryin to be harsh or insensitive but I wonder what happened to all the super hero powers that occurred during jesus' time period?


Well-Known Member
So like this:

yeah pretty much as Neil said it... good one... bushwick bill... :smile:

below is not "preaching to you"(LOL)... just sayin this in general for everyone's enjoyment... well "some" may not enjoy and i can take a really educated "guess" on which "ideologies" wouldnt like and or understand what im about to say... :wink:

Here's another thing to explain to those who think that whole silly idea that every stupid thing was "designed" because it has "order" crap can easily be REFUTED by REALITY as i like to say :wink:

reality or "the universe" as is called... does not have any order at all...

it is "order" perceived through the relativity of our senses... which in the best way to describe it is...

our "brains" by perception of relativity... turn what is random and chaotic and put "order" to it...

and it is the NATURAL physical forces of shear space or (dimensions(not dimensions as in sci-fi shit lol the dimensions that make up space itself) and it is... that space itself... that "give the appearance" or semblance of "form"...

This is due to simple relativistics of dimension or space as it is more commonly called...

people used to think that gravity was what was the "force" that held together galaxies etc... but they couldnt explain the math that would indicate that they should be flying apart and not "spinning in what looks like some form or order"...

so they "came up with "dark matter"... well what they DONT know is that this "dark matter" is nothing more than just SIMPLE space or more scientifically called "dimension"...

it is this "space" in which we ALL live in even including the space that is inbetween every cell and atom in our bodies... is what acts as a "jello mold" so to speak... in which THEN gravity can do its thing...

this is easily explained by relativistic distances between objects... the closer two objects are together in space the "faster they seem to move and the effects of gravity and other forces can be felt in greater amounts... the further two objects are from eachother "the slower they seem to move and the effects of gravity and other forces can be felt in lesser amounts...

so it is actually SPACE itself which IS A FORM OF MATTER :wink:

if you were the size of say... a hundred thousand times "larger" than say just our galaxy, it would APPEAR to be spinning wildly out of control and so would everything else in the neighborhood (so to speak) would be flying around all over the place...

kind of like HOW we... in our SIZE look at TINY quantum objects and they SEEM to be flying around at random...



Well-Known Member
There is definitely something afterwards. My theory stands that its just some crazy inter dimensional metamorphosis.

But I could easily be wrong as easily as I could be right? right?

Ive always just left it at, Ill find out whenever the roots take me


Active Member
Here's another thing to explain to those who think that whole silly idea that every stupid thing was "designed" because it has "order" crap can easily be REFUTED by REALITY as i like to say
reality is a great place to start...



A fractal is a mathematical set that has a fractal dimension that usually exceeds its topological dimension[SUP][1][/SUP] and may fall between the integers.[SUP][2][/SUP] Fractals are typically self-similar patterns, where self-similar means they are "the same from near as from far"[SUP][3][/SUP] Fractals may be exactly the same at every scale, or as illustrated in Figure 1, they may be nearly the same at different scales.[SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][4][/SUP][SUP][5][/SUP][SUP][6][/SUP] The definition of fractal goes beyond self-similarity per se to exclude trivial self-similarity and include the idea of a detailed pattern repeating itself.[SUP][2][/SUP][SUP]:166; 18[/SUP][SUP][4][/SUP][SUP][7][/SUP]

....a pattern?! with numbers?

Fractals are not limited to geometric patterns, but can also describe processes in time.[SUP][3][/SUP][SUP][6][/SUP][SUP][11][/SUP] Fractal patterns with various degrees of self-similarity have been rendered or studied in images, structures and sounds[SUP][12][/SUP] and found in nature,[SUP][13][/SUP][SUP][14][/SUP][SUP][15][/SUP][SUP][16][/SUP][SUP][17][/SUP]technology,[SUP][18][/SUP][SUP][19][/SUP][SUP][20][/SUP][SUP][21][/SUP] and art.[SUP][22][/SUP][SUP][23][/SUP][SUP][24]


they also occur in nature? a pattern? in nature? well, that can't be, because

reality or "the universe" as is called... does not have any order at all...

Approximate fractals found in nature display self-similarity over extended, but finite, scale ranges. The connection between fractals and leaves, for instance, is currently being used to determine how much carbon is contained in trees.[SUP][34][/SUP]
Examples of phenomena known or anticipated to have fractal features are listed below:

it is "order" perceived through the relativity of our senses... which in the best way to describe it is...

our "brains" by perception of relativity... turn what is random and chaotic and put "order" to it...

also, fibonacci numbers:


In mathematics, the Fibonacci numbers or Fibonacci series or Fibonacci sequence are the numbers in the following integer sequence:
(sequence A000045 in OEIS).
By definition, the first two numbers in the Fibonacci sequence are 0 and 1, and each subsequent number is the sum of the previous two.

They also appear in biological settings,[SUP][6][/SUP] such as branching in trees, Phyllotaxis (the arrangement of leaves on a stem), the fruit spouts of a pineapple,[SUP][7][/SUP] the flowering of artichoke, an uncurling fern and the arrangement of a pine cone.

Did you notice that fractals are patterns and fibonacci numbers are patterns? .... in nature?

but its only random, and i percieve this through my senses...

our "brains" by perception of relativity..

[SUP]....but i don't have a sense of math, i have an understanding of math. so is math wrong according to some other perspective?

to be random and chaotic 1 + 1 could not equal two every time. it couldn't if this were random no order or predictability what so ever as is claimed

it comes down to true or false, that's the gist of things. nature is based on true or false, computers are based on true or false(which are powered by electricity, which is a part of nature) in actuallity all the functions of a computer are carried out in something called logic operations.

Nature, in the broadest sense, is equivalent to the natural world, physical world, or material world. "Nature" refers to the phenomena of the physical world, and also to life in general. It ranges in scale from the subatomic to the cosmic.
...that's pretty much everything. so if there are patterns and logical sequences in nature doesn't that include.... everything?

For example, manufactured objects and human interaction generally are not considered part of nature, unless qualified as, for example, "human nature" or "the whole of nature".

Now.. human nature, there's something chaotic...

This more traditional concept of natural things which can still be found today implies a distinction between the natural and the artificial, with the artificial being understood as that which has been brought into being by a human consciousness or a human mind.

[SUP]So the human mind is capable of bringing forth things contrary to nature, which are artificial...

...like theories




New Member
was jesus or moses one of the original avengers?
Jesus? Moses?
Who is that?

Really no matter what you believe in, we will all die.
Death is the end and the end is just that.
Our conscious ceases to exist.
Our brains cease processing.
Our bodies, the matter we are made up of decomposes back into the compounds necessary for life forms to exist.
We are star dust.


Well-Known Member
Jesus? Moses?
Who is that?

Really no matter what you believe in, we will all die.
Death is the end and the end is just that.
Our conscious ceases to exist.
Our brains cease processing.
Our bodies, the matter we are made up of decomposes back into the compounds necessary for life forms to exist.
We are star dust.
good answer.. no man we float around in the sky and wear cloaks.. haha
ppl forget how powerful the human mind is.. that white light when u die, just chemical reactions in ur brain when receptors are shutting down, easing u into death.

#highthought.... what if during the myans time and before, what if we weren't the only life forms in the universe? what if they really were visited by other beings? what if we're all that's left in this vast solar system? what if dec 23 2012 was the date given to the myans when the next return will be to "check in"??? weird shit.


I personally choose to believe that we're all just micro-organisms floating on a rock in an unfathomably gigantic, likely infinite universe of planets, suns, stars and other cosmic entities. It just blows my mind to even try and comprehend what's really "out there". I mean, to us, a mountain is massive. But, if we believe in science and astrology, then there are planets out there which are a million times bigger than our entire earth.

Let's unbind our thoughts from the physical, and the logical. Then everything becomes possible. Limitations and suppression of thought is not even an option when we don't even know, for example, what else is floating just a few light years away from us. Think about how vast the cosmos is and everything else on earth pales into insignificance.

My thoughts on life - Well, I'm a vegan because the concept of "suffering" is horrifying, to me. Note, I said suffering, not death. A peaceful, natural death is a beautiful thing, I think, but there's nothing more terrifying to me than thinking about the lives of animals born into the meat and dairy industry. It makes my heart sink and my head spin to imagine what a pig or cow born and raised in those conditions must endure physically and emotionally. Call me a hippy, I don't care. I won't argue it - I know that in every living thing there's an energy and a life force. There's a desire to live, there's sentience, there's growth and there's emotion. I reckon I'm no different from a cow, or a pig. We're all ambling through life just as lost and confused as any other animal on earth. The difference? I have a voice, and I'm told by others that I should do this, or I shouldn't do that. Doesn't make me any more entitled to enjoy the sun and freedom than any other creature that shares the planet with me. I'm actually close to going 'off the grid', because this rat race and emotionally detached, money driven society is bringing me way down on every level.

I think that we often get caught up in the urban world we're raised in. Sometimes we have delusions of grandeur and lose sight of the things that really matter. Which, to me, are compassion, empathy and respect for all living things. I don't buy into religion, but I love the idea of Buddhism. Ultimately, we become one with the earth. Whether buried, cremated or drowned. We decompose, we atomise, we're scattered into the air, we're absorbed into the ground and we feed the plants and the insects, and our death gives them life. I suppose, that makes us reborn, in a way.

Despite not believing in a christian religion, I'm absolutely open to idea of natural energies, the supernatural, the soul and the spirit. I can feel it all around me. Is life the end? Physically, yes. But we do return, just as wisps I suppose.

Edit: To clarify, I am not interested in debates about animal life, vegetarianism or veganism. There's nothing to debate. These thoughts were expressed because they form part of my opinions on life and death, and for no other reason.


Well-Known Member
Whether death is the end or not, it won't change my life at all. I'm a lazy piece of shit no matter what.


Well-Known Member
All death is is another word for transformation. The transfer of information. The atoms you're made of transform into other organisms when you die. This seems as obvious as the mechanisms for life.

Is that thought so incomprehensible?


Well-Known Member
[h=1]Death is just the
The Final Illusion
Take up the tools of war my son,
And march on to your fate.
For should this battle not be won,
These truths have come too late.

For earthly goods many have fought,
Transcend you now such lies.
As they shall find themselves with nought,
When all creation dies.

Slay not your brother nor his kind,
Though they bear arms for you.
Nor lock your wits and flex your mind,
For none of that is true.

And do not pray for light divine,
To shine from up above.
Nor speak you words like me or mine,
Or dream of selfish love.

Take up the sword of wisdom child,
Its edge and you must dance.
Within your heart doubt rages wild,
Born from your ignorance.

Build not yourself a funeral pyre,
All laced with wood and coal.
Take up that blade and slay desire,
Enemy of your soul.

Make worthless all your deeds on earth,
Detatch from actions done.
So you may see them for their worth,
Their benefits are none.

A feather in the winds you are,
And flutter though you might,
The air alone shall drive you far,
Regardless of your fight.

Take up the gleaming surgeon's knife,
And sever your own cord.
That truth may come into your life,
No gift of God or Lord.

The past, the future and the now,
Immutable as stone.
The question of the why and how,
Should be left well alone.

But still you must exist as man,
was ever meant to do.
Just question not the greater plan,
nor relevance to you.

To join the cosmic greater flow,
One need not do a thing.
But simply understand and know,
Rebirth comes from wanting.

Take up the plow of wood and bone,
And sow your only seed.
The truth that we are all alone,
And born to live in need.

Now as the furrows disappear,
In soil as in the mind,
Swing not your tools to banish fear,
Accept it all in kind.

Now fight the battles that you must,
But care not if you win.
If in the truth you place your trust,
You battle without sin.

For such are merely stains that stick,
If you allow them there.
And they are only layered thick,
Upon the ones who care.

just my 2c.


Well-Known Member
All death is is another word for transformation. The transfer of information. The atoms you're made of transform into other organisms when you die. This seems as obvious as the mechanisms for life.

Is that thought so incomprehensible?
well death means the end to a life........ of course atoms transfer into other things (not just organisms like you stated)..... that's 3rd grade science........ the real question is..... is there more to it???