my first grow! 4x Dinafem Cloud 9 :D


Active Member
oh and the biggest one (not topped or fimmed) is femal as far as i can tell. i THINK i see one or two TINY white pistils :) only time will really tell but as soon as im 100% ill post pics and let you guys know :)


Active Member
*UPDATE* have atleast 2 females so far guys :D yeaaaah buddy :) the other two havnt shown yet but im hoping they will soon, ill post pics as soon as i tune the macro settings on my camera!


Active Member
looks good so far cant wait to see some buds. i put 4 ladies to flower under a 400w hps almost on the same day, its amazing to see the grow while flowering. since i am vegging with cfl when its floering time its really flower power


Active Member
Taking a long time to show sex is typically a good sign of a female. It is my experience that males show themselves quicker than females do. Consider staking your tallest branches up after the stretch is completely done. Try not to stress the plants when tying them to the stakes. This way, if the buds begin to get to heavy for the plant, rather than refocusing vital energy toward making stronger branches, they can rely on the stakes and get as heavy as they'd like. You can pick up a pack of 6 foot stakes at Home Depot for a few dollars.



Active Member
im irish we dont have home depot but i know what you mean, cloud 9 are notorious for getting too heavy for the branches in late flowering, i already have lots of bamboo that i can cut to size when needs be, but very good pointer man thanks :D cant wait to see my first buds , ill keep you updated !


Active Member
oh and thats great news about the females taking longer, that i didnt know :D i know its not a guarantee or anything but ill take whatever bits of hope i can get hehe thnx dude! + rep


Active Member
Femme Fatale. You'll quickly see many hairs coming from the very tips of branches, starting at the top first, then down the plant. Treat them well now. Pay attention to nutrients, ph levels and over/under watering them. No stress is key now. Don't tell the plant you want it doing anything but making fat sticky stinky fuck-your-mother buds.



Active Member
hahahaha "fuck your mother buds" :D doubt id want to smoke much of those ( if any ) :D ill chop a muthafucka down if its gonna make me do that :D see what i did there? hmm? hmm? *poke* *poke* :D


Active Member
just gave all 4 of them a thorough look and they all appear to be female :D i know theyre feminized but still, how lucky is that? :D this is better than christmas hehe


Active Member
I've never had a male from feminized seed stock. Cross my fingers, I have never had a hermie either.


Active Member
I've never had a male from feminized seed stock. Cross my fingers, I have never had a hermie either.
i hope it stays that way for you man :D ive been reading alot of horror stories on here about fem seeds either turning out male or more often hermie *knock on wood*