Chris' New Perpetual Multi-Strain Grow With Weekly Updates & Ton of Pics

Which Strain That I Am Currently Growing Is Your Favorite?

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Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah man i'll bet that's it. did you spray just as lights on? or with a while left to run and those tiny drops are magnifying glasses. they'll pull back in a few days man.


Well-Known Member
yeah man i'll bet that's it. did you spray just as lights on? or with a while left to run and those tiny drops are magnifying glasses. they'll pull back in a few days man.
yeaa it was like 2 hrs b4 the lights went off. =( i wasnt thinking.. ive used diff sprays before.. and never had this happen. soo idk.. anywaysss. gettin ready to post sum bud orn... well sort of. lol. the plants are only 3 and 4 weeks into flwoering.. sooo not much "BUD" lol. stay tuneeeeed. =)


Well-Known Member
Damn sucks about the spray, I'm always leary of sprays the first time I use em. At least the purple pineapples were unaffected, must b some healthy veggers! Flowering stuff lookin nice as well. The Cheese looks like she got too much N tho, I think u already mentioned noticing that tho idk 4/20 has me in a perma-daze. Think I did like 10 dabs, smoked 6 2g blunts and then some bowls and bongs lol


Well-Known Member
Looking good bro, hope your veggers bounce back. You know that your welcome to any of my gear little brother ; !)
Hmmmm. i may have to take u up on that offer.. = ? lol. u still got sum BSB's kickin around? i'd love to pheno hunt and land that sweet candy pheno again.. sum of the best stuff ive smoked.. fast finisher... nice color (hot pink hues) and nice yield... just shoot me a PM wen u get a chance. =D how those flojas treatin ya? still runnin them right?? hows the green pheno. i got that once.. adn it was frosty as hell.. lacked taste.. but made up for it with potency and frost for sure.. wasnt the biggest yielder either.. especially compared to the purple ladies.. there is a nice purple pheno that packs on a shit ton of weight. im sure you found that as well

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hmmmm. i may have to take u up on that offer.. = ? lol. u still got sum BSB's kickin around? i'd love to pheno hunt and land that sweet candy pheno again.. sum of the best stuff ive smoked.. fast finisher... nice color (hot pink hues) and nice yield... just shoot me a PM wen u get a chance. =D how those flojas treatin ya? still runnin them right?? hows the green pheno. i got that once.. adn it was frosty as hell.. lacked taste.. but made up for it with potency and frost for sure.. wasnt the biggest yielder either.. especially compared to the purple ladies.. there is a nice purple pheno that packs on a shit ton of weight. im sure you found that as well
Oh yeah the Flojas are doing fine mango really fine! Getting real big hehe ; !) I have one in flower right now at 2.5 week and one at 2 days in. Still have all of the original phenos but one. Five plants, 4 phenotypes. Still 3 in veg, one of them will be going into flower every 2.5 wks from here on out.

And no problemo about the beanoreanos, your one of my bros man your welcome to what I have. I'll send you a list of my gear and yes I have plenty of bsb still that I made from that initial seed run. Be happy to help :)


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah the Flojas are doing fine mango really fine! Getting real big hehe ; !) I have one in flower right now at 2.5 week and one at 2 days in. Still have all of the original phenos but one. Five plants, 4 phenotypes. Still 3 in veg, one of them will be going into flower every 2.5 wks from here on out.

And no problemo about the beanoreanos, your one of my bros man your welcome to what I have. I'll send you a list of my gear and yes I have plenty of bsb still that I made from that initial seed run. Be happy to help :)
awesome! glad to hear ur still running them. =) glad I got to give YOU something that u actually run/keep on a perpetual run. =) yeaa you got a great variety of phenos. lol. i remember seein a pic.. it went from all green.. to green with sum purple... about 1/2 green 1/2 purple.. and then all purple. lol.

awesome man. im excited to see wats on the list. that arctic express was one of my favs. and had quite a few other ppl who liked it alot as well. =) one day all ur generosity will pay off. =)

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member

Fuck yeah!!!! 10000000 cheers for HC !

These are gonna lite fires mango....screamin genetics goin on here now. Apollo13 x Querkle X Apollo11 x Gorilla Grape :hump:

Double slam of Apollo and a good helping of Erlkle

Nice work Broholio!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Haha damn straight brother asshole!!

Pics are needed to show off the Grape Apes man lol, not from me though my pics suck haha. The male that I used to make the cross was real strong and vigorous, should get a good stock from him. I'll take some pics of the 9 girls sometime soon and see if I can get some good ones. They are close to six weeks (not sure exactly because of the hack last month but maybe I can get a better idea if I go back and look in mine oryour journal) and beefy as all get out for their age. Wouldn't be at all suprised if they finish in under 8 wks they way they are looking now which is super cool cause the P10 is done in 52 days. They all are very resinous but one even has way more trics,,,,the resin dripper. They are stankers too! I'll try and get a description for you. The P10 taste grapey with some skunk after taste and is real gooey. Bud dry very hard and very heavy. Got 6 zips of it heading down the pipe line in just a little bit ; !)

Very darn stooned right now brother, smoking some Lemon Qleaner and getting absolutely blasted lol

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Nice report, sound slike they turned out some good plants. I might have to grow some for myself , im guessing you kept the resin dripper cut? lol

I was hoping for the A11 finish speed to be dominant , the GG goes about 8-10 weeks depending on the pheno ... the A11 is about 7 weeks and grew way bigger colas than the GG did

I used a super robust male GG to do the polenating , sounds simaler to yur discription of the male you just used :)

These are intrigueing me lol


Well-Known Member
Wow Nice.
MOD looks great, hope you got a clone.
And that Void P10 line sounds juicy as fuck with the Apollo and Grape in there.

I was hoping someone could give me flowering times for the BMF? I know chris was runnign it for ages.


Well-Known Member
Ooo yea. I got a clon from the mod. :) I took a clone off al 3 of the nwer plant.. the blue dream.. cheese... and mod.. id like to do a sog of the mod's. They are sooo shor5t and bushy. :) the blue dream is completely the opposite! Lol. And the cheese... meets right in the middle. Lol. Its funny cuz it really does have a cheese type smell. It smells amazing!! Looks like ill pull a nice yield from them.And sorryyy mann. Haven't grown any of the bmf's. Lol. I've grown every other caseyband cross. Lol. I have a few vegging. But that's it. I'm sure sum1 has the flowering time info for ya


Well-Known Member
Heyy indie... did u mean the bsb x cb?? U have one of those goin right?? Mine finished up at 9 weeks. :) ill have 2 take pics of the bud I have left. Been curing for a while... :) looks pretty nice too


New Member
Yeah u have to keep in mind what your next size up is. So your 73 micron bag will collect 73 micron all the way up to your next sized bag, 110 in my case. More bags = smaller range. There's also some people who mix various qualities together, lots of ways to make bubble.
What? A 73 micron bag will let only particles pass that are 73 microns and smaller.. not up to the next size. To facilitate that you would have to use the next size larger, why would a bag or anything spec'd to a certain micron allow anything bigger to pass through bigger then the spec, kind of defeating the labeling and purpose of the bag? If they did that I would ask for a refund and buy a better quality bag.

Maybe the bags are not absolute in there tolerance ratings, I am no bubble bag expert I just assumed like anything else with a label is spec'd up to that specification not a range to the next size. Not calling you out, but just throwing out my understanding of micron and the purpose of a screen.


Well-Known Member
Someguy is talking about what a screen size will are talking about what a screen size will let through
Exactly, glad my stoner ramblings make sense to someone. I was simply trying to point out no hash is truly 'only 73 micron' in size. It is a range of microns created from stacking the bags, and more bags will make smaller ranges ie more 'pure' qualities of hash. I think 9+ bags are insane tho, 5 or 6 seems to be plenty in my experience.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Exactly, glad my stoner ramblings make sense to someone. I was simply trying to point out no hash is truly 'only 73 micron' in size. It is a range of microns created from stacking the bags, and more bags will make smaller ranges ie more 'pure' qualities of hash. I think 9+ bags are insane tho, 5 or 6 seems to be plenty in my experience.
Ya got me thinking maybe I'll through my 120 bag back into the mix,,,,between the 73 and 160. Dunna have a 90 bag


Well-Known Member
Lol. Aww ma. All this micron talk is confusing me... lol. If I thrw sum trim ice and water in there... and sum sticky shit is in the bottom of any bags.... I will be happy..... lol. I really wish I had more trim to work with.. I see ppl with these nice blocks of hash... I had these 2 tiny balls [no pun intended. Lol] I would just love to have a nice amount of it... the high is great! I'm sure hc has a ton. Lol with all thr plantsu got goib on.. sure u got tons of trim which = tons o hash. Hahaha. U do any coking with it hc? Or strictly shhhhhhmokin it?