trayvan martin


Well-Known Member
I'm sure Zimmerman gave his story to the police and from the blog you posted, he repeated it several times with no changes. My question is, do we have an official release of that statement? I'm seeing debate over Zimmerman saying he was looking for an address, are we getting it solely from the blog and/or some media source or has his documented statement of events been released by the prosecution? If you have a link I'd appreciate it.
the looking for an address thing comes right from his dad and brother's versions.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
he was going home? you assume that for whatever reason it took him that long to get where he was that the reason was to do evil . . .your assumption has one flaw . . .. ignores any other possibility and believing the assumption to be true vs a possibility makes you biased to any other possible or reasonable explanation . . to describe the path martin took to go home

and if you have seen any of the pictures that display the path martin took ti walk home he pretty much goes straight to his destination . . . . with one turn . . . .and many presumptions from the point in which zimermans spidey sense to sweets and hoodies went aerie


Well-Known Member
he was going home? you assume that for whatever reason it took him that long to get where he was that the reason was to do evil . . .your assumption has one flaw . . .. ignores any other possibility and believing the assumption to be true vs a possibility makes you biased to any other possible or reasonable explanation . . to describe the path martin took to go home

and if you have seen any of the pictures that display the path martin took ti walk home he pretty much goes straight to his destination . . . . with one turn . . . .and many presumptions from the point in which zimermans spidey sense to sweets and hoodies went aerie
From the picture in the article UB posted, Trayvon could've just went home. Zimmerman wasn't blocking his path or on ghe route between him and his Dads place after he ran. Why didn't he run home and drink his iced tea and skittles? Why didn't he run home and get his Dad cos some weirdo is following him? (If that's actually what happened at all).


Well-Known Member
Please show me where they charged anyone with manslaughter. Didnt happen. Made up bull shit.
you're not so bright either i see.

serino, the lead detective, wanted to go ahead with manslaughter night one. he said zimmerman's story did not add up and was unconvincing. wanted to go ahead with manslaughter.

oddly, the now resigned prosecutor left his house late on a sunday evening to meet in person with the now resigned police chief (usually they phone cases in). he told them to "cut him loose".

did i ever say they charged him with manslaughter? find it and quote it.



Active Member
he was going home? you assume that for whatever reason it took him that long to get where he was that the reason was to do evil . . .your assumption has one flaw . . .. ignores any other possibility and believing the assumption to be true vs a possibility makes you biased to any other possible or reasonable explanation . . to describe the path martin took to go home

and if you have seen any of the pictures that display the path martin took ti walk home he pretty much goes straight to his destination . . . . with one turn . . . .and many presumptions from the point in which zimermans spidey sense to sweets and hoodies went aerie
We do know one thing more than 4 minutes after zimmerman reports him running in the direction of the back entrance hes found dead feet from where he originally ran from.


Active Member
you're not so bright either i see.

serino, the lead detective, wanted to go ahead with manslaughter night one. he said zimmerman's story did not add up and was unconvincing. wanted to go ahead with manslaughter.

oddly, the now resigned prosecutor left his house late on a sunday evening to meet in person with the now resigned police chief (usually they phone cases in). he told them to "cut him loose".

did i ever say they charged him with manslaughter? find it and quote it.

Actually you'll find the original prosecutor was going to put it in front of a grand jury.


Well-Known Member
the same way believing zimmerman defended himself makes you a racist.
awww, the poor persecuted white people are pulling out the victim card again!

awww, you poor persecuted white people! if you need a shoulder to cry on, i'm here for you. as a fellow white person, i'll understand.


Well-Known Member
I found this pretty funny.From georgie's twitter

I will not be silenced. Or intimidated. I'm tired of just taking abuse and not fighting back. I may go down, but I will go down fighting.

Next tweet:

Also: I am armed. Just saying.

when was this from? can you link me or provide citation?


Active Member
awww, the poor persecuted white people are pulling out the victim card again!

awww, you poor persecuted white people! if you need a shoulder to cry on, i'm here for you. as a fellow white person, i'll understand.
Your a jew.As a racist i would never cry on your shoulder.


Well-Known Member
Wrong. He wasn't ORDERED to do anything AND had EVERY right to go wherever he so pleases. Repeating that lie is starting to make you look foolish.
he has every right to go behind those houses in pursuit of martin.

but to say he was looking for an address back there is a bunch of retarded, seeing as how he lived there for 5 years, patrolled the neighborhood, and was parked pretty close to the fronts of some houses with addresses on them.

it puts yet another hole in his tall tale. o'mara is probably sweating, he better be as good as he seems.


Well-Known Member
awww, the poor persecuted white people are pulling out the victim card again!

awww, you poor persecuted white people! if you need a shoulder to cry on, i'm here for you. as a fellow white person, i'll understand.
Do you write that all out every time, or do you just have to hit a button?

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
i think zimmerman was still looking for him walking south down the path toward martin who was on the phone with his gf . . .. outside . .. . .and saw zimmerman and thats how it started .. . .

is this not possible that martin simply got to the area around his destination first and zimmerman just kept looking for him, and i will say no matter what really happened i dont think zimmerman followed martin for any other reason then to make sure he wasnt up to not good a just cuase but in a fools hands, and it when martin and Z noticed each other words were exchanged and then a incident. . . . .. . . . .which only time will tell if it was necessary to us a gun or if Zimmerman is believed to be criminally negligent with his authority and himself due to his history of violence

just reinforces my belief that things like this would happen if vigilantes would just mind there own . . . .


Well-Known Member
He says right in the 911 tape that he lost trayvon.How exactly is he pursuing him?
after zimmerman loses trayvon, he goes and looks for him. this is evident by the location of the murder.

sure, george says he was back there just looking for an address. too bad that there are no addresses back there.

you'd think someone who lived there for 5 years and patrolled the place would know that and not use that in his story. dumb move by zimmboy.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
wow... if that really is Zimmerman's twitter account his lawyer needs to tell him to shut the fuck up. He is damning himself with every tweet. If it IS him.


Well-Known Member
Why didn't trayvon just go home?
couple of reasons come to mind.

first, he was talking on the phone with his girlfriend. when you were 17, were you in the habit of talking to your girlfriend in front of your family? no 17 year old i have ever known has liked to do that.

second, he was being chased by someone, maybe he didn't want that person to know where he lived, and so he cut away from the direct path home.