shrooms or not?


hey i dont knw much about shrooms but a friend of mine found some in a baggy and they dont look like the eating kind, if anyone could identify them it would be great.
I have said this over and over again and I will continue to do so. Even experts have been poisoned. Few of all the mushrooms in the world are poisonous. Few poisonous mushrooms taste good enough to eat but it happens enough to where you just don't want to go around eating unknown mushrooms. Now beyond that, it is difficult in the extreme for a knowlegeable person to identify a species from a few dried specimens, next to impossible to do so from a picture on the internet. I will tell you that those do indeed look like one of a handful of psychoactive mushrooms and the fact that they are saved, in a bag and they are not epicurian sorts of mushrooms would indicate that they are what you hope - but, BUT, you don't know do you? could be someone just put some LBMs in a bag. Odds are great that even if you did eat them and didn't get high you would not get sick. Might be that you do get high, do you want your trip guided by the notion that maybe one of them is different from the rest and you are, while you are high - destroying your liver? Wow, what a great trip.

I have personal experience with such a thing. I recounted that I once got a professionaly canned can of mushroom pieces. We had been eating them for some time when I encountered some information about canning mushrooms - and the fact that the PH of mushrooms is conducive of Botulism toxin. We didn't want to dump those mushrooms and ate them anyway - and of course, after we felt some stomach cramps we spent the next 7 hours considering that we might have consumed enough toxin to kill us - a great great time for the whole gathering. Of course we were wrong but you really don't want to take something that is supposed to be magic that has any sort of a cloud over it. (those mushrooms look right but they also look like galerina - a deadly poison mushroom that grows near the good ones and looks quite similar even to the trained eye) If you really want to eat mushrooms, then do your research, spend a few dollars, put forth some effort and grow your own, they will be something you can depend upon and they will be as delightful as you imagined them to be - no botulism, no galerina, no worries.
LBM= little brown mushrooms.... puts many people in the hospital each year...
Screw them and grow your own. Who knows. Maybe the original picker was intending to poison someone. You never know.

I kid i kid, but all and all do not eat some random mushies you have no idea what they are.
Are you that stupid man?
if they have a golden top and a purple ring on the stem they should be Cubensis,which are the ones you want.The pic is to grainy to really tell...i wouldnt trust those..they only look vaguely familiar to Cubensis,but a slight difference in the type, can mean the difference between trip or death.Just be well aware.
not... the kind you want to be eating there buddy...

only if you know for sure that the spores were of the right origin and produced the right kind, then dont... better safe than sorry... ;)

although they look like liberty caps... and since if you "are" from ireland, they have that possibility of them being them...

but again better safe than sorry...

you need some lab rats literally... to test things like that out... ;)
ive personally pick in my area

but this decision came out of a year or two or research work and finding people who do regular mushroom picking

i test EVERYTHING that comes in before its imbibed

and i go for only one species in my area as its the easiest to pick out and the easiest to identify

but i NEVER suggest ANYONE just eating some mushrooms you just found even if they look like 5 gram PE's lol dont touch it you dnt know what the fuck happened to it to be thrown

mushroom picking is not for inexperienced and can be still dangerous to the experienced
thank you all for the advice, i am not going to eat them, my friend found them in a bag in the same cupboard that she found a small box with a block of hash, and a few grams of weed, she was freaked out and was just checking in before i said that her dad was dealing in shrooms as well as weed. great advice by all :)
hahaha^^^ yeah im pretty sure if you can identify hash youre good to go on that one ;)

that is as long as its not laced with pcp or anything "crazy" like that LOL ;)
They look like liberty caps. If you found them with some hash and some weed then I would assume they are good shrooms. Just don't go nuts and eat the whole bag. Liberty caps are more potent then cubies.
Quick question about some info i heard.

I read somewhere recently that there is a chemical used in developing black and white photos, called mentol or something like that, that turns blue when exposed to the active psychedelic in shrooms.

I was wondering if anyone one on here knew the actual name of the chem and if it works and is reliable.

Thanks for your help.

not Mentol

it lightly stresses the fungi to produce a responce to find bluing

the problem with this test is you can run it get positive resuts and still not have magic on your hands and may even have worse

but your looking for metol

I distinctly remember telling people that this is one of the tests i use when picking but this is only 1 of the many tests done

not Mentol

it lightly stresses the fungi to produce a responce to find bluing

the problem with this test is you can run it get positive resuts and still not have magic on your hands and may even have worse

but your looking for metol

I distinctly remember telling people that this is one of the tests i use when picking but this is only 1 of the many tests done

tyvm for the information, i tried all day to remember he right name and googled for quiet a while and couldn't find any info on it. I'm glad you made me aware that even some non magic mushrooms will blue the same way.