619 Blue Cheese

Lol. I plan on it.Fuckin dynomite BBYY!!!!
Hey Chris you should run those again
Lol. I plan on it.after seeing that makes me deff wanna run them again! Gotta make sure I still have sum.. but bbys. Is looks fuckin bombbbbbbb!!!
aiiiight. ill let cha kno mann. =) loving ur cut tho. looks great. one of the reasons im not too fond of the gorilla grape is it was a low yielder... very nice stinky sticky buds... but not many of them. lolIm keepin this cut til I can dig threw and find another keeper of it. So if you get to it before me, let us know!
Its why i wanna keep looking. I see its potential and I bet im gonna dig the buds so i plan on revegging it and getting to the rest of the seeds whenever i canaiiiight. ill let cha kno mann. =) loving ur cut tho. looks great. one of the reasons im not too fond of the gorilla grape is it was a low yielder... very nice stinky sticky buds... but not many of them. lol