Your Androids App Sucks


Well-Known Member
Been testing out the RIU app and I got to say im pretty disappointed that i can't view photos or videos and long posts get cut off.
I get a sharp pain in my balls when I watch FOX! Oh sorry I thought we were bitching randomly.

I actually am interested in getting this app and checking it out, is it really that bad though? I'm wondering if I can load it onto my Kindle Fire for use...
The concept of them having an app is great. I just think it's dumb that you can't see any photos that are attached to a post. That's not as bad at the Kindle Fire though. Last time I was on RIU using the Kindle Fire I couldn't reply to any posts. The Kind Fire's browser doesn't like the page editor this forum uses. If you root your kindle fire and get Dolphin Browser or Opera Mini then you can post on the RIU forums. You could also get the app if you root, but its not any better then using a browser. In fact using a browser is actually faster since you can book mark the forum and go straight to a particular category. With the app you have to wait for the home screen to load then click the menu button and then click on forums. And for some reason the pages load a little slower on the app then they do on the browser.
Tapatalk is a great app. Free for RIU to join too. Sent message to admin... No reply. Hard to tap tap out detailed replies on a iphone.
the layout of the app is a lot more mobile-friendly than this site is on a tiny screen using the regular browser. all that resizing and scrolling drives me batshit.

the inability to see 90% of the pics is kind of a dealbreaker, though. i can only see copy and pasted pics, no attachments, and GIFs don't move. and DAMN does that thing store a lot of data.

for reading text and replying it's great. but if you need to actually do stuff and see pics, it needs work.
Tapatalk is a great app. Free for RIU to join too. Sent message to admin... No reply. Hard to tap tap out detailed replies on a iphone.

I 100% agree. Been using Tapatalk for over a year now. It's fully functional, fast, free, and more robust. RIU can even purchase a branded version of the app for $1000, and then charge for the app if they wanted to. I bought the RIU app on day 1, and by day 2 realized how much it sucks.

I've already talked to "Rollitup", who told me that they won't enable Tapatalk. It's pretty lame IMO, since it would just take adding a few lines of code to their database. Apparently they're not truly concerned with optimizing the user experience.
i can see photos at random times when i move the page but when i stop moving it they dissapeare, liek some said its a good concept but seems like sometimes monkeys are running it.
Been testing out the RIU app and I got to say im pretty disappointed that i can't view photos or videos and long posts get cut off.

what version you using? works fine for me i'm using ice cream sandwich 4.0.3. you should be able to upgrade your firmware free over the air.
Pictures and stuff sometimes work for me but not all the time.. im on it right now.. i think its more for quick answers and quick questions.. seeing all pictures would be good and a must.. its not slow for me and im on icecream sandwhich as well
the 2 lines of code for us to enable taptalk would give taptalk access to our entire system, which we are not willing to do.
If you are having a problem with the app i need to know model of your phone so I can take a look. I only have a nexus and everything works fine here.
the 2 lines of code for us to enable taptalk would give taptalk access to our entire system, which we are not willing to do.

It gives the plugin access to your system, so that it can inherit all existing security settings. Here's what the Tapatalk devs say about security:

Well it is not a "script" but a package of plugin developed by full time engineers in-house and is used by over 20000 forums worldwide, we take any issues especially security very seriously.

Our statistics show that Tapatalk users posted 4 times more content than before which generate significant value to the forum in engagement and participation.

We don't directly query the DB, we reuse the forum system layers to do the querying and inherits all existing security setup. With large forums with over million of members using it you know what are doing all the best we can do get it in good shape
If you are having a problem with the app i need to know model of your phone so I can take a look. I only have a nexus and everything works fine here.

Make sure your OS is up to date.

I have an Evo 4G. Firmware up to date. I can rarely see pics. It rarely goes to "first unread post". My biggest complaint is lack of the robust features that Tapatalk incorporates, not to mention speed.
I bought it...and really I would have rather just sent RIU a dollar and not had the app on my phone...once I buy an app, I am unlikely to delete now I have this one and it is pretty not good...