The Irish Growers Thread!

think thats a good idea kang, at least you`ll have some smoke to keep you lit while the big sucker is flowering away...

and i like the adendum to the sig....;)
Cheers ae, ya gotta speak the truth, i feel so helpless living in this world run by and infested by stupid greedy people,

Gonna watch the bernard hopkins fight i just downloaded, couldent stay awake last night to watch live
ae86 - you said buring a kerosine rag, do you just burn it away in the greenhouse with a door open.?

and the ladybird thing do you know anywhere that sells them as i havent seen a lady bug round here in years,

would it be safe put the plant in there now or wait till the flys are gone, im itching to get it put down there, only some plants in the greenhouse have the fly on them but they are close to where my plant will be going,
Cheers ae, ya gotta speak the truth, i feel so helpless living in this world run by and infested by stupid greedy people,

Gonna watch the bernard hopkins fight i just downloaded, couldent stay awake last night to watch live

i feel the same way, just be honest, and speak the truth... it goes along way....

smiffy the dad would just slip a rag into the oil tank, just one end of it.... then set it aight in the shed with the door open and leave it until it was burnt out, and fumes had gone, sitting close by to watch it of course...

would clear out bugs in no time same in green house he has..

we collected them but think a big garden centre would have them...
aite sound lad, think i have some kerosine around somewhere, is parafin the same thing.? if i dont have any ill be of to the abouretum and see do they have any ladybirds
ah bollix..... trump and carter are playing same time as sullivan and williams...

both second sessions... can`t watch one on interactive and record the other... balls on it anyway......

i`ll go with the sullivan - williams match... was the best snooker of the two yesterday........ and i bet judd trump will play naughty snooker all session now i`m on the other table........
aite sound lad, think i have some kerosine around somewhere, is parafin the same thing.? if i dont have any ill be of to the abouretum and see do they have any ladybirds

parafin is refined kerosene, so might not get the results as its pureer so won`t give off that blackish smoke... only a little now don`t go setting the place ablaze hahahahaha
sure ill give it a try any way coz i have plenty of parafin for our heater, ha lad no worrys about setting the place ablaze im a retired firestarter haha
^^^^^like..... hahahahaha....

hope it works for you, cuntish haveing problems like them, and always just when your ready to make a move and plant....

have the pillars and fenceing done here at home, gate up and plastered the walls in two rooms the other day, think i`ll have to pull the finger out and get my shed built...

i`ll have in total, 20ft by 40ft to work with, so going to build in a proper room in it, have it planned out in the head but i`ll be quizing you guys when the time gets closer...
thats the proper job lad, id love to have a big space to grow in, id buy a container and use that, we have 3 but they're all beign used :( seperate veg and flower rooms and the hole shabang
wouldn`t it be ideal..

think theres been containers found tho with grows in them, i have a plan to sink it into the ground, i`ll already have to build a pit to get under cars and trucks so wouldn`t be too far a reach to extend it and add a door and roof...
but fools seldom differ.....hahahahaha....

yeah i mean maybe it won`t work out but if it did..... either way i`ll stick in a flower and veg room somehow...

only thing is the blocks are cheap these days so should really start adding up how manny i`d need to build the thing..

you know i`ll crack on and cost it just for the craic and be back too you on it, metre concrete is about 80 squids now thats 25n so plenty strong, could go lower but don`t think the plants around here would mix it lower..
id say it would work out lad, all your doing is digging a hole a putting a container in the space and covering with soil. All that needs working out is how to get in to it and running leccy in, but the leccy part would be easy enough.
portlaoise a year ago or little more, two 40ft containers welded together, buried 8ft underground and topped off with 8inch of concrete and then clay, all leccy wired etc....

was found with printing presses and over 100 million in forged cash already printed...

they are well wise to it dude, its a great idea and could work on small scale such as ours like its a 600 w or prob two so not really commercial farming like they really look for..
exactly lad id have two rooms in it, veg nd flower with either 2 400w or 600w so id always have weed on hand. and i could build a car workshop or sumting over the top of it
i was talking about building a small "room" from blocks and cement, concrete roof would be the floor of the shed, think it would be stealthy and good protection from flir

doesn`t need to be like dr evil`s lair just a modest grow room and veg room, couple feet each..;)