I Need Advice About A Threesome?


Well-Known Member
well, I'm a stoner....gotta problem with that, ese? Donchu know I'm loco? lmao, I kid.

What's a girl gotta do to hear the rest of your story?!


Well-Known Member
well, I'm a stoner....gotta problem with that, ese? Donchu know I'm loco? lmao, I kid.

What's a girl gotta do to hear the rest of your story?!
I hate when people call me a stoner.... im a g, ok?
And if you wanna hear the rest of the story... come to the border ;)


Well-Known Member
WELL, if I'm not getting the rest of the story, I've got a shower waitin for me. Got an interview tomorrow, and I gotta do my hair (long hair...takes time) and then I gotta smoke a bowl before bed....lol


Well-Known Member
WELL, if I'm not getting the rest of the story, I've got a shower waitin for me. Got an interview tomorrow, and I gotta do my hair (long hair...takes time) and then I gotta smoke a bowl before bed....lol
ill give you the rest tomorrow if you are still interested in my rape story then,....


Well-Known Member
I'm interested...but it's taking an awful long time. If it takes much longer I'm going to look for entertainment elsewhere....go let a stranger bend me over the sink in the mens bathroom or something...

Not really, but still


New Member
The guy doesn't seem to be taking the hint. :roll:

Long hair does take time. I have long hair too:mrgreen: Us woman gotta do our hair and nails. VERY important stuff:hump:

Good luck with your interview wikid hon:hug:
WELL, if I'm not getting the rest of the story, I've got a shower waitin for me. Got an interview tomorrow, and I gotta do my hair (long hair...takes time) and then I gotta smoke a bowl before bed....lol


Well-Known Member
Oh thank you Lacy! lol, since I did my hair last night, I have all this free time this morning. I don't have to go until like 10....

lol, you know what I've always loved about having long hair? I love when I've just finished my hair, and I can feel it all down my naked back...tickles....OR, when you've had your hair up TIGHT, at the end of the day, when you take it down and it's like your whole scalp relaxes...*shudders*

good stuff


New Member
Me too. You really are like my evil twin.:twisted::twisted:

opps we need hair. //:twisted:\\ //:twisted:\\

I have always had long hair. My hair used to be 3 1/2 feet long until recently I cut it and now it is half way down my back but yes it feels wonderful.:mrgreen: :roll: It was just pass the crack of my bum and was getting too long epecially now that I have been colouring it. Plus hubby was constantly nagging me about clogged drain etc....gets caught in the car door those rotating doors were a total nightmare. :roll: besides other things:oops:

My hair was so long I could put it in a ponytail tie it in about 6 or 7 different braids and add a plate in the middle and it looked like one of those hanging plant holders. :lol::clap:

DAMN! I should have done it before I cut my hair and put a marijuana plant in there . It would have made a GREAT avatar pic of me but with no face of course. :roll:

the length of thickness of my hair was a nightmare to try and colour and I hate going to the hair dresser.:-| Now it is still very long but managable.
What colour is your hair? How long is it? Do you wear your up in buns and stuff? My hair is way too thick to put it in a bun. It ends up looking like a loaf of bread on the top of my head. :?

Mine is light chestut but I henna it once a month with reds and mohagony's etc.:mrgreen:

Have a nice day wikid beotch of the west.
I'll be wikid beotch of the east
and all we need are two more wikid boetches like us and we can take over the site


All joking aside. That is a very scary thought:shock:

Oh thank you Lacy! lol, since I did my hair last night, I have all this free time this morning. I don't have to go until like 10....

lol, you know what I've always loved about having long hair? I love when I've just finished my hair, and I can feel it all down my naked back...tickles....OR, when you've had your hair up TIGHT, at the end of the day, when you take it down and it's like your whole scalp relaxes...*shudders*

good stuff


Well-Known Member
long hair makes me shudder... not a good thing to me, i guess since i had a few scary incidents as a kid... too long hair = ick


Well-Known Member
I've always liked having long hair...except one time when I was kid, my grandma cut my hair when I was half asleep....evil of her.

But yeah, my hair reaches my lower back. I have brown hair lacy, lol, finally! When I was in high school I used to fuck with my hair color a lot, just for fun. But I haven't touched it in YEARS. My hair has a curl to it when it's short, so long it just kinda has a slight wave...

I only wear my hair up when I'm hot, or when I'm doing something and I need my hair out of the way. I usually just put it in a high pony tail, or I put it up with a pen. I don't like buns as much...but yeah, definately prefer to have my hair down.

But like, say, when I give head, I like to have my hair out of the way (that was for YOU lacy, lol, you know I have to go there)


Well-Known Member
I had an old girlfriend that would use her hair to stroke me when she gave me head. It was quite nice but I could be bias she was giving me head at the time ;)


Well-Known Member
lol, really? Then yeah, definately bias. (I typed something else at first, but I've decided to edit myself. I'm pretty high, and I don't want to go overboard by accident...when I go too far, I want it to be intentional)