i liked chatting with fdd 8-)

I like chatting with u, how the hell r u? and the old lady?

Ok so next weekend i'm gonna drive crypt to some old farm and sell him to these people ;)[video=youtube;Uzae_SqbmDE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uzae_SqbmDE[/video]
Well. There's no obstacle a girl won't overcome for the right guy I guess lol.

Yea, but it's hard to pack up and move to an entirely different country for someone. Let alone try and start dating someone in another country. That's virtually impossible.

I just bought a house in Sonoma with a college buddy as an investment. Gonna be spending some time there over the summer between tournaments. Maybe I'll meet a nice California girl and convince her to come to Costa Rica or The Bay Islands with me for a week. Once I get somewhere down there it wouldn't be hard to convince them to stay. Just roll a joint and watch the sunset from the balcony...

*Sigh* The perfect guy. Of course he's in another country lol. Eh well. Maybe you can drop me off somewhere on your way back...I have plans in other places. :)
*Sigh* The perfect guy. Of course he's in another country lol. Eh well. Maybe you can drop me off somewhere on your way back...I have plans in other places. :)

I'm in Cali and New York about 5 months out of the year. Then pretty much all over the map the rest of the time for tournaments, work, and fun. It's really not that bad; Costa Rica is only 2 hours from Miami; less from The Bay Islands; maybe 2:30 from Panama.
Doesn't this bitch have a husband....?! Hitting this guy up and just being a general slut...... Man. Hate to be her man....

Oh sorry. :D Some inner monologue appears to have escaped. :)

Crypt. I've said several times throughout this forum board that i'd like to start a school for girls in another country. Being able to see places other than the US is important. I didn't offer sex for a ride.