First Grow, Blackstar 500, 32x32x60 Grow Space

came out good man. congrats. ive got 5 bubblelicious auto im growing right now under 3 90w led and a few cfls which shoud be done in like a month and then im suppose to start my next batch which happen to ghs big bang auto. im wanting to see the dif between the yield and over all look of the bud. reps for u bro.


Well-Known Member
well, Iv ground up a nice, mostly dry, nug to sample! Taste of course is not quite there but its not all that bad. The high comes on strong for the first 30 min and then its a nice mellow chill. I'm sure it will only get better with time. Not all the bud is dry yet so I cant give a weigh in, but its more then likely over 4 ounces. Unfortunately most of the cannabis is more fluffy then I prefer. When its all dry, I'll sort it and show a few more pics. BTW when I ground this up I found 2 seeds (so far I have found 6). Not sure how they got there, didnt find any naners.


Well-Known Member
Just a few shots of some of the bud. Iv just put them into the curing jars because they are mostly dry but they still need some time. Don't want them to dry out too fast.


Well-Known Member
Looking really good! So far my density seems to vary by strain. My OG kushes feel rock hard inside. Apollos feel medium density they'll be airier for sure.


Well-Known Member
yea density also depends on what stain your growing my bubbleicious 2 is airy as shit and my purp is rock hard


Well-Known Member
Weigh in:
So its been 5 days of drying and they are all dry enough to be put in curing jars. So I figured its time to do a weigh in. It will still lose water weight but probably not very much.

97g good to great quality. (medium to high density, high quality bud)
48g decent bud (fluffy to medium density, good bud)
Total 145g (5.18oz) (I would consider this to be the total for the good quality smoke-able bud.

36g popcorn bud (very fluffy, may be under developed)
27g trim (close bud trim, leafy)
Total 63g (2.25oz) (I would smoke this as a last resort, more then likely will turn into cannabutter)

For my first grow I think iv done a nice job.:bigjoint: There are a few things I will do differently for my next grow:;-)
- Grow less plants. I think I was overcrowding my area.
- Use smaller grow containers. I think the soil stays to wet because leds do not create as much heat. Plus it is a waste of nutes and water.
- Make sure bud sites get direct light
- Flower longer.

Thanks to everyone who helped and rooted for me along the way :hug:
If you have any comments, questions, or critiques just leave a reply.


Well-Known Member
awesome grow man i keep trying to hit you with rep but my cooldown is up again looking forward to your next grow can't wait to see how fat those nugs get when you clip the popcorn

next time around you might want to get... its a sugar concentrate adds true density when your buds dry they won't shrink as much thats always a bitch :),or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1680&bih=946&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=14577749594109981726&sa=X&ei=EiGcT6reH8346QGR8ej7Dg&ved=0CFwQ8wIwAQ

STAY HIGH :bigjoint:

edit: how often were you watering with nutes at what dilution?


Well-Known Member
Before chop:

Very Dense: (Mostly just the tops)

Average Density (somewhat fluffy, what most of the good bud is):

Fluffy (slightly out of direct light):

Very Fluffy: (Popcorn, Undergrowth)
very fluffyP1013400.jpg



Well-Known Member
Which breeder on the GWS? I'm interested to get the original mr nice version sometime but not high on my list :) That's a nice set of jars... i'm curious to see how my multiple 240 blackstars compare to your 500 results. You might want to look into topping/training your plants a bit more would probably help you bump up your yields or go full on scrog. An even canopy is what's going to bump up your led yields even higher. I just took one of the smallest filled out bottom buds off my plant and it weighed almost a quarter wet... can't wait to see what my dry weights are on my huge colas (4 per plant). i'm betting i'm gonna get over 4 oz on my bigger yielding plant.


Well-Known Member
Final Update 17 days after chop:

high quality bud 96g
medium quality bud 41g
shake 28g

4.9oz total bud
1oz of shake

I smoked about 10g and turned 1oz of clippings into butter that was not counted in the totals.

The high quality bud is actually dense just like I enjoy and the medium quality bud is definitely smokable but just a bit more fluffy.

high quality

medium quality


I had 16 oz of butter but i used 8 oz to make the desert. I used 29 grams of leaf and bud.

This is one of 4 squares that where made. My wife and I shared one around 11PM after it was baked (I didn't want to eat that much but it was sooooo good, My wife is really good at baking). I woke up at 8am the next morning and could barely move. I ended up getting out of bed around 12PM and was still high untill 7PM. My wife woke up a bit latter than me and was like WTF how am I still so high... OMG :eyesmoke:. And I still have 1/2 the butter left.

Smoke report:
Big Bang is a strain with about 13%THC so I wasn't expecting a super crazy high. It is actually quite cerebral and comes on quick. it is pleasant and doesn't make me very sleepy. Cant report on taste and smell quite yet but its not bad by any means.

In summation:
I grew the amount of bud I was hoping with the Blackstar 500 and the quality is quite good. I wish I could say if its better then HPS but I have never grown HPS. Would I buy another? Mabey... but I would want to try my hand at HPS first.
Lots of good information in here, I also am a first timer just getting my LED lights and room ready. This grow journal was a great help to get things rolling! Cant wait to see your next grow!