The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Ive just been busy m8. My space is tight when its full. I made a cool watering system. Got a 120l drum attached to a hose which has a stick gaffer taped to the hose. I can water now without entering the room and removing plants. Gotta love


Well-Known Member
well gas enjineers here,,,too much snooing round the house for my liking,,,he wants to go in the attick,,thank fuk i didnt put the ducting up from extractor to the pipe outlet or he would fucking see it lmao PAAARRRAAANNNOOIIIAAAA

final 2 clones for the grow just arrived,,,exo or livers who knows


Well-Known Member
u not got carb filter on then surely he can smell it strong as u like??
luckily its JUST starting to smell so the backrooms closed and then its a room again with door so na int stinkin yet,i thought he was only here for the metre FFS i hate people in m y house

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
u sure they getting enough n in feeds?
loks like sucking goodness out leafs to me, lil hungry??
not sure matey sure few others will pipe up with ideas


Well-Known Member
u sure they getting enough n in feeds?
loks like sucking goodness out leafs to me, lil hungry??
not sure matey sure few others will pipe up with ideas
I've been adding bio grow along with my other nutes every other feeding to keep on top of N maybe it aint enough because your the second person who thinks it looks like N

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
i ent a pro grower yet tho matey only got 3 grows under belt so far.
u use wood chip soil? isnt the wood ment use up the n in feeds to break up the wood so ya plants get less then need?


Well-Known Member
PH of the medium may be a bit off. Give it some straight water (you want about 10% run off), monitor for continued burn over the next couple of days, then light feed and back to schedule.


Hi guys first post on forum but read just about every page lol a cpl quick questions for u

1 I'm going to be growing 2 plants I have a 600 wt hps with ballast I know this is enough but what I would really like to know is for veg could I possibly get away with using a cfl or 2 and is a cfl just a energy saving bulb ?? And if so what wattage bulb should I be looking at thanks in advance boys and girls :-)


Well-Known Member
You can use cfls, but if you are growing two plants I would also recommend veggin them under that 600. If you are looking at the economics you can veg under cfls fine, but to get the same amount of growth the 600 will wipe away almost any amount of cfls (and I assume you are meaning to just buy a few) you need at least 100-150w to veg min, which means you would need at least 5 x 23w cfl the energy saving lights 4100 - 6500kelvin (blue light, some companies call it cool light). The time factor you spend vegging them will also be grately reduced with the 600.
Peace, DST

EDIT, oh, and welcome to RIU and the UK Growers thread!


Cheers for that dst another reason I was asking is because I would eventually like to have 2 begging while 2 in flower if poss just don't want th in the same house lol


Well-Known Member
Well it may be an idea to set up the cfl to start them off with (although seedlings are strong buggers and can handle a 600!) You can clone on if you find a strain you want to keep growing as well. Good luck.