The UK Growers Thread!

If you made some room in your PM box you'd know and you'd know if you saw my post a page back :D (i hereby disproved the use of typing YOU HAVE PM XXXXXX or any other variant in this thread as a means of notification :D) WIN

And no, nowt, wasn't expecting it though, if mine took 2 days stood to reason yours would as well :D

FUK SAKE now its the weekend sent it 1st class too m8 really fucking sorry,,grr royal mail suks ass

and whats this abouit the disprvation of emails>? u wouldnt know unless u actually ckecked ur email OR unless u got messanger running/?? AND i dont get all my notifictaions on here so pff disproved phooey LOSE :)
Nope, about the PM message being disproved. I notified you via the thread that your PM box was full and you missed it, as such it stands to reason that should i have sent you a PM and instead had stated you have PM, you'd have missed it as well :D WIN! YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIIIIVE!
Nope, about the PM message being disproved. I notified you via the thread that your PM box was full and you missed it, as such it stands to reason that should i have sent you a PM and instead had stated you have PM, you'd have missed it as well :D WIN! YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIIIIVE!

na i wasent logged on or pc even turned on,shit i dont even go bak thru the pages unless ther summet wat sounds tastety., besides i gave u my real email so i would ave got told as soon as i booted me shit up via msn IF u had done it that way and after i hear pms getting read i woul have thought been safert

FUK ttt watching man vs food shit u seen sum of the crap on ther like 6lb 2ft long buritos 90 min eating challenge ony 2 peeps ever done it lol
or these wings he ate 10 in 20 mins challenge he got to 2 lol haha u shoudl try that shit
I watch that show most evenings :D mad stuff! Just makes me want to cook! Looovely.

And i use PM's, not emails, it's more convenient for me. I don't log onto messenger, wheras i do log onto RIU where it has a big section in your UCP showing you there are PM's :D You'll never sway me, noce i've chosen my side on an argument i will fight that side! :lol: more often than it lasts until i'm drunk and then i just get silly :D
hey howspeople today grows going good? ive decided to use 6 inch tubes for my flooded tube vertical grow :D might aswell do it right the first time rather then buying 4 inch then wanting to change to 6 inch be a waste :)
yeh and im not even guuna go into battle with u coz u just fry my mind

just talking to this nob whos saying autos are besta nd he got like 9 oz of one auto under like 300 led hmmmm
have you lads heard about the auto pots? i seriously need to invest in them, i heard you dont have to fill up the tank for a week at a time! all it will be is keeping a eye on the ph seems very easy! any of you lot using em?
hey howspeople today grows going good? ive decided to use 6 inch tubes for my flooded tube vertical grow :D might aswell do it right the first time rather then buying 4 inch then wanting to change to 6 inch be a waste :)

Sounds good man, off the top of my head i'd say defo get 6 instead of 4 for more availablle space for the root masses. Root balls grow HUGE in hydro.

yeh and im not even guuna go into battle with u coz u just fry my mind

just talking to this nob whos saying autos are besta nd he got like 9 oz of one auto under like 300 led hmmmm

Haha, i'm always confronting auto growers, there is not one valid reason they can offer as to why they grow auto's instead of regs 12/12 from seed. All they can ever come abck with is that auto's are getting better, which sure, they are, but they're still watered down genetics and the choice out there is still utter horse shite compared to regular strains available. I mean fucks sake, if you're using any form of decent lighting, that double usage of electricity is definately going to be noticable. If i'm spending twice as much on the electricity, stands to reason i want twice as much bud in return, else i'd just setup another tent and run twice the number of plants for the same leccy usage as 24/0 used with auto's :D
Sounds good man, off the top of my head i'd say defo get 6 instead of 4 for more availablle space for the root masses. Root balls grow HUGE in hydro.

Haha, i'm always confronting auto growers, there is not one valid reason they can offer as to why they grow auto's instead of regs 12/12 from seed. All they can ever come abck with is that auto's are getting better, which sure, they are, but they're still watered down genetics and the choice out there is still utter horse shite compared to regular strains available. I mean fucks sake, if you're using any form of decent lighting, that double usage of electricity is definately going to be noticable. If i'm spending twice as much on the electricity, stands to reason i want twice as much bud in return, else i'd just setup another tent and run twice the number of plants for the same leccy usage as 24/0 used with auto's :D

he says

how do you figure better yield?(17:20:58)
Ice: yield is determined by the enviroment, growers skill and gentics
(17:21:12) Ice: yeild is not determined weither is photo or auto

have you lads heard about the auto pots? i seriously need to invest in them, i heard you dont have to fill up the tank for a week at a time! all it will be is keeping a eye on the ph seems very easy! any of you lot using em?

we was talking about tehm yesterday m8 scrol bak a few pages,,they do seem rather cool so maybe il go that way,eevn though was leaning towards the 8 pot wilma TT may have swayed me
he says

how do you figure better yield?(17:20:58)
Ice: yield is determined by the enviroment, growers skill and gentics
(17:21:12) Ice: yeild is not determined weither is photo or auto


Haha, yield is determined by genetics, and not photoperiod or autoflowering, correct, but genetics is dependant on auto or photo. Auto genetics on the maret are shite to average, photo genetics on the market are shite to stonking. Let him grow his auto's for lower quality lower yield double the cost :D

I went and saw the kittens today :D Funky little bastards!
Haha, yield is determined by genetics, and not photoperiod or autoflowering, correct, but genetics is dependant on auto or photo. Auto genetics on the maret are shite to average, photo genetics on the market are shite to stonking. Let him grow his auto's for lower quality lower yield double the cost :D

yehh es a douche for sure saying he has 35 under sum hi tech led and he gest 8 z shoing pics like these looks flimsey to me
2 autos 8z per one eac he says,im suer thers another plant behind them to make it look bushier
Auto's are diluted genetics. They cost twice as much to grow, you can't take clones, they grow to one rough set size, the quality of strains out there and choice of strains are completely inferior to the available strains for photoperiod. Alternatively by all means point me to an auto equivelant of livers, dog, exo, psycho... You can't, they don't stand up in any way to those kinds of strains. As i have said, there are some good auto plants around, and they are getting better, but they are nothing in comparisson to the high end strains available as photoperiod.

But even if we ignore quality, and work on the basis that they all produce the same yields, why would you grow something that costs twice as much to grow let alone the cost of having to buy new seeds everytime let alone the cost of having half of those seeds being say, the shit phenotype?

And as you say IM, there are 3 plants in that photo, you can see the red pot fo the third plant at the back if you zoom in.
Auto's are diluted genetics. They cost twice as much to grow, you can't take clones, they grow to one rough set size, the quality of strains out there and choice of strains are completely inferior to the available strains for photoperiod.

diluted like every bloody strain is crossed with skunk, northern lights blah blah
and the choice dosent mater there not instead of photoperiod they can go together that not what im sayiing
and your right you cant clone them and thats there 1 downfall because if you could thats all people would grow.
diluted like every bloody strain is crossed with skunk, northern lights blah blah
and the choice dosent mater there not instead of photoperiod they can go together that not what im sayiing
and your right you cant clone them and thats there 1 downfall because if you could thats all people would grow.

Why would people grow something that costs twice as much to grow due to light schedules? As i said, if we're ignoring quality and assuming that they can yield the same, why would i opt to pay £100 a month on electricity if i could do the same thing for £50 a month of electricity, that makes no sense.

And i mean diluted in that people do not smoke ruderilis for a reason :lol: I'd rather my plant was crossed with skunk than it was crossed with ruderillis :D
Auto's are diluted genetics. They cost twice as much to grow, you can't take clones, they grow to one rough set size, the quality of strains out there and choice of strains are completely inferior to the available strains for photoperiod.

diluted like every bloody strain is crossed with skunk, northern lights blah blah
and the choice dosent mater there not instead of photoperiod they can go together that not what im sayiing
and your right you cant clone them and thats there 1 downfall because if you could thats all people would grow.

and i good real off a list that could easily compare with livers exo cheese the dog IF you could clones autos like i said there only downfall would be you cant clone.

coming back to what i said autos are not lower quality...still stand by it
Why would people grow something that costs twice as much to grow due to light schedules? As i said, if we're ignoring quality and assuming that they can yield the same, why would i opt to pay £100 a month on electricity if i could do the same thing for £50 a month of electricity, that makes no sense.

And i mean diluted in that people do not smoke ruderilis for a reason :lol: I'd rather my plant was crossed with skunk than it was crossed with ruderillis :D

electricity doesent cost a thing under the sun where autos belong, tell me the last time u flowerd a 11-12 week sativas outside?
dosent cost twice as much you can put em under whatever light cycle you want, dont have to be 24/7...but why would you bother with auto's indoors anyway is beside me
you cant clone them and thats there 1 downfall because if you could thats all people would grow.

why would you bother with auto's indoors anyway is beside me

Those don't seem to agree with each other :D

And you do know that auto's yields are reduced as the light period is reduced, hence why you grow them under 24/0 not 12/12, that's a fairly wide spread and acecpted fact about them :D

You enjoy your auto's lol, i'll enjoy the ability to grow proper sativas :D