Hawaii Growers


Well-Known Member
Nice ass plants East. Hope ya feeling better! Yeah, boys stoked to be in the land of the free and the home of the brave/crazy! When I saw a chick nearly beat a dudes ass on the bus yesterday, I knew I was home...

KK, you get dat 50 off homie?

East Hawaii

Well-Known Member
When I first came here the best looking women were on Mamo St but they weren't girls I flew back to Oahu alot plus back in the day just carry your weed on the plane in a back pack, full nothing but a tooth brush and weed. Can't do that anymore.


Well-Known Member
sorry if its been asked before. i searched but could not find. are there any doctors that come to oahu where i could get my med-card from here? i know there's in maui, but oahu?

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Surfed, no he said he didn't have it next time so I'll be getting that today no problem.

Those cops in the chopper or just rippers got a new toy. I shit you not Im pritty sure I would fire at the helicopter if those were my plants and I had a large enough caliber. 50 cal even a 300 mag. Then post up in the bushes a few days

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Good to see you G. Nice plants :leaf:
hey wassup Del. I just been lurking lately. not much to share at this time but still like reading the thread. good to see a bunch of new people posting and sharing the aloha. keep it up gang.

......back to the shadows for this ninja :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, good to see the Chitown/poplars express rolling in HI........lets see some sour/yumboldt shit!......Thanks for that Dr, good to see ya pop in!!


Active Member
Aloha braddahs, just wondering, Ive been veggin a plant indoors now for nearly three months and had all kinds of thoughts of what to do with her. She's roughly three x three wide and three feet tall. I got her posted up under my t5 with 18/6 lighting and she's looking pretty damn good. I'll post some pictures tomorrow. I just wanted yr guyses professional info on what u think I should do. If I flower it will be all outdoors but with long season here, hmmmmm??? Flower? Or no flower? Stretch? Or no stretch? That is the question. Supposed to be g13/kauai hash. Who da fuck knows. Lemme know braddahs. AloooooooooooooooJAHZ