Placing marijuana plants at random in your city - Join us!


Well-Known Member
Waste of time.

Likelihood of the plants making it to harvest in populated areas approximates zero.

Anyone encountering a plant (and they WILL be found) will either chop it on sight, or call the cops. Either way, no yield.

This also has the potential to backfire in many ways. In addition to some (remote) chance of you getting caught by surveillance camera or the like, you also have the possibility of causing a lot of agitation by police and others. People who otherwise wouldn't care about pot might not be so keen on the idea if cannabis plants start appearing in public places.

This is not a way to "win friends and influence people", so to speak.
THis is some Project Mayhem kinda shit! And the first rule of progect Mayhem is you dont talk about it so you failed already :] that being Said.
Im all for this sounds like a bad ass project to get the word around about maryjane. Me being who I am and doing what I do however would not take the risk. But my hats off to you my friend!~


Well-Known Member
I've heard of people putting seeds into plant containers at home depot or lowes. If you want to scatter seeds, look up seed bombs.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Waste of time.

Likelihood of the plants making it to harvest in populated areas approximates zero.

Anyone encountering a plant (and they WILL be found) will either chop it on sight, or call the cops. Either way, no yield.
Years ago I planted a tiny clone late in the season in a very populated area. I planted it in a landscaped area with automatic irrigation. I drove by every few days, and could see it from my car. The plant only yielded a gram or two, but did make it to completion.

I found myself with some extra clones of a strain I didn't want to keep a few weeks ago, so I left a few clones in rapid rooters around town for folks to find.


Good idea. Im gonna go to this garden in an alley and plant it there with some random bagseeds that I kept. Ill do it but I wont waste my good seeds.


Well-Known Member
Good way to make enemies by pollinating other people's crops. Even if they're all fems, one hermie could totally fuck someones grow on a windy day.


Active Member
But.. marijuana is illegal here.. so no one has a crop out in the open.. so a windy day.. wouldn't do anything...

I donno lol. You guys are all hilarious, the lowes thing would be funny as fuck, I'd probably grow a plant to harvest walk straight into the garden center w/ the plant covered with a trashbag take it off & just slap a pricetag on it and see if someone trys to buy it hahaha

I know where the principal of my areas highschool lives, the police station has huge planters all the way around it - it'd all be funny.. if I were trying to do this to get a crop, there is a very very very large area that is only used by the electric companies to check on power lines about 2 times a year, certain parts not at all, the fields there are probably about 10 city blocks square. They get sun alllllll damn day.. I think it'd be funny to go around town Johnny Potseedin' it up everywhere.

The word about maryjane - that's a good view on it ha. Really, it's a plant.. someone might tend. You never know guyz



Well-Known Member
But.. marijuana is illegal here.. so no one has a crop out in the open.. so a windy day.. wouldn't do anything...
One bad intake filter on someones indoor grow, or just no intake filter because they couldn't afford one. Just because it's indoors, doesn't mean it's pollen proof. Not to mention that I doubt you know for sure nobody is sneaking a plant or two in their back yard under the radar. I'm all for mayhem, but If they don't get found, you are risking someone else's grow quality for a chuckle. I still do think it's a fun idea though.


Active Member
lol GROW UP.. Is it ok if I turn on my porch lights? or will you Hermi ( I mean have a male plant that you blame on something else). IF you grow outside.. Piss off.. if you grow inside. well your system suxs if outside can effect your grow.. so which one.


Well-Known Member
lol GROW UP.. Is it ok if I turn on my porch lights? or will you Hermi ( I mean have a male plant that you blame on something else). IF you grow outside.. Piss off.. if you grow inside. well your system suxs if outside can effect your grow.. so which one.
I was trying to make a reasonable appeal to give some thought to your fellow man. If you seed my plants for the sake of your own amusement, then you are inconsiderate. Plain and simple, if you plant MJ in a population center and let it release pollen, you're not thinking of anyone but yourself. If you have to justify it with an attitude like that, I hope I never meet you in real life. You don't seem like a very pleasant person to be around. Either way though; do what you want, I could give a fuck. Though I must ask you this: We live in a world with enough troubles, why act in a way that's deliberately provocative? I don't recall insulting you. At most, all I did is ask you to consider your fellow man. Not like I said you had a tiny dick.


Active Member
All the bogus aside... If you guys just put out some plants in public places to see how the public or city would react...who knows??That might get kind of interesting and see how it goes. Maybe a push toward legal in the next year where you live??who knows..... But don't go back..You know it,the rest of the previous posters knows it and your plants know it that going back is bad juju. you would be asking for trouble. Experiment would be fun,keep us posted. Not sure why anyone is making huge stink about this...your doing a few 20 right?Were not talking about taking over the baseball fields and grape farns here..Dont get caught,have fun


Well-Known Member
conspiracy to commit a felony.
using the internet to conspire to commit a felony (fed)
come on man..........i'm not doing that, and you shouldn't either. there's no return on the risk.