Club 600


Well-Known Member
Deep Purple x Haze. She's also in Super Soil and in a smaller container than I should have used, I think that is a 3 gallon grow bag. She loves to stretch like crazy but it looks like she'll make some nice long colas. Have a good day 600!



Well-Known Member
I am sorry to hear of all the ailments and illnesses here on the 600. I have my share of them, but I am the most worried about my daughter. I have a report from her neurologist that might make it possible for us to get SSI or SSDI for her though.
I took my girls outta the flower tent and put them in the veg area that I am modifying. They did not fit in the tent and were getting bleached badly. I have to figure out how to vent the light and seal the light, and then I can bring some from outside back in to flower.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry for even complaining about my piddly stuff, bassman.
My problems, except the leukemia, are all from me abusing my body.
I sure hope you & your family are able to get the help that SSI/SSDI will provide.
If I could trade what good health I have with your daughter, I'd do it in a heartbeat.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry for even complaining about my piddly stuff, bassman.
My problems, except the leukemia, are all from me abusing my body.
I sure hope you & your family are able to get the help that SSI/SSDI will provide.
If I could trade what good health I have with your daughter, I'd do it in a heartbeat.
Dude, dont feel guilty we each have our own problems. We will work it out I am sure. How is leukemia your fault anyway bro?
Thanx for the kind remarks bro!!
I didnt read right.
Yeah my body except may back was all my fault as well. Drugs and taking bad care of myself. All we can do is learn from our mistakes and try to heal ourselves and teach others how not to treat themselves with us as examples.


Well-Known Member
Dude, dont feel guilty we each have our own problems. We will work it out I am sure. How is leukemia your fault anyway bro?

I didnt read right.
Yeah my body except may back was all my fault as well. Drugs and taking bad care of myself. All we can do is learn from our mistakes and try to heal ourselves and teach others how not to treat themselves with us as examples.
First off. Bassman, you have a sick child. No bigger problem in the world. Dude, you need a break and I hope it comes to you guys in a big way, and soon.

I admit fault too for most of my ailments and while some where from partying and having fun, many are from working my ass off in physical, wear and tear jobs. And then there's the genetic thing and they're not getting off the hook here. nuh uh. They will be held accountable.


Well-Known Member
Thanx Duchie I appreciate it. Shes honor-roll all the way till 7th grade and her grades are falling gradually each yr. This last report card she got an F and 2 D's. She cant run well anymore. She was the fastest kid in the 6th grade over even the boys. I think we might be able to get her better help if she gets the SSDI. The Neuro surgeon we are allowed to see wont try to even do the biopsy. He is so scared of malpractice lawsuits to do surgery I think. I guess better not to have him do it is he isnt confident, but there are drs that do it I have read of plenty of success stories relating to Pharyngioma removal....


Well-Known Member
Hey Bass, I hope that the report from the doc helps in getting the SSDI. I know that it would be a great help to you.

I also hope that you find a doc willing to do whatever is necessary to help fix your little girl.