It's All Over Folks


Well-Known Member
What about the researcher who provides the AIDS cure? He has a 10,000 sq foot mansion all to himself with 20 acres of land to run his horses. While the guy who writes funny limericks gets a 400 sq foot studio apartment. Some would consider that unfair. Extra priveledges isn't money.
I still do not get the difference but what's in a label? I like it. I wish that researcher would release the AIDS cure but there's no money in the cure which is why nothing has been cured since that crazy goofball gave away his polio cure for free.

I am fairly sure in Holland, Sweden and the like the salaries ARE weighted... just saying. ;)


Well-Known Member
I still do not get the difference but what's in a label? I like it. I wish that researcher would release the AIDS cure but there's no money in the cure which is why nothing has been cured since that crazy goofball gave away his polio cure for free.

I am fairly sure in Holland, Sweden and the like the salaries ARE weighted... just saying. ;)
A person who contracts polio will never be a useful wage slave again.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Libertarian Technocrat thats the most bipolar thing I have ever heard of, what the fuck?
That's because you've only heard propaganda about technocrat dictators. It's the same as

libertarians are anarchists.

The USSR were communists

Democrats are communists

The tea party is racist

So far technocracy is only an idea. But to your leftist "libertarian" friends is very dangerous. Technocracy has the potential to eliminate all forms of voting and replacing it with a fact based system. To left libertarians this is very bad since they tend to be pro-unions and technocracy has the potential to get rid of them. So of course they'll try anything they can to discredit what may put thm out of business.

Our current world system is based on price. My thread on the diamond cartel shows why price is wrong. By artificially creating scarcity, you inflate price. Business makes profit by creating debt. Human toil is embedded into products. As technology use increases, less human toil is in the product. Investors instead absorb the technology portion which uses less humans.

Unions know about this and usually demand profits contributed from technology and not their own work. These unions know this can't go on forever and demand regulations which limit the technology contribution for less efficient manual human labor. This is why american cars are so far behind foreign car sales.

Eventually a new method of accounting of contribution needs to get implemented. Our refusal to do so has led to corporate machines and our current economic mess, such as venture capital firms like that asshole Romney does.

When technology starts replacing more and more human toil, less humans work. Either the price system becomes obsolete, or expect major poverty as only a select few collect money from the technology used as free labor. Eventually the laborers will become freelance only hired to fix automation. Just like right now with construction workers who are only hired sporadically because the housing market is so chaotic.

I haven't even scratched the surface with this post, which is why I said this topic is too complicated for a forum.

Let's go back to the Obama vs Romney and Paul as a joke sideshow. Those are easier to understand and solve nothing, but make good bickering points!

Ok, so where were we. I "confuse Big Government as automatically being left wing its just not the case at all, this is part of the republican propaganda." No I don't, I just suck republican cock because they know best.

Even though, it's not true and I don't play this conservative vs liberal game with the libertarian option for giggle factor. Game on, I guess.


New Member
If technocracy is only an idea then what do you call the IMF taking Europe?

""Ok, so where were we. I "confuse Big Government as automatically being left wing its just not the case at all, this is part of the republican propaganda." No I don't, I just suck republican cock because they know best."

No fucking clue how to respond to that, are you actually serious? If your not being sarcastic...I would have to say the Republican's are on the same team as the Democrats Obviously...and if anything they are worse...they are probably the worse problem we have. You know how collectivism is evil to you and individual liberty is important right, its important to me also. Just look at what a Republican or Right Winger is....Its against social liberties completely, right wing idelogies can't even exist without a collective(People who collectively agree on things like censoring television, pushing religion, banning this or banning that). Right Wing is collectivism also because it is not neutral whatsoever, the right wing in every society and even every country is totally different. Even right wing candians vs americans.. So how can you be a right winger and be a libertarian? Its actually impossible...The furthest right you could be is dead center (I am nearly there myself)


Well-Known Member
So far technocracy is only an idea. But to your leftist "libertarian" friends is very dangerous. Technocracy has the potential to eliminate all forms of voting and replacing it with a fact based system. To left libertarians this is very bad since they tend to be pro-unions and technocracy has the potential to get rid of them. So of course they'll try anything they can to discredit what may put thm out of business.
Who's fact? Your fact?

That is the most ridiculous thing I've heard of, and yes it is contradictory to libertarianism. Case and point: using the government to prevent groups of people from unionizing.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
If technocracy is only an idea then what do you call the IMF taking
Because that's not techocracy. It has the same name is all.

Was the USSR real communism? I hate real communism but that was not the real deal.

That's the big joke, our overlords don't want to fix this mess, so they speak half truths and implement fake versions of real alternatives. It's a very effective tactic.

Is Europe using expert systems ( a form of artificial intelligence)? Where can I download the rule set and algorithm they're using? It looks like to me like the European version is like calling astrology, astronomy. What is that protected IP? Under technocracy you can't hide the methods.

What would you say if politicians names and political views were held secret, but were given fake ones instead?


New Member
Who's fact? Your fact?

That is the most ridiculous thing I've heard of, and yes it is contradictory to libertarianism. Case and point: using the government to prevent groups of people from unionizing.
excellent point, exactly what I was trying to say...Libertarian Technocrat...completely bipolar..thats like saying your a Anarcho-Facist or something...

In Laymens Technocracy is when you have a panel of "experts" boss everyone around and tell us whats best for tEurope...looks like they are having fun over there...NOT...very big goverment-esq

Like in greece when they had the "Economics Expert" come in..civil unrest galore....mafia style takeover...


Well-Known Member
completely bipolar..thats like saying your a Anarcho-Facist or something....
That reminded me of that russian guy who went around the occupy camps and met a group of people who were Anarchists and Communists.. (Those were the kinds of people at Occupy..)

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
excellent point, exactly what I was trying to say...Libertarian Technocrat...completely bipolar..thats like saying your a Anarcho-Facist or something...

In Laymens Technocracy is when you have a panel of "experts" boss everyone around and tell us whats best for tEurope...looks like they are having fun over there...NOT...very big goverment-esq

Like in greece when they had the "Economics Expert" come in..civil unrest galore....mafia style takeover...
That's not technocracy. Technocracy is only a tool. That would be like saying a calculator figures out your math theories.

How many times must I say Europe is fake technocracy, just like the USSR was fake communism.


New Member
that's not technocracy. Technocracy is only a tool. That would be like saying a calculator figures out your math theories.

How many times must i say europe is fake technocracy, just like the ussr was fake communism.
Not really but what do you expect from a government, any government, as a libertarian who is a borderline anarchist I don't support really any government....some is okay I guees but this is like.......

IMF AND UN MOTHER FUCKERS - thats the only tangible technocracy we have....

this is also a pretty damn "collectivist" idea..something you are strongly what the fuck?

Makes sense I guees...It fits your personality as ISTP who is mechanically inclined but still....its like the opposite philosophically is it not? It is like out of a science fiction movie...Your obviously in a different conversation..

technocracy is a form of government in which science would be in control of all decision making. scientists, engineers and technologists who have knowledge, expertise or skills would compose the governing body, instead of politicians, businessmen and economists.[SUP][1][/SUP] in a technocracy, decision makers would be selected based upon how knowledgeable and skillful they are in their field.

The term technocracy was originally used to designate the application of the scientific method to solving social problems, in counter distinction to the traditional economic, political orphilosophic approaches. According to the proponents of this concept, the role of money and economic values, political opinions, and moralistic control mechanisms would be eliminated altogether if and when this form of social control should ever be implemented in a continental area endowed with enough natural resources, technically trained personnel, and installed industrial equipment so as to allow for the production and distribution of physical goods and services to all continental citizens in an amount exceeding the individuals' physical ability to consume.[SUP][2][/SUP] in such an arrangement, concern would be given to sustainability within the resource base, instead of monetary profitability, so as to ensure continued operation of all social-industrial functions into the indefinite future.[SUP][2][/SUP] technical and leadership skills would be selected on the basis of specialized knowledge and performance, rather than democratic election by those without such knowledge or skill deemed necessary.
Some uses of the word technocracy refer to a form of meritocracy, a system where the "most qualified" and those who decide the validity of qualifications are the same people. Other applications have been described as not being an oligarchic human group of controllers, but rather administration by discipline-specific science, ostensibly without the influence of special interest groups.[SUP][3][/SUP] the word technocracy has also been used to indicate any kind of management or administration by specialized experts ('technocrats') in any field, not just physical science, and the adjective 'technocratic' has been used to describe governments that include non-elected professionals at a ministerial level.[SUP][4][/SUP][SUP][5][/SUP]

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Tell me is Europe doing this?

" There are many people who cannot grasp this new concept of full employment, even after it has been carefully explained to them. Their thinking is still stifled with the superstition that man must work "to earn a living." And these people will insist on asking this question: "How will people be able to buy the abundance that is possible if they don't work to earn the money?" It is almost as futile to attempt an answer to this question -- one which the people who ask it can comprehend -- as it is to attempt teaching calculus to a moron. But we shall make an effort."

" Manpower does so little of the work that it would be foolish to attempt dividing up the purchasing power on the basis of the human energy expended. In any case, it would not be adequate to purchase the goods produced by machines, even if much higher wages were paid. Furthermore, it would not provide a satisfactory means of getting purchasing power to all consumers. How about the children, the sick, the aged and the physically handicapped, for example? Obviously, a new basis of distribution must be used.

As North American citizens, we all have a stake in the Continent. This stake entitles us as a right of citizenship to a share of what this Continent produces, in the same way as a stockholder in a corporation is now entitled to a share of what the corporation produces, not on a basis of ownership rights. Things get out of balance when a few successful manipulators are able to accumulate ownership rights over most of the Continent and its produce, while the great majority of citizens are swindled out of their birthright. Therefore, adequate distribution means that equitable ownership rights in this Continent must be reestablished for all of its citizens. Then they will be able to draw upon the productive capacity for their respective shares of the produce.

The only problem then is to balance production and consumption -- produce what the people want to consume in the quantities that satisfy their wants -- and distribute it to the places where it is to be consumed. "

You're seriously telling me that is what Europe is doing or attempting and failing? Not even close.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
this is also a pretty damn "collectivist" idea..something you are strongly what the fuck?
So you're against free source? This is like free source "government." Everyone can be involved in this process. Unlike what we have now, where we vote! We all would have direct access to governing our own lives. You explain how you individually live, what impact or burden it will place on others, then you get to do it. Say I have the idea to make a new mall. I could give the parameters alone or in a group. My planning time would get compensated. Everyone would get compensated for their own contribution. You can't get more libertarian than that. Now say I want to convince the program I see thugs walking around, I want to shoot and kill them, because I 'm fed up by recent break-ins. I could get permission to do so, but it's almost 100% guaranteed I'd get denied. The program would then give alternate solutions, just like Amazon does when an item is no longer available. As you can see this would cut back on a lot of other services, like fewer police.


Well-Known Member
Since laughter is the sugar to help the medicine of truth go down, enjoy



Ursus marijanus