I went on the worst date ever


Staff member
itsurpirses me that you of all people who is probably ridiculed alot can actually go ahead andc all someone ugly? when you yourself know how hurtful it is to be called ugly or fat...i mean we all, its common now to split the bill when dating for the first few times, i mean pick up a cosmo and read it... Not everyone has the money to repair their cars instantly, like maybe the last few things he needed was the seatbelt done, I think youre too picky, and at least he bought you something, most guys dont....


Well-Known Member
If that's your pic, how the hell are you single??... :shock:...you ladies are dating the wrong guys!....and some of the overly defensive guys on here have me rolling....it seems as though a few people take this one very personally! ;-)
Sorry for your bad date Urca!
I knew there was a reason I wasn't getting excited over a new female member. Another fake.. But convincing enough seeing as at least 3 members here (myself and Sunni included) have been given the 'why the hell are you still single line and we've had to give the 'men are assholes' speech.

Common sense indicates its not... Its impossible for me to believe she's single. Then again, assholes comprise 95% of men.
He always has the right idea x

Such a shame. I was considering hitting on her.

Maybe Urca is coming off a bit harsh but she's only hardened from everyone's constant ridicule, being told to stop beign a people-pleasure and to 'not sell herself short'. I guess she sounds demanding now whereas another girl would be told 'you go girl, expect better. Such a sexy, confident woman w00t w00t' or something.

Sunni are you still single? We need an RIU single ladies club. The fact most of us are at least bi-curious should make for some fun.


Active Member
Dating sucks....Ill just stay single forever unless I get old and rich then ill just marry some Russian chick that wants citizenship


Well-Known Member
Jesus Christ Urca. :lol: I know you're in a bad mood because of this bad date but it really strikes me sometimes, do you ever make a thread that's not about you?! :lol:

That aside I am truly sorry for you sis. Sometimes even the big bad Cryptkeeper wishes things could just go right for you. :p
That sounded so badass, 'the big bad cryptkeeper', hell fucking yea!


Well-Known Member
Well he is awesome, fact. But Jam succumb to said awesomeness and it come to bad end, upon his shoulders be it,

Of course, Mickey. I was considering pushing the final self esteem hurdle and doing some proper artistic nude shots in my ballet shoes. Something to look back on when I'm old and fat. Rainbow and Sunni in sundresses.

I'm still hoping for the best for Urca. She is a kindhearted girl despite not always being able to see the bigger picture. We're alike in that sense. You'r e a beautiful girl and I hope you don't take some of these defensive man comments to heart. Listen to the nice part of Crypty's and Mickey's posts. Be strong for yourself but don't let assholes and disappointments completely strip that away from you and completely harden your heart. I now it feels like it's 'better to be a bitch' sometimes, especially if you get treated like one when you're nice so you 'might as well' go ahead and actually be what people accuse you of being anyway, but hang in there. Find a club or society to join. I now my advice is next to useless considering my own situation but I'm praying for your happiness.


Well-Known Member
WTF dude your not looker yourself, your personality isnt the greatest either. you bash this dude when you try to be high and mighty, do some soul searching before you start doing anything else. want better dates change yourself.
urca, you would do well to listen to silas. you need to wait through two years of snuggling someone before any coitus can occur.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Ok that picture IS ME
So that would make you a girl named Liz, or Maybe Carmen then? Seems pretty bloody odd htat there would be a plethora of people around the net all claiming to be different people all using your face as their photo. How peculiar :lol:

so why did you take someone's facebook photo to use as your avatar?

Seems strange that thee are girls all over the internet all using the same photo claiming it's them.. As such without any proof otherwise, that is to say alternative phoot's of the same person, i cannot in good faith consider it the face of ANY of these people.


Well-Known Member
So that would make you a girl named Liz, or Maybe Carmen then? Seems pretty bloody odd htat there would be a plethora of people around the net all claiming to be different people all using your face as their photo. How peculiar :lol:
the junior detectives of RIU strike again.