Conservatism and cognitive ability are negatively correlated


Well-Known Member
the problem with conservatives who are too embarrassed to call themselves conservatives and so call themselves libertarians is simplified thinking like you see above.

i do not want to take from peter to pay paul, it's more like take from peter and paul to provide for basic services that both peter and paul rely on.

you can go on making strawboys all day long though, have fun in your imaginary world.
The problem with some conservatives is they are conservative in name only.

You do want to steal others money, that's what thieves like you do, then try to justify it. Since when are your causes better than my causes?
Government cannot take over the role of society and hope to have a positive impact. Who are they to crown the winners and losers? Since when does using force and coercion work? We the people do that through out purchasing power and our willingness to help others through charity. btw- republicans donate more than democrats you complete waste of space.


Well-Known Member
The problem with some conservatives is they are conservative in name only.

You do want to steal others money, that's what thieves like you do, then try to justify it. Since when are your causes better than my causes?
Government cannot take over the role of society and hope to have a positive impact. Who are they to crown the winners and losers? Since when does using force and coercion work? We the people do that through out purchasing power and our willingness to help others through charity. btw- republicans donate more than democrats you complete waste of space.
Let's see some statistics, quote some studies that show who does more charity, just because you say it doesn't make it so. Republicans like sending US troops to other countries and stealing shit. Republicans like to start big wars against words. Then you bitch about domestic spending. There are too many billionaires on welfare in America.


Well-Known Member
Let's see some statistics, quote some studies that show who does more charity, just because you say it doesn't make it so. Republicans like sending US troops to other countries and stealing shit. Republicans like to start big wars against words. Then you bitch about domestic spending. There are too many billionaires on welfare in America.
Want a Kleenex to soak up your noob tears?

Typical faux-liberal throwing the toys out of the cot.

Cos Obama has started less conflicts that Bush...oh wait, hes started more in less than half the time.

Obama = Young Black Bush...NOTHING HAS CHANGED.


Well-Known Member
Want a Kleenex to soak up your noob tears?

Typical faux-liberal throwing the toys out of the cot.

Cos Obama has started less conflicts that Bush...oh wait, hes started more in less than half the time.

Obama = Young Black Bush...NOTHING HAS CHANGED.

You once again assume that I am voting for Obama. I have to say it again, the GOP is the evil of two lessers.


Well-Known Member
Yea Harrekin, stop draging abandon out of the Liberal closet. He's comfortable in there!
He's says the GOP is worse than Dems so he wants to vote Dems.

My point was there's no fracking difference between the two.

Heres a genuine question for the people planning to vote Obama...if you could choose anyone to get the Dem nomination (hypothetically speaking, in a world Barry didn't get it automatically) would you still vote for Obama or choose someone else?


Well-Known Member
He's says the GOP is worse than Dems so he wants to vote Dems.

My point was there's no fracking difference between the two.

Heres a genuine question for the people planning to vote Obama...if you could choose anyone to get the Dem nomination (hypothetically speaking, in a world Barry didn't get it automatically) would you still vote for Obama or choose someone else?
I reject your claim that both parties are the same. The GOP is the evil of two lessers. If I could choose anyone, I would probably, but I don't know for sure because I don't know who.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
He's says the GOP is worse than Dems so he wants to vote Dems.

My point was there's no fracking difference between the two.

Heres a genuine question for the people planning to vote Obama...if you could choose anyone to get the Dem nomination (hypothetically speaking, in a world Barry didn't get it automatically) would you still vote for Obama or choose someone else?
Vermin Supreme FTW!


Well-Known Member
He actually stands a good chance.
Yeah in a real democracy he would, but ultimately in reality-land the GOP Fuhrers need to the give him their blessing, the will of the people is unimportant.

I still hope he gets his delegates and is nominated for the G. election...but I think it's probably more likely that I'll take a trash can to the moon, then on the way back land in DC and become President myself.

I like Ron Paul, but I'm way too much of a realist.


Active Member
I disagree entirely but judging from the insight and formulation of ideas in your opening post I hardly feel this subject is something worth addressing with someone of your higher level thinking abilities. =)


Well-Known Member
I disagree entirely but judging from the insight and formulation of ideas in your opening post I hardly feel this subject is something worth addressing with someone of your higher level thinking abilities. =)
Such a cogent and well premised argument, quite convincing, thank you for all that evidence of your fantastic claim.