Need Help


First grow and I have two plants; Dinafem Critical + Auto and Green House The Doctor. The doctor was started 4/16 and is doing perfectly fine. But i'm having trouble with my critical +. She was turning light green and then the tips started to turn yellow, and now her new growth is droopy. She was started 4/12 and haven't grown since, right now the doctor is a lot taller. I'm thinking maybe its overwatering or might need some nitrogen. Gonna post pics.


Active Member
ya pics for sure but if drooping and yellow most likely its over watering. I would say make sure the over watering problem is fixed and then worry about nitrogen def. Good luck man


At first it was miracle grow. Once I heard it was crap for growing, I immediately changed it to fox farm ocean forest. For feeding i'm going to use Xnutrients.


I read somewhere that auto's can be 24. Maybe it was a crappy site or so. But i changed it to 18/6 when I started the doctor.


Active Member
Any plant can be 24. You just have to work your way up if you've been using a different light cycle. The sudden and dramatic change will stress the plant out.

Claude Bawls

Active Member
At first it was miracle grow. Once I heard it was crap for growing, I immediately changed it to fox farm ocean forest. For feeding i'm going to use Xnutrients.
There is your issue...very early to transplant causd shock, change of medium more shock and a very hot soil even more shock and some nute burn. Did you buffer the soil with perlite at all? Well, what to do now. I never state absolutes as to fixing other's grows because all are different. But, if it were my grow I woul not give any additional nutes for at least 6-7 weeks. You will have transplanted again by then and added more nutes. Cut down on the watering and let the roots search for moisture this will make them grow stronger and longer. I would not do any other changing of conditions right now with the exception of perhaps adding some rh to the grow area. Let them do their thing, nothing has harmed or killed more cannabis plants than their parent loving them to death.


Yeah I had perlite when it was in the miracle grow. I was planning on cutting back on water for a week or so and see what the outcome would be.


Active Member
good choice on switching to FFOF! just be easy on the water make sure your heat stays in check and you will be good man!


Well-Known Member
its fine just no water no nothing for about a week or so. the soil you have them in has plenty of nutes for first 3-6 weeks or more and the size container you have them in will hold enough moisture where you shouldnt have to water them for 2 weeks (max)

let em grow and do thier thing man NO WATER, it releases more nutrients and that is going to cause more burn. they are burnt


Well-Known Member
sorry went back looked at pics a second time realized its a solo cup. 2 days no water

after 2 days light waterings, if in 2 days you pick the cup up and it feels you can go another day, do it. the less water the better right now, cannabis is extremely drought tolerant and can go without being constantly watered. i water the plants in my veg cab every 2 weeks


sorry went back looked at pics a second time realized its a solo cup. 2 days no water

after 2 days light waterings, if in 2 days you pick the cup up and it feels you can go another day, do it. the less water the better right now, cannabis is extremely drought tolerant and can go without being constantly watered. i water the plants in my veg cab every 2 weeks
I've been light with the plant in the cup... i'm learning from my mistakes. I'm also trying to keep track of what I do in journals. Makes it a lot more easy to remember the last watering date etc.