I'm very very sorry for your loss
I recently moved to the Mount Vernon area - I'm physically disabled (serious lower back injury) & had been getting very small amounts of medicine from Nick of Skagit Valley Green Cross (mostly because he had a low minimum & I was doing my best to restock my own nutes to grow - I didn't know at the time I can't grow where I live because it's federally subsidized)
So eventually I found out, called USDA in Olympia (who subsidizes this place) & they'd recently had their attornies review it & a BIG NO!!!
So panicking as I did, I called the ONLY person I know here, this Nick fellow of Skagit Valley Green Cross - I had 9 plants total & a completley full bath of nutes pretty much, some I'd just borrowed to get & hadn't even opened, like the Thrive Alive Organic & Botanicare HydroPlex (both VERY expensive), a brand new CalMagPlus, a full jug of ProBloom & at least 2/3rds or a half of the ProGrow Soil & a full unopened CalMagPlus
The asshole asked me if I'd like him to fruit them for me - no talk of transplanting or anything else, JUST FRUIT the bastards - so I agreed & even gave him my nutes so they'd stay excellent (his weed has seeds & isn't the best)
Well I was expecting a small amount, maybe an oz or less (we were to split the proceeds - he'd commented there wouldn't be much but I said the Jackberry's would produce & there would be enough for some personal use)
He did NOT fruit them - the fucker replanted them in 10 gallon pots/buckets & has them outside with the rest of his seedy shit weed - & ripped me off for ALL my nutes, pots, bottoms, & a brand new white tarp I planned to use to protect the floor & reflect light back
This guy drives a pretty nice vehicle too (sure no old barely going Kia like me) & when I first met him, he was just starting back to work after literally a few years, so I'm sure of a couple things - he doesn't give a shit about patients or what kind of product he has, only the green he stuffs in his fucking wallet
It's pretty lame to rip off a physically disabled gramma with not much of a pot to pee in or a window to throw it out - and he was impossible to call as he left his message box full, too
A couple friends said I should sue him in small claims, I'd like to but not sure, being a patient & just trying to somehow struggle along
What do you guys think? Should I take him to small claims court?
Annie in Mount Vernon
ps and again, I'm sorry for your loss! - I understand because I'm much the same about going out, especially with gas at $4 a gallon - doc store pharmacy, that's about it - I am on opiads (can't even stand to sit up without them) but thanks to medical cannabis, have stayed at the same really low dose now for over a decade (YAY!) I feel the cannabis works with it & the worst of that deep horrible pain is pretty much gone after 7 years of being a patient - except now I find myself living in a place I dare not grow to provide myself & with limited income, it's gonna be a bitch finding a relatively safe place to live quietly & do just that!