This is so true my system that I bought didn't perform until I had added all of those variables and my chamber was still to small but I managed to get through my first grow!! one thing about chamber do you guys think it's best to have an insulated chamber? And sealed off tight? I'm using led lighting so temps are 75-85 degIt's really strange to me, all the info is out there, to be able to do what A and tf do, but it seems everyone tries to put their own spin on it, or make it better before they even get it to work how it is proven to work, or perhaps cut a corner here or there. The problem is the info really has to be followed to a T in my book. Only then once you have gotten the results can you decide how to change things up or experiment. I guess a major part of it is that the methods and mindset for HPA practically go against everyting your mom ever told you about LP aero (if she was that cool- lol). So I think people that have never ran aero or hydro before likely have a better chance at going HPA successfully- although they're the least likely to subscribe to it.
It's painfully clear to me that you can't get HPA to work without an accumulator, or without a large enough chamber- or without the right nozzles, or without the right timer capable of the fractions of a second increments and short runs of JG line from the solenoids to the misters. For some reason everyone comes into this thinking they can get by without one or two of these things, and they end up with the world's most expensive and complicated sprinkler setup. I wouldn't be surprised if old fashined soil wouldn't outperform some of the frankenstein HPA system attempts out there I've seen.