HAHA the joke is on us.


Well-Known Member
I know, that you know, I'm from Minnesota. Wher are you going with this douchebag?
the canadian stupidity must have rubbed off, being in such proximity and all.

i bet you masturbate furiously to michelle bachman whenever the chance arises.


Well-Known Member
i do believe Finshaggy has you beat by 30 IQ points
finshaggy sock puppet/disciple identified.

are you the one that was selling the dog poop hash of his that he supposedly smoked all of while his ad was still on craigslist?



Well-Known Member
I'M the one who figured it out and filled YOU in on the poop hash!! Go look it up dipshit! Once again, pay attention Fuckhead!
ah, so you browse craigslist all day looking for shitty hash to buy?

i'd be a cranky sorehead like you if that were how i spent my days.


Well-Known Member
ah, so you browse craigslist all day looking for shitty hash to buy?

i'd be a cranky sorehead like you if that were how i spent my days.
You must spread some rep around before giving it to UncleBuck again...

You are entertaining yourself by simply wasting his day. WINNING!


Well-Known Member
You must spread some rep around before giving it to UncleBuck again...

You are entertaining yourself by simply wasting his day. WINNING!
i'm waiting for my dog to wake up so we can go to the dog park and i can get some cheeseburgers on the way home.

right now, kelly is looking for the finest dog poop hash that shaggy can make.


Well-Known Member
LOL! I accept your apology.
apology for what?

how does finshaggy's dog poop hash taste by the way? you gonna burn one and then rub one off to michelle bachmann, or are you gonna switch it up and use marcus as masturbation fodder this time?


New Member
No demonstrators were jailed without breaking the law. Wall street bankers didn't destroy the economy IMO. 9/11 started it and the liberals forcing the banks to give home loans to people who didn't qualify put the nail in the coffin! ( I see you found this picture from the worlds most liberal newspaper.)
lmao you blame 911 and the "liberals" Holy shit, is that you Ted Nugent?