Fire OG under PAR/PUR T5's 2nd Grow, Flowering Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
diggin the scrog, whats your dimensions on the screen, i was going to go the same route, but i ended up with too many females, to low of funds, and not enough room to move around when watering with a scrog


Active Member
diggin the scrog, whats your dimensions on the screen, i was going to go the same route, but i ended up with too many females, to low of funds, and not enough room to move around when watering with a scrog
It is 21 inches by 3 feet done with wood and plumb line. I attached it to the wall with bookshelf L brackets and i am able to reach around the pots easily so it doesnt hurt to have the Scrog attached to the wall rather then on a stand or attached to the pots. Have been checkin out your journal as well and its looking great bro!


Well-Known Member
Ic , yea 3 plants would be easy to navigate , I got 7 in a 32x32, it's not easily lol and you should of done a DIY on the screen


Active Member
I know I posted pics yesterday, but wanted to throw some more up today. If anyone sees some damage I am not seeing from all the spraying I did please let me know. Trying to be very aggressive to kill these mites again before she goes full bloom in the next day or three.

Flowering Day 14 001.jpgFlowering Day 14 006.jpgFlowering Day 14 008.jpgFlowering Day 14 009.jpgFlowering Day 14 010.jpgFlowering Day 14 011.jpgFlowering Day 14 012.jpgFlowering Day 14 002.jpgFlowering Day 14 003.jpgFlowering Day 14 004.jpgFlowering Day 14 005.jpg


Active Member
Aren't you 2 weeks in flower now? I can't see any hairs yet. Are the last pictures recent? They look healthy, but its strange I can't see any flowers started yet so far into flower. How big is your screen, just for reference?



Active Member
The hairs are showing but I wasnt focusing the camera to them much at all and with the t5's on got bad shadows. screen is 21 inches by 36 inches.


Active Member
Good! Otherwise I was worried you had some light leaks in the night schedule. My mothers are 18 days in flower now and have buds forming nicely and are starting to stink a little.


Active Member
Just tried to take a macro pic of them for ya, but it just wont turn out from reflections and what not. way its looking my day 16 pics will show the buds well. Also checked for light leaks today while i was spraying and I didnt seem to have any. Thanks for the advice though and I will check again tomarrow.


Active Member

I just ordered one of these today. A guy in anothoer thread suggested it. I searched for the cheapest. This one gets delivered to your door for under 15.00 US.

I have a cannon Rebel XT SLR digital camera with a 55mm lens and a 200mm lens, I just suck at photography and am not sure how to use the camera to its potential lol.


Active Member
Aren't you 2 weeks in flower now? I can't see any hairs yet. Are the last pictures recent? They look healthy, but its strange I can't see any flowers started yet so far into flower. How big is your screen, just for reference?

Also found out today my humidity meter wasnt working in the room. Could this cause the slowing of the flowering. Bought a new one today and my room was at 80% humid. So I built an exhaust today to the attic and am monitoring it to see if I have to buy a dehumidifier.


Active Member
Why so humid? That seems real high. I would worry about water not evaporating and causing mold in late flower. I don't think it would harm growth now though. Around 2 and a half to 3 weeks your girls will slow their stretching. If its flower development your talking about, light leaks would cause slowed growth and possible hermies.



Active Member
Why so humid? That seems real high. I would worry about water not evaporating and causing mold in late flower. I don't think it would harm growth now though. Around 2 and a half to 3 weeks your girls will slow their stretching. If its flower development your talking about, light leaks would cause slowed growth and possible hermies.

No light leaks, allready checked for that. Humidity was due to no exhaust other then me opening the door durring the light period. Just fixed that as well today. I think she is just a slower strain. Waiting on my friend who gave me the clones to call me back so I can ask some more about his exp with them in flower. I am not too conserned though, I see the hairs showing and the stretch is just now slowing down so I think she just isnt as fast as others. Prolly a 10-12 week strain rather then an 8 weeker.


Well-Known Member
Damn, that's high. Theoretically, it can slow growth. Since high humidity prevents good transpiration. I think it's mostly a mold liability though.


Active Member
Went ahead and took some pics today. I know for sure the humidity issue was due to exhaust. The new DIY exhast has only been running for about an hour or so now and humidity has allready droped 8% so that should keep going lower, especialy when I can open the door and blast it out so there is no holding humid in there. Anyways here are the pics.

Day 16 Flowering 001.jpgDay 16 Flowering 002.jpgDay 16 Flowering 003.jpgDay 16 Flowering 004.jpgDay 16 Flowering 005.jpgDay 16 Flowering 006.jpg

Ed: Update, lights came on when I went in there humidity was down to 51%


Active Member
The girls look great. What strain is it again? I've never grown one, but I have heard that sativas will take longer to show sex and for buds as well as take longer to finish. Those are the reasons I have avoided them. Those, and their height.



Active Member
thought i was subed but now i am haha things r looking good, glad to see you caught the humidity problem soon that coulda lead to some bigger problems down the road, keep growing that fire :fire:


Active Member
The girls look great. What strain is it again? I've never grown one, but I have heard that sativas will take longer to show sex and for buds as well as take longer to finish. Those are the reasons I have avoided them. Those, and their height.

She is Fire OG Kush, Got the girls from a friend who has been growing from this mother for about a year now. He said that the 19-20 day mark is usually when she starts budding up well. So everything looks as though its going to plan. Will do new photos on day 20 i think.
