New Member
Anyone notice that "Liberals" tend to be snobs? I don't mean people who think they are liberals, classical liberals, or poor people, but upper middle-class to upper class liberals, men specially but also some women. I have had a lot of run ins with some real dick head "Liberals" that think they are better than everyone lately, like they are above other people, or in some kind of special club. In the south they call these people yuppies. The funny thing is all of them are really insecure and morons yet at the same time they despise authority. The number of obnoxious and snudy "liberals" is astounding. Why do you guys think there are so many of these types? Isn't it sort of Ironic that these types are among the rudest people? What do you think? (I am talking geniune full blown liberals here not people who think they are liberals or sorta liberal and definitely not classic liberals - I mean like the kind of people that want to live in France one day)