FlowaMasta'a NEW Jack H x Skunk - 1 Plant 600HPS + UVB Monster Scrog!!!


Well-Known Member
good Morning all in Australia, good whatever elsewhere!!!

this is what i woke up to this morning, fully dried ready to test outdoor batch no.4 (synthetic nutrient blend clones) i got 26 grams for the 2 small plants, bugger all, but some really nice early harvested quality smoke, i've found it hard to find any herb of this quality for a long time around here, i honestly didnt do anything special with these plants, just watered them with the BIG W cheap granular nutes....

Feedback is entirely welcome, negative or positive, yes they are slightly early, i wasn't playing the risk game while Jack is growing :) i feel alot safer now that my yard is free of dodgy smells

edit: i found that bug smack in the centre of the first pic ;)

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Well-Known Member
Hey young Flow, g'day to you. Looks like some nice nicey that'll get you up there. So what part of OZ you in? (you don't need to be too specific, lol). My old man is living just outside Freemantle with is wife and kid. May be down some day once again. Peace bru, keep it growing.



Well-Known Member
Hey young Flow, g'day to you. Looks like some nice nicey that'll get you up there. So what part of OZ you in? (you don't need to be too specific, lol). My old man is living just outside Freemantle with is wife and kid. May be down some day once again. Peace bru, keep it growing.

lol, good to see you here DST, i'm S.A outer city area...And yeah the smoke is actually quite heavy for how early i harvested, it smokes up nice and thick, and has a nice strong flavour, not what i expected when i planted it, i knew they would be a bit airy with the shit weather and all, but it's quite thick to chop, and smooth as silk, i'm still nicely baked after 2 hrs from 1 bong....

lol, young flow..i feel young again, i just watched 'dreamworks' Puss in boots hehe good movie gotta see it, and i'm nearly 30 lol


Well-Known Member
Hi FlowaMasta - My soil is a melange of organic soil that has had a few strawberry grows in containers (so there were some nice old roots), compost, and pumice. When I went to water the clone today I noticed the compost was giving off some heat. I gave the container a good drenching with cold water and it feels good now. I need to give it a good NEEM and SERINADE treatment so the bug issues are kept at a minimum.

Hey DST - How old are you? Usually it is people my age that appreciate a good 18 year old single malt. :)

FM - You inspired me to try an extra light in my cabinet:



Well-Known Member
Hi FlowaMasta - My soil is a melange of organic soil that has had a few strawberry grows in containers (so there were some nice old roots), compost, and pumice. When I went to water the clone today I noticed the compost was giving off some heat. I gave the container a good drenching with cold water and it feels good now. I need to give it a good NEEM and SERINADE treatment so the bug issues are kept at a minimum.

Hey DST - How old are you? Usually it is people my age that appreciate a good 18 year old single malt. :)

FM - You inspired me to try an extra light in my cabinet:
that soil sounds like a nice blend, if it was me i would give it a nice feed as it would be starving after a transplant into basic used soil, the blend seems fine to me, but i like to give a good feed at the beginning to promote a good boosting start, seeing as you transplanted so early the plant has nothing to feed off as it's still trying to produce a big enough root system, probably why it wilts so easily....give some food, and maybe add some water granules or something that will help water retention. sounds like your hot metal bucket will dry her out pretty fast, i would water every couple of days but not a drenching, just enough....u know the deal, but if you give her a feed, give her a good drenching to make sure the medium is all consistent.... good luck Mo', or should i say mr Keen ;)


Well-Known Member
Ohh! Mo, Nice work adding the UVB, I use the 10.0 Max version, shouldn't be that much different, but good shit man! good to see i gave inspired some ;)


Well-Known Member
I am pissed (drunk for non OZ readers) right now so I am not able to concentate or type very well. I actually did add some organic fert when I mixed the soil.

This stuff:

I am still trying to get a good moon picture. Back to it!



Well-Known Member
I am pissed (drunk for non OZ readers) right now so I am not able to concentate or type very well. I actually did add some organic fert when I mixed the soil.

This stuff:

I am still trying to get a good moon picture. Back to it!

good work Mo :) if she doesn't perk right up again, try adding another half a cup , but that's me, erb always seems to handle that little it extra, i would think of it as an established plant


Well-Known Member
Thanks! I am always worried to over fert.

I did it! Tried with my old standby first

Canon D20 Digital SLR with telephoto:

Samsung WB150F



Well-Known Member
Nice work Mo :) wish there wasnt just cloud tonight !! twas full moon here last night

The samsung takes the cake on that one :) keep trying, try with more aperture, less shutter speed ;) and the more zoom you use the less optical clarity, just fyi