The 30 minute 6 plant aero build


Mr I Can Do That For Half
On these I like to have the misters about 1-2 inches lower then the bottom of the net pots then I fill the res to where the water just touched the pvc mister manifold depending on the size tub amount of gallons will vary. I dont like to have anyless then 15 gallon of water inside if I can help it.On a unit like this I take my clones with roots as I prefer to root my clones in rockwool cubes in humidity domes with cloning powder as I find it only take 3 days to get roots and its easier to maintain humidity for the leaves til they root After they root then just grow as normal temps would be 70-78 F optiomol with no co2 and 80-85 with co2 injections real co2 meaning actual air ppm of 1200-1500.To lollipop means you grow the plant to about the desired height in these Id stay around 8 inches and keep it a sog style grow short ad bushy.Then what you do is remove the bottom 1/3 of growth from the bottom of the plant. Cut the little scraggly growth and leaves. Dont cut off all the main big branches that reach up just the smaller hanger branches and new growth. The bottom 1/3 will look naked now just a few of the larger main branches. This constrates all the growth to the top main larger colas making them bigger and giving better air flow and more room to each plant.You can top them or super crop or fiem tech the tops at this time too. I think like to give a few days to the plant to recoup then go 12/12.You will then depending on sativa or indics should finish at 16-26 inches tall max depedning if you did any top work. I reccomend indicas so they stay short and bushy. On these smaller plants at harvest I like to take all the big fan leafs and extar little leaves and growth right off the plants while they are in the unit makes it easy to handle at first then when you are mostly down to the bud sites I cut the plant at the bases and hang the whole plant upside down in a area that will be dark and about 70-75 with a light fan blowing air in that area so no mold can form.I then give a first good manicure to the buds on the branches get them trimmed down to about finish you can do final cleanup later when they get drier.Depending on humidity I hang them like this for a week in the dark.Then when you feel them and they feel almost dry I take them down remove all the buds from the branches and trim up and un wanted scraps.I then like to lay the buds on screen for -23 days watching how they dry.You want the stems to make a loud snap when bent.If they dont snap and just bend they are too wet yet.A small fan lightly blowing over the screen from a distance just to move air around helps. When they are pretty much dry and the stems will loudly snap then they go into glass jars for the cure.I like to cure no less then 30 days.In the begining open the jars twice a day for 15 minutes to let moisture out. Feel the buds and look for any moisture on the inside of the jar.When the buds feel dry and no moisture is seen you should start to smell a chnage in aroma. At first you may have that wet grass hay type of smell as the chlorophyll evaporates out thats normal.After a little while that will change to the nice ganja aroma.Keep these jars in a cool dark place not cold not warm 65-70 is fine like a dresser draw or closet. I find within 7 days I no longer need to open the jars at all watch your buds moisture dont crisp them to much.If you do a simple orange peel in the jar for a day or 2 will add moisture back to the buds.When they seem done just close the jar and put up for the rest of the 30 days then they will be cured dried and the taste and aroma will be well worth it.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Just thought Id post a pic here.This picture isnt mine but a grower here on rollitup but shows a good image of what I have been talking about for plant size. These are seeds plants but You wanna get your plants looking like this maybe a few more inches then be going into 12/12.These are very healthy and have a nice bush effect and showing close to the size you want your plants to be near before going 12/12 as they will get bigger so dont underestimate and veg to big.These look very nice so thought Id share for a size reference.



Well-Known Member
hey FF..... i was wondering if you can do me a favor and use the enter key to

space out your writings. you always have great info to post on here but

when you start typing a short story my eyes cross from too many lines of

words so close together. for me, its easier to read when the words are

spaced out like this.

i think im a little lesdystic(lol dyslectic)...... ya thanks :peace::mrgreen:

keep up the good work and thanks for your great contribution to RIU!:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
hey FF..... i was wondering if you can do me a favor and use the enter key to

space out your writings. you always have great info to post on here but

when you start typing a short story my eyes cross from too many lines of

words so close together. for me, its easier to read when the words are

spaced out like this.

i think im a little lesdystic(lol dyslectic)...... ya thanks :peace::mrgreen:

keep up the good work and thanks for your great contribution to RIU!:blsmoke:
:mrgreen: HeHeHe, he got you there Fletch. Lol :peace:


Well-Known Member
Hey Fletch...thanks again for posting so much interesting stuff about aereoponics etc. Now I been doing some research and read of folks who build such systems as you describe in the narrative cept they leave out the manifold..misters etc..and apparently just bring the nutrient level up till it hits the bottom of the pots. They aerate the snot out of the water. One fella said he used two of the 5 bucks airpumps from Wally World to add the o2 but now he got a fancy one with multiple outlets. Apparently the roots eventually dangle down into the water like most of the aeroponics units seem to do..cept that double stacker you didnt like too well. Sure could see it be nice to leave out a lot of moving parts etc. Whut be the pros and cons do you think? Definitely gonna trade in the AG and use a tote or maybe an ice chest for the next grow. Save the AG for a cloner maybe. I have the perfect ice chest for this deal. It got a main lid then a little lid on top where you can reach in to get a coke beer etc. Figger to put the net pots on the big lid and tend it add water ect through the little access door. Unfortuantly I got it loaned out as we speak. It a little too wide for my present grow space anyway. I only got a foot and half to work with on the width. Aint many totes gonna fit in there. Tell me what you think.

Big Wheel


Mr I Can Do That For Half
bigwheel that kinda unit is called dwc which is Deep Water Culture or refered to as Bubbleponics. You have the entire res filled with water then use air pumps and air stones to make the surface water jump and splash the roots.Thats another modle I also build. Then you have direct line feed where you have a pump in the res and not misters you use a water line distributor and run 1 quarter inch water line right into each net cup and then cycle time the pump to direct line water the plants. Those are both good but I prefer the aero grows its my favorite technique then flood and drain tables second.I also sell single bucket setup for moms or 1 large plant using 5 gallon buckets and then the lid is cutom molded 8 inch netpot that snaps ontop then I set them up as aero msiters or can set it up as a bubbler. I also have clone buckets and veg machines.Its all hydro variations.Aero being the fast and best yielding then Id say dwc then directline feed setups.
And wetard now you want me to have to stop my thought process

mid way through the though and hit enter 2 times before I make my next

complete though? Geez lol I will do it if I think about it but I have never typed double

spaced before so Im sure I will forget many times..


Active Member
Hi guys can anyone help me find where to purchase the misters, net pots, clay pebbles and rockwool cubes as I have checked home depot and lowes with no luck?


Well-Known Member
Geez lol I will do it if I think about it but I have never typed double

spaced before so Im sure I will forget many times..
lol....i love fletch man!
i do too:hump:........................:mrgreen:................^^^^^

you can go about typing w/e way you want FF, im not trying to be rude.. but for me(and maybe others) its easier on the eyes when its broken up every once in a while.... it doesnt have to be double spaced either, but it is nice :D lol

like i said b4, i appreciate your contribution to this site and have learned(like not put molasses in an aero unit...lmao :mrgreen:) a lot from you and really appreciate you!!!!



Well-Known Member
yea...fletch answered my first post on RIU

i can say that fletch has taken me under his wing.

i like how i can chit chat with fletch about ANYTHING

children and discipline


a/v systems in cars/ rims/ customization period

last but not least, DO- IT -YOURSELF. me and fletch be brainstorming like a motherfucka!


New Member
Yo fletch!

How come you have a 6 plant setup for a 20g res, but you recommended to have only 4 plants for the same setup?

My problem is that i have a 400 hps, and i would love to grow 6 plants for obvious reasons, but you only recommend 4..

If i have to, i am willing to lollipop them all.

Any ideas?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
That blue tub is actually a 25 gallon tub and I have since went to 30 gallon tubs for 6 plants.The 25 works but roots get a little crowded.When you pm me I gave you my prefered reccomendation for size and number of plants that will work best.Its not a point of if you can shove 6 plants in the 20 gal sized res but what worked the best and the larger res offer more root room and more roots equal better yields and the larger res helps keep ph movement in check.And yes as I say lollipoping is the prefered way to grow in these small setups.Its almost a need to keep air movement and overcrowding down


New Member
Sounds good man!! thx for your help dude!!!

And to think... i was about to be growing in soil!!!! in the year 2008!!!!! can you believe that??!! lol

You just saved me a whole lot of money too.. there are some lazy suckers actually paying $300+ for a setup just like yours!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Your right giam some places like stealthhydro hammer new aero/hydro growers.Im not even close to that price when I build units for people not even a 1/3 the cost usually lol hope to see some nice shots of your grow


New Member
Az? instead of using pvc tubing and snap on misters, how do u feel about the tubed misters that come as a set, u see them advertised as lining for balconies for outdoor use.

i was thinking of gettin a sub. water pump like you have and connecting to a misting system i found at walmart. what do u think?

also, if i use liquid nutes, do i have to worry about he pump clogging?