Fan Leafs. Blockers of Light Or Energy Producers???

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^no if you ripped off my arms and limbs id still have to teeth to pull the trigger. sorry i do not follow that analogy. you may not understand that removing 6-8 leafs isnt shit!!!

@tripurple, THANK YOU!!! i have to update some photos tonight. just been to busy. i bought tomato cages so the bigger ones will gets more support. and yeah the bottom lowers leafs are coming off tonight. i highly doubt that removing no more then 10 leafs will decrease my yield, if anything i know for a fact it will improve it!!! leafs may be solar panels, but if you stack 10 solar panels on top of each other, the bottom ones are worthless!!!
I have made a discovery with my last GROW..... Plants Like Their Leaves........

Leaves R There For A Reason

They are the Energy Suppliers...... the Solar Panels....... the ARMS and LEGS and LIMBS of the Plant........

Without them the Plant suffers.........

Just like if I ripped off your arms and legs...... you would cease to be able to function properly!!! LOL

MJ plants need all the leaves they can get........ I have tried removing leaves - and they do NOT like it......... Just Leave the Leaves!!!

God this forum is full of fucking retards.
God this forum is full of fucking retards.

right?! these are the threads that absolutly kill me. one size fits all, everybody should do it my way (Which i JUST DISCOVERED?).. yada yada oh and if you say different i'll throw an insult and leave cuz your an idiot.. yeah man fucktards deep..

eh i'm in no beueno mood anyways..

good call meng
Come on dudes smoke a bowl & chill :peace:..... why is there so much pent-up frustration here. This isn't the Flush or no flush thread :roll:
i usually do the same thing, prunning, so the light reaches others. i heard throught the grape vine that the weater leaves take energy from the flowerinh ????. my question is wen they start the flowering stage, do they need allot of heat ...??? can i go from 600 watts to 340 watts, wat im saying , do i need extreme heat for budding???
I take off leaves blocking buds from light and if they are causing airflow blockage. The older brittle and maybe yellow leaves are less efficient.
i usually do the same thing, prunning, so the light reaches others. i heard throught the grape vine that the weater leaves take energy from the flowerinh ????. my question is wen they start the flowering stage, do they need allot of heat ...??? can i go from 600 watts to 340 watts, wat im saying , do i need extreme heat for budding???

Ok, I'm not going to go ape shit. But, seriously, turn off the TV and think for a moment. When does flowering occur? Where is the sun at that time of the year? Is it hotter or colder? How are the wave lengths of light different.

Catch a guy a fish and he will eat for a day.. but at least he won't be asking a fuck ton of stupid questions about how to better catch a fish.
It might as well be. How many should I remove the fan leave threads are there? 1,000?

BTW..I don't flush :)
I don't either. I was thinking of a thread ........... how many of those who flush, don't prune any of their fan leaves, & vise versa. Could be some interesting results. bongsmilie I'll have to smoke on that........
hahahahaha!!!! everyone is fucked! and i agree, this place is kinda hostile towards people who are asking questions. its just a fucking question. if all the energy people used to be dicks on these boards spent towards growing ideal MJ, i bed there would be a lot less posters. seems like the arrogant hostile ones how much to prove and very little to gain with being assholes. in my book, your plants are probably suffering from asshole-itous as well. you plants can only absorb the energy and attention your human omits. i dont even yell or argue around my plants. i just sing and dance!!!! and the uptight asswads obviously aren't growing good herbs. stoned people aren't uptight. i will admit if you catch me before oil rips i may come across as an asshole, so im just as guilty as the rest. but seriously, there is a ton of assholes on these boards and i bet there plants suck ass also, lol!!!
Ok, I'm not going to go ape shit. But, seriously, turn off the TV and think for a moment. When does flowering occur? Where is the sun at that time of the year? Is it hotter or colder? How are the wave lengths of light different.

Catch a guy a fish and he will eat for a day.. but at least he won't be asking a fuck ton of stupid questions about how to better catch a fish.

are you comparing outdoor growing to indoor growing? and you think catching a small fresh water fish is the same as catching a huge salt water fish, lol???!!!!
I pull leaves, Cervantes can kiss my ass. I take hand fulls off all through flower. Improves air flow, light penetration, and mold resistance. I get fan leaves the size of your head, if I left them that's all you would see is leaf.
I have grown with leaving everything on there, just makes for alot of undeveloped buds, and alot more trimming. I had no change in yield.

I've seen the same thing with an aggressively leaf-trimmed plant. Solid nugs all the way down. There is a lot to be said for light and air flow.
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