Don Gin and Ton
Well-Known Member
she's a winner, should fit in well
I hear ya don I have the same problem. Usually to busy to do things but I have to rig up a dwc hydro system. I already have everything except for the Rubbermaid totesthinking 3 x 2ft strip lights fella. job for the already busy weekend...
honestly fitting DIY into my drinking/football schedule is a nightmare
hahah i'm no good with a golf bat hem.
i'm still in shock. aye that's right. tho i reckon munich at home will boss them all over.fucking nice win over chelsea m8! done us a favour but i bet the cunts end up winning champ league then 4th place dont get in dus it?
hahah i'd be pished by the 3rd holeLOL Oh come on it'll be fun. A dram for every bogie! LOL
i'm still in shock. aye that's right. tho i reckon munich at home will boss them all over.
hahah i'd be pished by the 3rd hole
my gaffer keeps telling me he used to swear by brandy and port mixed. though he is an ex ish alchy... i'm rarely sick these days, just dog tired the day after a heavy one.My m8 has these tablets in his "medical drawer" that u let dissolve under your tongue. Nae idea what they are but they r amazing for taking that sicky feeling away. Double dunt of barocca(piss like irn bru) and a stiff brandy with a crushed solpadol in it. Make or break
im not 30 yet but i feel like 300 some days.You youngsters these