Treating SS w/ Azamax

The forum wants you to give many people +rep, so if you give it to the same few people the forum you get the message I quoted above
hey Rrog i jus tried to give u sum rep points on ur last post and it gave me the same message, i guess i gota spread some reputation around before i give u rep again too, weird
I hear you man. Either way, I very much respect your posts and your larger message about organics
Sns 209 is the best stuff on the market. Its new and it works, gnats, spidermites, whatever. Its stestemic. Made my sierra natural science. Check it out. Its all I will use now!!!
Kb, have you ever thought of raising predatory nematodes or mites? There's more talk of that these days on some forums.
SNS 209 looks interesting. Personally, I avoid products in bottles and cans. While they may have a "natural" extract in there, we don't know about the solvents used to extract the compound, the stabilizing liquid it's suspended in, preservatives, stabilizers, etc.

I like a more natural solution unless all hell breaks loose, which hasn't happened.
to be honest ive never thought of raising them myself, i have helped a ladybug buisness for a season tho, my buddies mom runs a ladybug company does all the lady bugs for nor cal hydro stores, i had to go out with her to the sweet spots to catch them, those fuckers can bite and swarm if they get pissed its amazing lol i had never seen so many ladybugs in one spot

also i have used the sns 209 and think its definitely not worth the price they ask for it, i have had way better results with good ol neem oil than with any of the sns sprays, i tried the first two sns sprays when they first came out cause my buddy runa a hydro store and needed sum feedback, well neem oil beat out that test, their fungicide for mildew doesnt work that will either and i had better results controling mildew with a foliar feed compost tea (foliar feeding with teas can help fight mildews)
OK!! i have MAD fucking gnats. i thought i had them under control, but unfortuntly i do not. i used to have them with my very first grow from over watering, and i got rid of them in about 3 weeks. i have tried the same methods as the last time and it is not working. however, i do have A LOT more plants now then before. i have heard neem oil works good. im not a fan of Azamax. it did not rid my aphids at all. will Ladybugs eat Gnats? are they effective? i do not have the time to do anything extra at the moment. and doing any form of a flush seems counter productive. any advise? i am using them yellow sticky traps, and so far they are working, but not as good as they did the last time. any organic and cheap suggestions? anyone hear of the water bottle technique?
Yeah those sticky cards are basically just telling you that they are there other than that they really dont do much. Spinosad dude, get it and you'll be much happier. Azamax @ $20 a dose is no good, I think I paid like $7 for the captain jack deadbug shit and they have been in check since.

For precaution I spray with neem oil every couple weeks and specifically right at weeks 2/3 when buds start setting, I try to do this as late as I can so when I cant spray them anymore to try and give some protection for the last 4-5 weeks. I also use neem cake mixed into my soil @ 1tsp per gal of soil, as well as top dressing with it every now and then (4-5 weeks in between). I have the mosquito dunks on hand crushed and ready to go in some water if I see another out break coming and the yellow and blue sticky cards to monitor. I also started to pretreat my soil with the captain jacks deadbug (spinosad), and in this last bug breakout I used the captain jacks as a drench, not a flush, no need to flush anything when it comes to bugs. Bug prevention is a constant process I'm learning with organic growing. Just because azamax is expensive doesnt mean its going to work, which is what I thought. Anything this pricey has to work, right? nope...especially if your bugs were born in the soil that already had the azamax pass through it, they have resistance to it. One product isnt gonna be the silver bullet other than cleanliness but even that doesnt help when you bring the bugs in with your soil which is basically the case with most bug out breaks in gardens like ours I would think.
someone told me, on these boards i might add, that a drench is a flush. i knew it wasn't! so, say i have some Azamax on hand already. can i drench the top of my soil, lightly. i also have the Mondi sprayer. can i just lightly moisten the top layer of my plants? these bastards need to go bye bye like yesterday. they are getting quite annoying. and just for record. my last outbreak of gnats. the only thing i used to rid them WAS them sticky cards. and a big pot of water. i suppose it could have been a smaller infestation. but it worked for me last time.
The addition of crabshell meal to the soil when you mix will populate that soil with bacteria that eat fungus gnat larvae's jawbones. I haven't seen a gnat since using it along with a few other low-dose natural items. I like going with a few more low dose precautions rather than one nuke.
some real nice avitars in here lol.what r we talkin about?oh fungus gnats,cant stand those lil bastards.i have had good luck with azamax doing a soil drench@ 20ml per gal and a decent soaking,not really getting any runoff just getting it all soaked.sns didnt work for me.
some real nice avitars in here lol.what r we talkin about?oh fungus gnats,cant stand those lil bastards.i have had good luck with azamax doing a soil drench@ 20ml per gal and a decent soaking,not really getting any runoff just getting it all soaked.sns didnt work for me.
thanks :) my girl is pissed its my avatar but she dosent care lol
Azomax is a bit pricey but it has always worked great for me. If you use precautions like neem cake mixed into the soil or spray/root drench regimine with azomax or another neem oil spray every few weeks you shouldnt have an out of control pest problem. Remember, its much easier to keep pests out of your soil than it is to kill a pest infestation in your soil. Once they are in your soil, its much more dificult to get rid of em all...........
Azomax is a bit pricey but it has always worked great for me. If you use precautions like neem cake mixed into the soil or spray/root drench regimine with azomax or another neem oil spray every few weeks you shouldnt have an out of control pest problem. Remember, its much easier to keep pests out of your soil than it is to kill a pest infestation in your soil. Once they are in your soil, its much more dificult to get rid of em all...........

exactly, prevention is key! i am a big fan of prventative neem treatment up to 2 weeks bloom, then serenade at 28, and 42 days.......looking into spinosad serenade for grey mold, hate the smell though.