Dr. greenthumb seed review!

I think dutch passion beat chimera an Tom hill to the punch on this one.he has been kinda bragging about hisExact pheno clone seeds.
Ortega also has talked of this technology applied to cannabis.
But it's just small scale tissue cultures done for resale.
Not that revolutionary, but Dam cool.

I'm very let down with the scientist breeders like chimera who are scared of modifying genes of cannabis.
Guys like dr Sam Zwenger are decades ahead of all the breeders current work with cannabis.
Mabe one day they will find one with the balls to modify tissue culture callus with Agrobacterium like Sam Zwenger Tought us in his biotech of cannabis sativa thesis. I want a mad scientist / breeder.

Idk if greenthumb is old school.
16 yrs in Buisness,45 yrs growing an selecting is good Enuff for me. I'd bet doc knows his shit.
If I remember correctly doc was the first shop offering many clone only strains like Og, bubba,an Chemdog and more
Seems like most nowadays are copying him an They all look like crosses off his menu.
S1s are almost clones in a seed with all the genetics of the mama. I'd prefer docs s1s to chimera f7s.
An he pays good money for cuts to breed with them. He's not stealing ghosts Og or Ortegas g13 he bought them.

Ps I'd prefer mr souls method to chimera way of breeding for traits.

I put this post up @ if mag for chimera to see an they banned me

I love riu
That's bs!! Fucking censorship!

Yup thats what I said. Potroast does not think of this as censorship but rather removing spam. I gave him 70 some definitions of spam from all sorts of internet sources. He still insisted this was spam. I think he just loves the word. Its within his vocabulary comfort zone for sure.

I was censored for having a karma genetics banner in my signature. A "banner" smaller than your signature wyteberry. A "banner". Potroast and Censorship is a lame joke. Its not right and there is no need to try and justify something that is obviously not right with anyone on this site. Most civilized people are not kosher with censorship. Perhaps that is why they feel the undying need to call it "spam". Nothing like having hot shit pulled over your eyes and whispered to that its roses!

What its technically all about its how much $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ RIU is MAKING. Its no different then any other business. Its about the money. If it was not it would not be a business.

Lastly, Dr. Zwenger could make zillions teaching ego ridden wanna be cannabis geneticist. Many names come to mind, all of which you can probably find on Attitude Seed Bank. Minus Shantibaba because he is a legit cannabis geneticist. He along with Dr. Zwenger where cannabis geneticist way before everyone thought it was the cool thing to do because you can make $$$ at it. No this is not a plug for shanti's gear. I like his person, but have no knowledge or experience of the actual varieties he works with.

Call it what ya will, either way its wrong. If you have a heart you would feel this. But you "know" whats right.

Cheers World~
Yea, the spammers are greenthumb. That was the point. :)

I cant comment on Attitudes customer service, never needed it. Everything they sell is as advertised. Greenthumbs on the other hand, well thats been discussed.... <G>

Researchkitty is so far up Attitudes ass that she'll outright lie for them. Researchkitty's notion that dr. gruber, joeblow and ANYONE who like greenthumb's work is actually greenthumb is laughable...if it weren't for the fact that Kitty is a mod here and that alone commands a certain amount of credibilty; that and the fact she is deliberately misleading the community. What a disgrace. This is exactly the kind of stuff that gives Rollitup a bad name
Doc always answers emails an calls.
You ever tried getting customer svc from attitude?

Those "spamers" are acutually folks who like his seeds...

This is outright BS.
I've had a germination issue going on for over a month, I can tell you straight up Dr. Greenthumb is terrible with customer service, I've sent over ten emails and have received a total two responses, both of them three words or less. And it's near impossible to reach this guy by phone. Every time I tried calling him, I get this rude unprofessional girl by the name of Lilly who says she is an employee.
I've spoken with on 5 different occasions, each time she tells me to call back tomorrow and gets pissed off when I remind her that she told me that yesterday.

He may or may not have stellar genetics, I have no idea, but I can speak from experience that his customer service is very, very poor.
Ive ordered from DR Greenthumb seeds once years back and had absolutely NO PROBLEMS WHAT SO EVER. They even offered me support while I was growing.... Dont care for their forum community though
i have ordered from him several times
Talked to the Dr 2 times and lilly once
The Dr is very busy no time to talk to everyone and help them with common questions about growing
Give the Man A break
how the hell do you know how busy he is...dude give us a break...you talk to the guy twice and know his daily routine?that is a WEAK statement.he could be busy takin it in the ass for all you know...
thats what gets me...a lot of you guys come in here and back doc up with nothing but assumptions...
I think a lot of us backed it with buds. I hope my g13 seeds are in the mail today. I searched all over the internet before I bought my Bubba OG. There were a lot of happy people and a few pissed people. I wanted to be one of the happy ones, so I sent Doc $200. When I sent in my G13 order I added an extra $25 because the Bubba OG is worth more than $200 easy. It's the least I could do for such a busy man.
One of my favorite growers here named Hobbes was gifted a pack of the dope to test grow.
He ended up paying doc for em once he grew em out cause he felt it was that good.
Ohhhhh shit dr.greenthumb is a breeder ow shitttttt!!!!!! i gota check his gear out!!!!!!!!!!! YYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!
so you give an extra 25 bucks to make the doc happy so he will send your order?

Actually I sent him an extra $25 cuz he not only sent me my last order, but it was great smoke also. I am smoking on it now, I have a plant in bud and a few in veg and still have seeds. I am happy as fuck. Very good purchase at $200. So I have to see what is considered bigger and better than the Bubba OG. I hope I will be happy enough to send him a $50 tip with my next order. Man, I hope I am that happy!!:weed:
Actually I sent him an extra $25 cuz he not only sent me my last order, but it was great smoke also. I am smoking on it now, I have a plant in bud and a few in veg and still have seeds. I am happy as fuck. Very good purchase at $200. So I have to see what is considered bigger and better than the Bubba OG. I hope I will be happy enough to send him a $50 tip with my next order. Man, I hope I am that happy!!:weed:

its bigger for sure....better? depends on what you like i guess. But it cannot beat the Bubba OG for flavor IMO.
Sounds like there will be more Bubba OG for me. I will rename the G13 to boobs. Everyone will say they want boobs for sure.
You know whatt would eliminate all this contraversy?doc.should give a couple packs of seeds to the 5 topp posters,or topguys with the most completed grow journals....they could journal the grows,smoke reports and then we would all know.I do want to try his gear,but I don't know who's spamming and who's not........like you can't say that ogman isn't affiliated with the doc because he is and I know that for an absolute fact!sme with chemdawg......don't try to tell me its not ntrue cause I KNOW it is!!how else could he know what the doc said to one another on a private phone conversation......
A solid rep means everything to me and doc just doesn't have one....to be honest I've never seen so much contraversy over a breeder......he's got lovers ill give him that,but damn he has a llot of haters too!