Well-Known Member
Many do see this as a failing of science, yet it is actually manifestation of one of it's strengths, the ability to self correct. Science is open to new ideas, new evidence, and new angles. Systematic doubt is a staple of the scientific method, IOW, science constantly doubts itself. Science takes the approach that, the best way to demonstrate that you are right is by failing to prove yourself wrong. Science changes it's mind when it is the responsible and justified thing to do.You would have to agree that science can share the same state as your statement about religion & no having answers on a level of certainly. How often is a scientific proof proven wrong? One of the fundamental scientific statements is that nothing goes faster than the speed of light. THey are now saying that there are particles that travel faster than light. THere are a ton of other examples of this sort of thing. Various finds that were totted as one thing but ended up being something else.
Just a parenthetical, Last I heard the data suggesting FTL particle travel was found to be flawed.
You are mistaken. God theory is unable to show it's work, science shows mounds of it. In science, a theory is something which has been shown to have evidence, otherwise its a hypothesis. So to say something is just a theory is like saying this something has only been shown to have evidence. Science does not avoid an unseen god out of frustration, but out of parsimony.THe thing about science is that they don't stop looking. But for example, almost all theoretical physics is just that, theory. But its treated as fact. Saying belief in an unseen God is some form of coping mechanism can be turned back & said that many scientific theories are just used to cope with not wanting to deal with an unseen God. On paper, neither argument is more valid than the other. Neither can be proven. They are both faith based.
In this we share common ground. There is nothing about evolution or the big bang that excludes god as an author. It would seem the creationist view has more problem with this idea than the science involved in these theories. Also, there are many other attributes which make creationism resemble a fairy tale besides god's quickness.It's funny, if it God created the universe in a week its a fairy tail. But if it happened over 13.5 billion years its a fact. We have the Big Bang & the proof of it with the echos of the microwaves & such.. Where my Christian views say the Lord spoke it into existence. An instantaneous act. (from my point of view). Science & religion both agree that it happened in an instant, but we just disagree on the cause.
As I said, I have no problem with beliefs until the exceed their basic human entitlements of expression and celebration, beyond that I think we do need to judge. Religious beliefs have a way of demanding surrender, they must be kept in check.That's why we all need to lose the judgements on others beliefs wether religious or scientific until proven. The moon is not made of cheese. We know that because we've been there. (OH NO.. The we didn't land on the moon conspiracy!) Until your dead, I feel pretty certain we have no idea what comes next. as for me, I choose to believe in the heaven of talked about in the bible. OThers are free to believe in what ever they like & I will not judge them for it.