The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
A football lost by a Japanese teenager in last years tsunami has been found by walkers on a beach in Alaska,
The boy has now asked the same people to keep an eye out for his sister.

The cap

Well-Known Member
Wrong..!!! Good Bud..!! I know this is old, (but I'm shit aT technology) have you been chatting with the guys over there..???


Well-Known Member
oh sorry mate, got ya now...ah was over a cpl of weeks ago but not recently...mite stick my head in and say hi though. what about you? you been in ?

The cap

Well-Known Member
Yeah tried a couple of times, but seems really difficult to a DUMB fuck like me.. Always need a new password n shit.. So I just go "Fuck It"
But try to get in sometimes.... To be Honest , Miss a few of the old peeps..!!!


Well-Known Member
for me ol mukka pukka this lemon surely is a fucking beast lad hope im doin the bitch justice 28 days in another 35 and ill be starting the hammerhead next week
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