KronDonSmoker's 2000W 60 Site Aeroponic Table grow


Active Member
OK Guys So I m not sure what happened to my last thread It has mysteriously disappeared..Im Not sure if it was something I did against the rules or what not but Im going to post again and if it is something I am doing maybe the forum will tell me and not just delete my shit...Anyways On to the good stuff..I am right about at Week 2 of flowering and I took some new video of it That Im about to post and I will post my other videos as well and pictures that were on here as well Let me know what you guys think of the grow so far its a tough crowd these days I can get 300 views and no replies dont be scared to post people I love the input and chatting with other growers and pot lovers :weed:



Active Member

These are some of the recent photos from a few days ago Ill have to look for all my beggining pictures and Equipment pics again...A short list of what im using though

2- 1000W HPS light
1- 60 Site Aeroponics Table
2-545CFM Inline fans
1-Clone Machine
General Hydroponics Nutrients
A few other small things that I wont bother to list unless you guys really wanna know...The plants are mainly Chrystal with a few Wonder Woman and Jack Herrer PLants mixed in as well


Active Member
Alright guys tough crowd I seee..But here is another update on my grow...30 plants under 2 1000W Hps lights In an Aeroponic table Check the video out the growing has stopped and the buds are starting..Let me know what you guys think or any advice this is my first aeroponic grow always have done soil before this but im in love now lol...Well here it is....



Active Member
Still a rough crowd here at Roll it up I see....Well I wont talk to much since no one wants to talk back but check out my Week 5 Video starting to get to the Sexxy part of the grow..Half way there about


Looking pretty damn epic there KronDon - 40 plant grow? Right on! :clap:

If I could grow green half as lush as that, I'd be a happy camper. Thanks for sharing your setup - I love the idea of aeroponic growing but I don't think I could get it all rigged up properly... :wall: I'll be keeping an eye on this, and your youtube channel ;-)

Edit: Digging the BF3 vids too lol.


Active Member
Hey wahts up man thanks for checking out the Thread...And With Aeroponics the hardest part is setting up and getting the system up and running. Once You have that done it is Mint I love it...You just have to be somewhere that you can have a whole room pretty much and not worry about taking it down cuz there aint no hiding this in your house haha...But Yea man I try to get on here weekly with an Mary Update and Some Battlefield 3 shit too hahaha...Stay Posted dude this is gonna turn out real pretty :weed:


Active Member
Nice grow man and setup. what strain it is bro?
This grow here is Mainly Chrystal its a cross of White Widow and Northern Lights I live in Canada so its almost the perfect plant for up here its made for cooler dry temps and does wonders, I also have a few Jack Herrer plants at the end of the table those are the shorter ones in the video


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but i'd like to give you a few tips on your next grow.

1. Keep the lights 4-6" from the tops of the plants. Your plants have huuuge gaps between the nodes, buds grow in the nodes so the closer the nodes the larger the harvest.
2. You need more fans blowing on the plants. This will make the stems stronger and reduce the risk of mold and pests. (Also get a pet praying mantis, they eat the majority of pets :P ) ps. I'm not sure if you do have fans but I can't see the plants getting blown around in the video.


Active Member
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but i'd like to give you a few tips on your next grow.

1. Keep the lights 4-6" from the tops of the plants. Your plants have huuuge gaps between the nodes, buds grow in the nodes so the closer the nodes the larger the harvest.
2. You need more fans blowing on the plants. This will make the stems stronger and reduce the risk of mold and pests. (Also get a pet praying mantis, they eat the majority of pets :P ) ps. I'm not sure if you do have fans but I can't see the plants getting blown around in the video.
Hey man thanks for the advice, I do have some fans going in there but not when i take the video All I do is have a CFL on 5 mins before the lights and fans come on...and as for the lights they did start out 4-6" but the place im doing it at for this one waited too long to go into flowering and they blew up past the light....This was and still is a test grow for me on Aeroponics Ive never used it so there will definitely be some tweaks coming..I actually have another grow at another location going thats set up a lot better with more space..Ill be posting that one one of these days...thanks for your advice though


Well-Known Member
NFT was not designed for large root mass plants. Once you get into flower the mass clogs the troughs making it difficult for nutes to properly feed plants down stream. Also during flower there is more waste dumping into the roots from the plant, which causes pH + ppm issues. Keep ppms <800 during flower and check pH 2-3 times per day
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Well-Known Member
NFT was not designed for large root mass plants. Once you get into flower the mass clogs the troughs making it difficult for nutes to properly feed plants down stream. Also during flower there is more waste dumping into the roots from the plant, which causes pH + ppm issues. Keep ppms <800 during flower and check pH 2-3 times per day
^^^ This....