The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Afternoon lads...well i ran in to another problem last night after repotting....My new airpots are too big for my veg cab, way to tall but didnt realise this till i had them repotted., Hadnt got enough time last night to do anything about it so just left them in my flower tent. Gonna go home to night and just dig them back out and put in to smaller pots for 2 or 3 weeks then just repot before i put in to flower...freaked..everything was going so soil thats left in my airpots, do you think i should just leave that in an water before i repot back in.


Well-Known Member
i have a question lads, anyone use any soil from woodies and which one?

i got some last year with that john innes added crap and my plants turned out like the cast of xmen a load of mutants and it was unsmokeable.
just dont want to drive for half a day to buy biobizz mix and pay 20e for a bag
I used a mix of perlite with two flower composts from woodies got some serious results ;). Currently using the plagron soil mix and find it good too


Well-Known Member
Afternoon lads...well i ran in to another problem last night after repotting....My new airpots are too big for my veg cab, way to tall but didnt realise this till i had them repotted., Hadnt got enough time last night to do anything about it so just left them in my flower tent. Gonna go home to night and just dig them back out and put in to smaller pots for 2 or 3 weeks then just repot before i put in to flower...freaked..everything was going so soil thats left in my airpots, do you think i should just leave that in an water before i repot back in.
Yup youll be fine just water the soild the day before you replant and youre good to go

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
loveing the snooker... this ding and day match is getting scrappy in the last two frames....

day deserves it for courage of shot alone.......

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
down to a decideing frame.....

day was 9-6 down and he`s come back fighting..

judd trump final session at 2.. the joys of unemployment...


Well-Known Member
down to a decideing frame.....

day was 9-6 down and he`s come back fighting..

judd trump final session at 2.. the joys of unemployment...
Its not like we have a choice to be on the dole, i was working 7 days a week in construction for years and now am watching tv shows everyday on the dole, there just is no jobs at all, not in the sticks in donegal anyway

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Its not like we have a choice to be on the dole, i was working 7 days a week in construction for years and now am watching tv shows everyday on the dole, there just is no jobs at all, not in the sticks in donegal anyway

same with me kang, was never on the dole a day in my life until a few months ago..

worked with a glazier all through the boom and started my own recovery business in 06, worked up until last september, kept myself going until october but had to sign on to feed the kids..

hence the home growing hahahahaha.. i save my pennys and such for the likes of the new tv, and ive said it a million times no other recreational drugs taken so a man has to have an outlet.....


Well-Known Member
same with me kang, was never on the dole a day in my life until a few months ago..

worked with a glazier all through the boom and started my own recovery business in 06, worked up until last september, kept myself going until october but had to sign on to feed the kids..

hence the home growing hahahahaha.. i save my pennys and such for the likes of the new tv, and ive said it a million times no other recreational drugs taken so a man has to have an outlet.....
I can find you scientific studies and quotes that say weed is less harmful than foods alot of people eat shouldn't need to be justified the way we all feel we need to. Society is weird.


Well-Known Member
Society is fucked 70% of the people in this country have no fucking clue about anything at all, reality tv and the media have left most people brain dead, nobody seems to search out the truth about anything by looking at other news online thats real instead of the horse shit we are fed by rte, i thought that would all change very quick with the internet but people are that stupid they use it for crap like facebook

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
it is weird.............

but fuck it, i mean why worry about what small minded people think.. it was that line of thinking that has started wars, resulted in murder and injustice from time imorrial...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Society is fucked 70% of the people in this country have no fucking clue about anything at all, reality tv and the media have left most people brain dead, nobody seems to search out the truth about anything by looking at other news online thats real instead of the horse shit we are fed by rte, i thought that would all change very quick with the internet but people are that stupid they use it for crap like facebook
facebook and porn it seems is all the youth can use this valuable tool for..

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
couldn`t agree with you more har, i read on the net all the time, not one for books but will read online for hours, just get sucked into it...

everything from growing weed to extreme engine and gearbox stuff...

the weed was the most helpful so far me thinks...