bho concentrate tips?

mine too if you dont use a closed system at least just use a glass tube that holds enough for a single can of gas at atime

smh @ that tripod thing
Do the math and that trican set up is releasing over a liter of compressed mixed gases into the surrounding environment. Hope he blasts on a windy day... uncompressed we are talking about a shit ton of gas, about 500 grams worth.

safety in smaller batches for sure.

some of you might mistake my concerns regarding the safety of can blasting with a hatred of BHO.
I went to school for chemistry, solvent extraction has amazing potential that far surpasses cave-man ice water extraction and dry screening. Do you think that all I do is make water hash? Really? Did you see the small unit I posted? Ever consider the laws here in CA? Combined with the pictures and videos I post of myself... why would I brag about making solvent extracts when my ice water extracts on par with the tops in the world? Solvent extraction of mechanical extracts is whatsup for time/quality/safety and if you don't know now you know...

Bubbleman hates BHO, and loves ice water hash. Sam Skunkman loves dry screen and dislikes water and solvent extracts. They both have very strong opinions because they are experienced and well informed. I actually enjoy all of these extracts. Its the dangerous production that I despise. That trican blast tube is a perfect example. There isn't even room to agree to disagree. That shit is SKETCH and I said it with no fear of yall hating on me. Been there done that. I just keep rizing up.

Why should I be a sheep? Open blasting cans will never be safe. There are explosions weekly. People die, kids are injured, BHOtards are effing it up for everyone. A 12 year old I know had to have skin transplants to her face when her BHOtard mom blew them up. This was recent and local, and way in the news.

I love all of extracts that are properly and safely made. I make them all as well... but I try to only post my ice water. You want some damn rize erl, here ya go, from buds way too dry to water extract. its whatever to me, I've been solvent extracting for 13 years, three of them in a real lab.

Sour Tsunami lighter fluid extract (high CBD)

I've had way too many friends blow up to act like a sheep and promote can blasting just to look cool and fit in. baaa baaa run bho baaa baaa. eff that. RUN BHO SAFELY!
Man I make BHO all the time and I've never had any of this happen to me. I open blast atleast 20 cans a day inside my house and I've never felt unsafe for even a minute. I just simply don't light a lighter. I do it alot differently, though. I do it way different than the OP. I cold purge twice and my oil turns out a completely yellow looking ball of playdo.
Iv never done big batches of BHO seem's like a waste of the butane. I blast until i think i got most the THC and ease off the can when the butane stops flowing and starts dripping i move to the edge of the plate and look at the drop and see how much THC is there when it evaporates, if their isnt really any thing i stop if their is i blast some more. I guess i prolly dont get every last drop of THC out but im not worried about a tiny 1 hit glob id rather conserve the butane plus it seems to come out cleaner and with less condensation.

White Berry BHO



That's fresh out the tube before i purged it, although not every strain comes out this way
Man I make BHO all the time and I've never had any of this happen to me. I open blast atleast 20 cans a day inside my house and I've never felt unsafe for even a minute. I just simply don't light a lighter. I do it alot differently, though. I do it way different than the OP. I cold purge twice and my oil turns out a completely yellow looking ball of playdo.

hope you dont live next to any one i know. a lighter isnt the only thing that can ignite things static or a pilot light could blow your ass up good
hope you dont live next to any one i know. a lighter isnt the only thing that can ignite things static or a pilot light could blow your ass up good

What if I had alot of ventilation going and keep my doors wide open cause IDGAF?

Think of actually trying this dudes ice wax method, seems like hes a wizard.

I like BHO though, I make sure I am not smoking any butane and it comes out just like the color in that guys plate but feels like playdo at the end result, i roll it in a ball and slice it with my razor blade nice and easy. :)

Miyagi style, because you obviously do not know mr miyagi#2, is dewaxing using pure ethanol and cold filtering. its really not complicated. de-wax, aka wax off, removing the waxes from lighter fluid extract via dissolution and cold filtering is going to become wide spread in 2012. you are welcome, can't believe I had to explain that tho, its seems very obvious. the plant waxes precipitate out of solution as it cools, then you filter it, this is old school man!

Still not sure on why you'd want to dewax. Seems like unnecessarily adding more solvent and because of that more heat (losing flavor) just so you can end up with a less desirable product.
Still not sure on why you'd want to dewax. Seems like unnecessarily adding more solvent and because of that more heat (losing flavor) just so you can end up with a less desirable product.
the trichome wax, aka oakum, is bad for your body. dabbing candles man. and yes, the flavor and wax go hand in hand.
Man I make BHO all the time and I've never had any of this happen to me. I open blast atleast 20 cans a day inside my house and I've never felt unsafe for even a minute. I just simply don't light a lighter. I do it alot differently, though. I do it way different than the OP. I cold purge twice and my oil turns out a completely yellow looking ball of playdo.
OMFG please just extract using lighter fluid outside. It takes very little butane gas to flash explode. And since butane is heavier than air it tends to pool on the floor and in corners. Check out this thread for details.
Thanks boss think next time I am going to go with your route. Not many people in my area make ice wax and looks alot safer.
Thanks boss think next time I am going to go with your route. Not many people in my area make ice wax and looks alot safer.

You really don't even want to run the risk of having electrical stuff like fans while open blasting. The smallest spark will cause an explosion. And just because that hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it won't happen the next time you do it.

Outside is the only way anyone should make bho.

Stay safe!
which is why that thc gold liquid shit they sell at the dispensary's taste like SHIT

THC gold used to be f-king amazing. But they did a huge expansion of their operation and ever since their quality has gone to shit. They are just living on their rep. It doesn't even test high anymore.
I found that keeping the water 130 degrees while extracting and then quickly removing the plate from the water at the right time will keep a great taste every single time. After a double cold purge you can play with it like playdo.
OMFG please just extract using lighter fluid outside. It takes very little butane gas to flash explode. And since butane is heavier than air it tends to pool on the floor and in corners. Check out this thread for details.

after all the butane evaporates in warm water outside can i take it indoors for further processing? since i take every precaution that i can think of when i make BHO, i want use a home made vacuum pump and do that indoors casually. scrap into a glass jar then hot glue those big medicine syringes (ones without needle ofc) to the lid. so it will make a vacuum when the jar is sealed and the plungers are pulled. i dont see a hazard appling heat to it while its under a vacuum. i could get a balloon filled with argon gas from my friend and try to make the gas in the bottle as inert as possible. shouldnt be dangerous to smoke afterwards as we breathe 1% of that shit. i need criticism.