My Little Greenhouse

Agreed. I mentioned that is why I don't enjoy growing them.
I've rotted more than I've picked due to misjudging them.
that is alot longer than normal ones. i was wondering why they were so small after like 4 or 5 days. now i know haha never had them but i hear they are more potent. if so then its worth the wait
that is alot longer than normal ones. i was wondering why they were so small after like 4 or 5 days. now i know haha never had them but i hear they are more potent. if so then its worth the wait

Yeah. I've been reading that between a few different places. Is it more of a condensed high? Not as long lasting?
Yeah. I've been reading that between a few different places. Is it more of a condensed high? Not as long lasting?

Most say that the PE strains are stronger but for a shorter period. It is also what we have experienced, hard and fast for around 4hrs then tapers off quickly.
the short intense trip doesnt sound to bad. sounds pretty enjoyable.
do you know anything about psilocin going away when you dry it? how more potent would fresh mushrooms be then
the short intense trip doesnt sound to bad. sounds pretty enjoyable.
do you know anything about psilocin going away when you dry it? how more potent would fresh mushrooms be then

air drying won't lose hardly any. Heated dry is where you have to be careful. No expert tho!
the short intense trip doesnt sound to bad. sounds pretty enjoyable.
do you know anything about psilocin going away when you dry it? how more potent would fresh mushrooms be then

It is a bit more potent and the effect is different, more boyant, sparkley I suppose you could say. Yes it goes away after you dry them. Everyone is soooo afraid of heat in mushrooms but I have never found a significant decrease in potency when the fruit is dried in the oven at uner 140 degrees. Better to finish off the almost dry ones in a warming oven than risk them going bad or rotting due to insufficient drying - Cracker dry, nothing else will do and a packet of desicant is a good thing in your stored product. The freezer is best but they will last a long time in normal household temps. People are too fixated on such things when your loss rate is infinetesimal. Do you really care that your product loses 1 to 5 percent of it's potency?
Everyone is soooo afraid of heat in mushrooms but I have never found a significant decrease in potency when the fruit is dried in the oven at uner 140 degrees.

Agreed. Psilocin is destroyed by ANY drying, so what is left required a pass through your digestive system to be effective, so no quick rushes on dried unless they are lemon tecked. So anything that dries them that does not destroy the psilocybin is ok, and psilocybin gets oxidised around 160 based on this:

I took my dehydrator base and put in in a box. I put a box fan over that. I put trays over that. I closed it up. I set it up with a thermostat (left over green grow equipment) for 120 and let it spin for 2 days.