The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I hop my flatmate doesn't try and get his milk out of the fridge without undue care and attention. Whenever it rains for some reason my kitchen get's inundated by slugs, i, well i'm drunk, and iu had a packet of seasalt, tread carefully fella!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Last week my girlfriend had a job at a Leeds Police station for a Polish guy who got arrested for growing weed from a seed he found in the Police confiscation skip. That's a story I'd have to type up though, it's unbelievable.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Weed seed which he grew.
Live AK47 rounds.
Bag of unknown white powder (about 1/2kilo).
Bag of green vegetable matter.
A cross bow.
And an Air rifle.

All of which came from a Police evidence skip, he found em!


Well-Known Member
Yorkie im pissed as a cunt and just wasted 5 min of my time to read that u cunt lol ow well on to the next can of stella lol believe it or not ive a lad from our olace thats feom yorkshire and guess wot the cunt is thick as fuck lmfao


Well-Known Member
well been up this morn early n re did my scrog net, tied the sc down a bit more................................................... in the wrong place ;)


Well-Known Member
well im off out inna bit for another comm service shift, shoulda been out on thursday but i was hungover as fuck so i couldnt be arsed...only got 4 shifts left so no big deal....gettin a bit jumpy round my way , been a few busts over the last week...4 guys in one fuckin street...the one next to ive shut shop and im just chillin till the dust settles.