Obama's second term


D ude, sucks sleeping on pavement, we've all been there, no need to be harsh. It is certainly your own choice to sleep on the streets in liu of accepting handouts. No one is begrudging you this, chill :bigjoint:

Did I miss something? Who said I was living on the streets?
that's funny, i don't use any government services available to me. i could get all my food paid for, a discount on my phone bill, assistance with my heating bill, medicaid, and who knows what else. you know what i use? none of that.

i have to go renew my MMJ card, and being on food stamps reduces the amount i have to pay by about $150 dollars, so i'll probably go get on food stamps monday and then never use them.

unemployment? i don't qualify.

living on my wife's dollar? don't think so. she may have a million or so dollars worth of assets, but they are not all liquid, not even close to liquid for the most part. she makes about as much as i do from her investments (more accurately, investments gifted to her by her family) and is looking for a job for the summer now that school and practicum is over. she gets about 10% of the profit from the apartments her dad owns and which i occasionally work at. the work is hard work, i nearly burnt my ears off last time i was there. the mexicans he has doing maintenance there don't fuck around and get paid well. he even pays for their kids college with a check every christmas for them, pretty good employer if you ask me.

i believe the question you asked was what happens to you if you have no property or wages and we were talking about health care, i answered that if that were the case you would qualify for health care through medicaid, which is accurate and on topic.

blow it out your ass, my misguided friend. blow it out your ass.
You are NOT qualified for those services for the poor, because you are not poor. You and your wife have too many assets. To qualify you'd have to lie on the forms and then you go to jail.
Welcome to the Welfare State brother, it's amazing that that's the America the Democrats really desire...

you think the goal is to get more people on food stamps? that's either mental retardation or purposeful idiocy.

the goal is to have as few people on food stamps as possible, but to have the program there for those who do need it.

is the sun frying that bald, ginger head of yours there?
you think the goal is to get more people on food stamps? that's either mental retardation or purposeful idiocy.

the goal is to have as few people on food stamps as possible, but to have the program there for those who do need it.

is the sun frying that bald, ginger head of yours there?
No, the goal is to tax the "haves" to pay for the "wonts"...ie. people like me have to pay for people like you.

EDIT: And my point was that when you make the move towards a welfare state, you breed fucking handout cheese eaters like that lotto winner, who just takes cos it's offered.
No, the goal is to tax the "haves" to pay for the "wonts"...ie. people like me have to pay for people like you.

you keep that fantasy going. taxes taken from us benefit us all. the "haves" wouldn't be "haves" if the infrastructure for success did not exist in the first place.

this ultra liberal uber-progressive would love to see food stamps run like they are in hawaii - STAPLE FOOS ONLY. nothing frozen, no candy, no soda, only fresh produce, tuna, rice, beans, potatoes, and the like.
Failure, rhetoric, lies, unconstitutionality, and socialistic pandering.

The only good things Obama did while in office, was removing "don't ask, don't tell", banning congressional insider trading, and pushing a bill that would eliminate the human rights violation center we call "guantanamo bay".

The fact remains, that all his accomplishments are overridden, by the fact that he is among one of the most unconstitutional presidents to have ever served.
you keep that fantasy going. taxes taken from us benefit us all. the "haves" wouldn't be "haves" if the infrastructure for success did not exist in the first place.

this ultra liberal uber-progressive would love to see food stamps run like they are in hawaii - STAPLE FOOS ONLY. nothing frozen, no candy, no soda, only fresh produce, tuna, rice, beans, potatoes, and the like.

Let's make it all organic, sold in stores that only use fluorescent with low make out mood lighting, bring your own canvas bag, you have to smell real bad to prove you care about not wasting water, parking slots market Prius only, and Enya elevator music.
you keep that fantasy going. taxes taken from us benefit us all. the "haves" wouldn't be "haves" if the infrastructure for success did not exist in the first place.

this ultra liberal uber-progressive would love to see food stamps run like they are in hawaii - STAPLE FOOS ONLY. nothing frozen, no candy, no soda, only fresh produce, tuna, rice, beans, potatoes, and the like.
Well I'd personally rather see a taxpayer recieve cash when they fall upon hard times (loss of a job, illness, injury, etc) for a temporary period (maybe 1 year max) and everyone else able to work but unwilling to just be totally poor cos they're too fucking lazy.

But people say my proposed system doesn't follow common sense? Lack of common sense is defined as giving little Buck-wannabes free shit they don't deserve.

I have a family and a job, yet if I lost my job I amnt eligible for welfare cos we supposidly earn "too much"...yet a single 18 year old living at home can drink and smoke their free cheddar money all night long with all their time off...fuck that.

I hope the Government uses the GPS on IPhone owning welfare recipients as a target point for the tomahawks...save us all a few dineros.

Ultimately Buck we should swap countries, this is the Cheddar Capital of the World, you'd love it here. So many "poor" (aka lazy) people for you to feel good about supporting (with the taxes you don't pay).
you keep that fantasy going. taxes taken from us benefit us all. the "haves" wouldn't be "haves" if the infrastructure for success did not exist in the first place.

this ultra liberal uber-progressive would love to see food stamps run like they are in hawaii - STAPLE FOOS ONLY. nothing frozen, no candy, no soda, only fresh produce, tuna, rice, beans, potatoes, and the like.

Taxes benefit the wealthy by far and away. So much easier to get rich if you have cronies in the government handing you huge contracts. This is a fact. What you say? Not even close.
you think the goal is to get more people on food stamps? that's either mental retardation or purposeful idiocy.

If you believe what you said there than you live under the delusion that providing more free money to people makes them stop accepting it.